"Living gods." The laurel tree said leisurely.


Living gods!

What do these four words mean?

She knows it.

Invincible in the world!

Caihua Jade Butterfly and chaos green lotus look at each other, and each other's eyes are full of dignified color.

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If you don't retreat, Haoyue will do it.

But if you retreat, the reputation of the demon clan will be lost.

Soon ten breaths passed.

Bright moon's eyes flashed a cold killing idea, "it seems that you demon clan wants to fight a battle with me?"

"The fourth heaven is not yet round, and you are burning Huang Zong to cover the sky with one hand?" Just then a majestic voice came to mind in mid air.

The moment the voice came to mind, the monks in the field had a feeling of shaking their souls.

That is the suppression of the superior over the inferior.

The bright moon is graceful and graceful, and her eyes are calm as usual.

Even if the demon clan's God in the world came, her face did not have the slightest fear of color.

Do you need to be afraid?

Not to mention the 27 powerful people in all directions, Shan Haoyue's Luan Jia can make her face the living gods.

"Do you think your presence is useful?"

I have to say that Haoyue is very strong.

Even in the face of this demon clan, still strong in a mess.

The faces of the people changed.

How dare Haoyue say that?

Are not the living gods invincible?

A young man in a feather coat came out of the darkness. When he heard the words of Haoyue, his eyes were full of killing ideas.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Do you think you can stop me?"

"You underestimate the means of the living gods." Ji Dapeng said that there was a golden edict in his hand.

"Gods and decrees." Bright moon a Zheng road.

"This is a Dharma edict that I have nothing to refine when I am idle. It can still block your command for a moment or three." Speaking of this, Ji Dapeng tore up the edict in his hand. At the moment of tearing, 27 generals moved. But when they were ten miles away from the bright moon, a large golden net blocked their way.

"Stop them." Chaos Qinglian ordered.




The master led by chaos Qinglian and Caihua jade butterfly flew to those generals at the first time.

"Stop them." Zheng Jingming and Xuanyuan Yongchang also ordered their own masters to intercept.

It's a race war.

Even if they don't deal with Yan Huang Zong, they have to stand up.

"If you are not so overbearing, I will not stand up." Speaking of this, Ji Dapeng rushed towards the bright moon.

At the same time, Ji Dapeng felt the crisis.




One after another, energy cannons roared out towards Ji Dapeng.

Ji Dapeng is so good at training that he can smash one with one blow.

But when Ji Dapeng smashed the third one, his body consumed more than half of his energy.

"Damn it, how could this warship fire so many energy guns in a row?"




When Ji Dapeng smashed the sixth energy cannon, a mouthful of reverse blood could no longer be suppressed.

"Dare you hurt me?" Ji Dapeng is angry.

Ji Dapeng has his own pride.

If the living gods hurt him.

But now it is a mole ant in his eyes.

"Keep bombarding." Haoyue orders with the spirit of luanjia.

"If you bombard again, the warship will be overloaded." The spirit calmly replied.

"It doesn't matter."



To Ji Dapeng's dismay, the warship fired two energy guns again.

Ji Dapeng used the remaining energy to smash an energy gun and was bombarded hundreds of miles away by the second energy.

At this time, Ji Dapeng's defense law was torn apart by 27 generals. Nine generals appeared around haoyueluanjia at the first time, and the remaining 18 generals rushed to Ji Dapeng.

"Looking for death." Ji Dapeng bit his teeth and tore a piece of divine edict.

This divine edict turned into a terrible arc. When the arc fell on a general, he turned into ashes without even sending out a scream.

The arc shot one after another, killed two generals, and then eliminated it after a heavy blow to one.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Ji Dapeng recovered a little, and his figure appeared thousands of miles away."Yanhuangzong, are you sure you want to keep up with me

"No matter whether you can represent the land of Wanyao or not, even if you can represent the realm of Wanyao?" Haoyue's words make Ji Dapeng feel muddled.

"Do you know what Wanyao domain represents?"

"Three royal families, ten royal families, and 100 noble families."

"Since you know the strength of Wanyao continent, you should understand that you are not our opponents?"

"I don't know until I've called."


"Now take your people out of the four heaven, otherwise yanhuangzong doesn't mind blood washing you."

Ji Dapeng looked at Haoyue deeply, "I remember this sentence." The voice dropped, Ji Dapeng glanced around and said, "all the officers and men will follow me."

Chaos Qinglian, Caihua yudie and others have got rid of their opponents and left with Ji Dapeng.

In fact, the demons who followed Ji Dapeng left.

Because they know that quadruple sky has no place for them.

Looking at the master of the demon clan leaving with Ji Dapeng, the remaining fairy king of the demon clan has to leave.

Haoyue said it clearly.

Stay and die.

"Demons, you can also leave." Let no one think of is that Haoyue said these words again.

"Haoyue, are you going too far?" An old devil said in a deep voice.

Haoyue looked at a general, and the general immediately took a shot and tore the old devil.

The rest of the demons were scared and ran away one by one.

This leaves the Terrans here.

The Terrans cheered.

"Bright moon."

"Bright moon."

"Bright moon."

Chen closed month looked at the monks in the hall and called out the name of Haoyue.

The glory was hers.

It's a pity that she missed it.

In fact, at this time, not only the laurel holy land, but also the monks of Yunxiao palace were very depressed.

"If you are not greedy for small profits, this glory also belongs to my cloud palace." LAN Shuqin said angrily.

"Lan Shuqin, who are you talking about?" The elder felt that Lan Shuqin was alluding to himself, so he couldn't help saying.

"That's you." LAN Shuqin said in a cold voice, "I really want to know what kind of face you have to be the elder of Yunxiao palace."

"Bold." The elder roared angrily.

"Yunxiao palace has come to this point. Elder, you are responsible for it."

"If you plant your cronies in the palace, you should have been in the law enforcement court for a long time."

"Law enforcement hall? The leader of the law enforcement hall is the elder. They are birds of a feather. "

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