With the passage of time, Ye Hao is more and more sure that the origin of this little guy is not simple.

After less than a month, Tang pianpianpian felt hungry again, and the interval was getting shorter and shorter. Later, a lotus seed was not enough to eat.

Fortunately, ye Haocai is so thick that he can meet the needs of the little guy.

A year passed.

Ten years have passed.

A hundred years have passed.

What makes Ye Hao depressed is that the little guy has not yet been born.

"Nazha is only three years old? It's more than a hundred years? " Ye Hao hugs Tang Pian and says discontentedly.

"The longer you stay, the better?" Tang pianpianpian stroked her abdomen in a soft voice.

"Do you know why Li Jing hates Nezha?"


"Li Jing hasn't been intimate with his wife for three years. Can't Li Jing hate Nezha?"

"Disgusting." Tang pianpianpian turned Ye Hao, "you can find Haoyue, Qingqing, Yinger."

"Can it feel the same?" Ye Hao said big hand into Tang Pian's clothes, "my wife is the school flower."

"Don't pinch it." Tang Pianpian's face turned red.

"Let me see how it's developing?" Ye Hao said, and his other hand went in.

"Don't bully my mother." Just then a voice of surprise and anger rang out in the room.

Both Ye Hao and Tang Pianpian's faces changed.

Is this Tang Pianpian's boudoir?

Who can break in silently?

Not to mention Ye Hao, a secondary deity, Tang Pianpian is also a strong third level God.

But immediately, they both looked at Tang pianpianpian's stomach.

"I tell you, if you dare to bully my mother again, believe me to come out and beat you?"

Hearing this sound, Ye Hao and Tang pianpianpian confirm that they are talking about the little guy in Tang Pian's belly.

"You are a little too evil, aren't you?" Ye Hao was shocked.

"woodlouse, do you know who I was before?"

Ye Hao's face suddenly turned black. "Who are you talking about, woodlouse?"

"say you woodlouse." Tang pianpianpian belly of the little guy tit for tat.

Ye Hao rolled up his sleeves and was going to fight the little guy for 300 rounds.

"What do you have to do with children Tang pianpianpian stares at Ye Hao.

, "have you seen that son say his father woodlouse?" Don't be so angry in Ye Hao's heart.

"You are just a mole ant in the lower world. Do you want me to call your father?"

"Shouldn't you shout?"

"Well, I was the king of the gods in my previous life." "Do you know the concept of God King? There is a peak among the gods. "

The little guy's words made Ye Hao feel confused.

God King?

Even though Ye Hao didn't know the division of the strong in the divine realm, he also knew that the divine king must be the most powerful one in the world.

Ye Hao quickly communicated with the four gods and beasts in recovery.

"The little fellow said he was the king of gods in his previous life?" The four gods and beasts were also startled.

What is the concept of God King?

How could he not know?

You should know that Haoran Zhengqi sect does not exist at this level.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded.

The square god beast showed his figure, looked at the little guy suspiciously and said, "you said you were the God King in the previous life?"

"Why, the four gods and beasts?" The little guy was surprised and said, "I didn't expect to see a god level monk in the lower world." After a pause, the little guy said, "you can follow me later. When I recover my cultivation, I will give you a fortune."

The four sacred beasts were silent for a while and said, "I've heard of some of the gods in the divine domain. I don't know which God King you are?"

"How much can you know The little guy disdained to say, "since you want to know, it's OK to tell you that I am the God of ancient emperors."

"Ancient emperors?" Hearing this, the beast frowned.

"Never heard of it?" The little guy seems to be firmly convinced that the four sacred beasts do not know this place, "the ancient dynasty is in the very West."

"Far west?" "No wonder," he said

"Is there anything special about the Far West?" Ye Hao asked softly.

"The Far West belongs to the forbidden area of the divine realm."

"Forbidden area?"

"It's a strange place in the extreme West. Few monks dare to go there." "Because there are forbidden areas everywhere. If you are not careful, you will fall into them."

"I said, how are you thinking?" Said the little fellow.

"I followed your father years ago." The light voice of the four gods and beasts.

"Do you think he's qualified to be my father?" Said the little fellow.

"Don't you say that about your father?" Tang Pianpian yelled.Tang pianpianpian dotes on the little guy, which does not mean that she will indulge in it.

"Mother, I was a God in my previous life." The little guy called out, "how can my father be a king of gods, or how can he be worthy of my identity?"

"Didn't you hear me?" Tang pianpianpian said with a cold face.

"Niang, I know a number of magnificent gods, or I will introduce you when you arrive at the holy land?"

Ye Hao was furious when he heard this.

"You son of a bitch."

What a wonderful existence this is?

To introduce his mother in front of his father?

"In that case, I don't want to hear it again, or the friendship between mother and son will come to an end." Tang pianpianpian said word by word.

The little guy was startled. "Mother, are you kidding?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" Tang Pian said coldly.

The little guy was silent for a moment and then said, "I won't make such a joke anymore."

Tang pianpianpian did not pay attention to him.

"Mother, I'm hungry."

"Go to your father." Tang Pianpian replied.

"That - what - I'm hungry." The little guy looks at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao shook his robe sleeve, "what do you care if you are hungry?" Then he turned and left.

Ye Hao was angry.

Isn't this little thing anymore?

So how is it possible to ration him now?

During this hundred years, the little guy has eaten more than 3000 semi divine medicinal plants.

Other forces can't afford to raise them.

Now it's better.

He raised a white eyed wolf.

This little guy's spirit is incomparable. Ye Hao doesn't worry about starving him.

A day has passed!

Two days have passed!

Three days have passed!

After half a month, the little guy finally couldn't bear to ask Tang pianpianpian for mercy.

"Mother, I can't hold on."

"Go and beg your father."

"Mother, do you know why I was separated into samsara in my last life? It is because my foundation is flawed, and I have not been able to impact to a higher level. " "Now if I don't have the energy to replenish, my foundation will be flawed, that is to say, my life will be ruined."

Hearing the little guy say this, Tang pianpianpian pondered for a while, "I'll go to your father, you talk well, you know?"


Tang pianpianpian finds Ye Hao fighting with Haoyue in bed.

The little one was the king of gods.

When you hear the breath, you know what Ye Hao is doing.

"Mother, are you sure you want a father like this?"

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