Ye Hao is so ordinary.

There was no brilliance in those days, and there was no arrogance at the beginning.

"Did the one who was suppressed by reality accept his life?" LAN Shuqin looks at Ye Hao and says in his heart.

Ye Hao's cultivation of LAN Shuqin can be roughly sensed.

The twelfth floor of fairy king.

This realm can not be said that Ye Hao's accomplishments are not high, but compared with the top demons, it is still a little worse.

Never underestimate this little gap.

Practice is always backward step by step.

Ye Hao didn't show up in the fourth heaven for hundreds of years, but many monks recognized him at a glance.

"Why do I think that person is familiar?"

"Ye Hao."

"My God, Ye Hao is here?"

"I'd like to know what you're doing at this time? Want to witness his fiancee's engagement to Qianfan When all the monks discussed, a figure appeared beside Ye Hao.

Ye Hao raised his eyes and face, "is it you?"

"Ye Hao, I thought you wanted to be a shrinking turtle all your life?" Yue Qingtian's eyes are full of ridicule.

"And then?" Ye Hao said faintly.

Yue Qingtian was dumbfounded for a moment.

He didn't expect Ye Hao to answer like this? But immediately Yue Qingtian said coldly, "are you here today to witness your shame?"

"What does this have to do with you?" Ye Hao's performance is light, as if he is not the party.

"How can Haoyue like you?" Yue Qingtian is very angry.

It felt like a blow on the cotton.

"Guess." Ye Hao asked jokingly.

Yue Qingtian is angry for no reason in his heart. He steps forward to attack Ye Hao, but LAN Shuqin stops him. "Yue Qingtian, what are you going to do?"

"Lan Shuqin, it's none of your business." At this time, a figure in the distance strode over. Who was Lei Yichen, not the West pole alliance?

"Ray, you don't seem to understand one thing." LAN Shuqin said coldly with her eyes, "this is my cloud palace. I want to play with authority to your four pole alliance."

"You --" Lei Yichen didn't expect LAN Shuqin to be so shameless.

LAN Shuqin at this time is to take back the eye light to see Ye Hao, "Ye childe, please."

Ye Hao looked at LAN Shuqin and said, "you are good."

LAN Shuqin was stunned.

What does Ye Hao mean?

At this time, Ye Hao was walking towards Chen Dian's table.

Chen Dian and Hua self pity stood up for the first time, and then they looked at Ye Hao solemnly.

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye." Chen Dian and Hua self pity both saluted respectfully.

"Hua self pity, do you need to be polite to this guy?" Yue Qingtian laughed.

"There's one thing you seem to have forgotten." Hua self pity looks at Yue Qingtian with pity.

"What's the matter?"

"Yan Huang Zong has several demigods. I want to know what you have in law?" Hua self pity sneered.

"How long do you think yanhuangzong can survive?" Let China self pity, did not expect is Yue Qingtian said this sentence, "now the whole four heaven to deal with the forces of the Yellow Emperor, there are no ten, there are eight?"

Hua pities himself and laughs.

If Hua self pity was still worried about the problem that yanhuangzong could block?

But now she didn't have that worry.

One Chen Yuelan can kill them. They lose their armor.

"Yue Qingtian, you can go now." Chen Dian said with a bad look.

Just as Yue Qingtian was about to say something, a war puppet appeared beside Chen Dian.

Yue Qingtian's face changed. He hesitated and left.

The situation is better than the people.

Can you keep your head down?

After sitting down, a space diaphragm appeared around Chen Dian.

"Young master, I don't understand why you have to swallow your anger like this?"

"Only in this way can we know who is sincere to himself." Ye Hao said leisurely.

Hearing what Ye Hao said, Chen Dian immediately understood Ye Hao's intention.

As time went on, more and more friars came, and most of them were talking about Ye Hao, full of ridicule and disdain.

In fact, this is the heart.

When Ye Hao was high, they were graceful and flattering, but now they are doing their utmost to humiliate them.

I don't know how long it has been. The two figures came here with the company of Yuxiao and Yunxiao palace.

"Is Qianfan really useless?"

"All in wheelchairs, OK?"

"I really want to know that qianfandu looks like this. Why does Haoyue marry Qianfan

"Do you think this kind of thing can be decided by Haoyue?""In fact, I want to know if Ye Hao will stop it?"

"Dare he?"

"It's also true. If Ye Hao dares to stand up on such an occasion, don't say whether Qianfan's master and apprentice will let him go, and the Yunxiao palace will not spare Ye Hao."

It has to be said that evil is evil.

In just one year, Qianfan accepted the fact that he was disabled.

Therefore, when he came to Yunxiao palace, he always looked calm. However, when he heard the monks nearby repeatedly discussing Ye Hao, Qian fan's eyes inevitably fell on Yuxiao.

"Rain palace master, is Ye Hao here?"

Rain night's face slightly changed.

The old ancestor of Yunxiao palace looked gloomy.

"What did you let that boy in for?"

In the face of his ancestor's reprimand, Yuxiao was very aggrieved. "Ye Hao has a piece of law for the second state in his hand. He said that he would not let him come in and ignite the edict. What can I do in that case?"

When Qian fan heard this, he understood what was going on. He drove his wheelchair to Ye Hao.

"Ye Hao?"

Ye Hao's eyelids raised, "what's the matter?"

"You shouldn't be here?"


"I don't think you can accept the result of watching your fiancee throw herself into someone else's arms."

"It's up to me whether I can accept it or not." Ye Hao said faintly, "but you are all disabled. Are you sure you want to marry Haoyue?"

Qian fan's eyes revealed a ferocious killing opportunity, but immediately seemed to realize what, "you want me to kill you?"

Ye Hao did not comment.

"Today is my engagement day with Haoyue. I don't want to see blood." Looking at Ye Hao, Qian Fan said in a voice, "Ye Hao, if you are honest, I'll take it that nothing has happened. If you dare to jump up and down, don't blame me for frustrating you."

"Qian fan, what are you doing?" Just then, a cold voice rang out in the audience.

Qianfan looked at the distance along the sound.

A beautiful woman in a big red dress came step by step in the company of ancient wild bears.

"Bright moon." Yuxiao's face changed when he saw who it was.

"Haoyue, what are you going to do?" The old ancestor of Yunxiao palace yelled.

Haoyue turned a deaf ear, holding a sword in his hand, and walked to Qianfan's side full of killing intention. "You dare to move a hair of Ye Hao, I'll kill you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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