"Which adult?" Wen Yan stood by the commander's side of a vice general asked.

"I dare not say the name of the Lord." What the deputy general didn't expect was that the commander said such a thing.

"Commander, you're not kidding, are you?" The deputy general was stunned and said, "you are a powerful emperor."

"The emperor?" Ye Hao thought for a moment and asked carefully, "is the emperor better than the king?"

"The king does not die, the emperor does not die." The deputy said with a smile, "which one do you think is better?"

Ye Hao's heart can not help but set off a storm.

One is immortal, the other is immortal.

There is no doubt that the emperor is stronger.

"How do you know the realm of the God King?" The commander looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is about to say something, but the emperor's eyes show a clear color.

"I didn't expect the reincarnation of the king to be your son."

"Master." Ye Hao's eyes widened.

"Even if you have a drop of the adult's blood in your body, the difference between you and me is so great that I can see through what you think at a glance." The commander said faintly.

"Why can't you say the name of the Lord?"

"Because that man is a taboo."

The deputy general heard the word taboo, and his pupils shrunk fiercely, "I didn't expect that your boy got the favor of such existence."

"Meeting is fate. I'll give you a chance." The commander said, a jade bottle appeared in his hand and said, "what is in this bottle is Youming chalcedony."

"The jade of the nether world?" The vice generals were stunned.

"What's the use of Youming chalcedony?" Ye Hao asked.

"Youming chalcedony is the supreme medicine to build the foundation." The deputy general calmed down his mood and said, "even the top forces may not be able to get a drop of chalcedony."

"So precious?" Ye Hao is scared.

"If I had taken netherworld chalcedony, I would not have been a half step God now." At this point, the deputy general suddenly thought of something.

The value of Youming chalcedony is too high.

Even a drop is priceless.

How can the commander give Ye Hao a bottle?

Is it?

Thinking of here, the assistant general's hand also appeared a jade bottle way, "this bottle is colorful ambergris."


"Colorful dragon saliva refers to the dragon's saliva in the divine kingdom."

"Saliva?" Ye Hao's face showed an uncomfortable feeling.

"Even a hair has unimaginable power in the kingdom of God." The vice general saw Ye Hao's dislike and said with a smile, "and among the many panacea for building the foundation of the true divine realm, colorful ambergris ranks the top three."

"Top three."

"In fact, which of the top three is more precious?"

Hearing this, Ye Hao doesn't understand that colorful ambergris is the best.

Thank you very much Ye Hao saluted his deputy with great respect.

At this time, the second vice general stepped forward, and a heaven and earth bag appeared in his hand, "this heaven and earth bag contains 100 drops of Shenwang liquid."

"What is Shenwang liquid?" Ye Hao asked softly.

"A king of gods, a strong one can only refine a drop of Shenwang liquid after ten years of continuous refining." The second vice general whispered.

Ye Hao was startled.

How precious is the strong one?

Who would be bored to condense Shenwang liquid?

"With this divine liquid, you don't need to worry about resources when you are under the divine kingdom." The first deputy said with a smile.

"Shenwang liquid is a resource that you think this little brother can use?" At this time, a middle-aged man with a scar said in silence, "here you are, little brother."

Ye Hao took a bag of heaven and earth and asked curiously, "what is this?"

"In the bag of heaven and earth, there are 100 million top-grade divine stones."

"One hundred million top-grade stone." Ye Hao's face is full of surprise.

Ye Hao was very clear that his own creation would disappear after he arrived at the divine realm.

And Ye Hao's success in these years is not due to his voluntary smashing.

"I said scar, did you get your head stuck in the door?" A one eyed middle-aged man turned over the scar. "The little brother of Shenwang liquid dare not take it out at will. Can he take out the top grade God stone at will?"

Scar glared at the year in one eye, "isn't there a middle grade God stone on me?"

This reason is very strong.

"No matter how much resources there are, we have to be able to keep them." One eyed middle-aged man said and handed Ye Hao a heaven and earth bag, "there is a fighting puppet in the heaven and earth bag, and those below the divine kingdom can be swept."

"Can the kingdom of God sweep?" Ye Hao couldn't help but stare at his eyes. "Is the elder also the king of gods?"

"The worst of our squadron is the king." One eyed middle-aged man said with a smile.

Ye Hao's heart suddenly, "dare to love God King is not strong?""You are wrong. The king is strong." One eyed middle-aged slightly shook his head, "you don't think that our team is the king of gods, so despise the God King. In fact, there may not be a God King in an era."

Ye Hao's face changed.

If that's the case, there's no reason for that little guy to be proud.

"Little brother, I'll give you a incense. If you can't solve something, you can light it." A bearded man handed Ye Hao a piece of incense.

Ye Hao solemnly put away the incense.

This is the king of God and the strong one's fragrance!

"I have nine incense sticks for seven turn Enlightenment --"

"I have six red sandalwood flowers here --"

"I have a volume of Wang level sword rhyme."

"I have the first level of the king of refining."

"I have a volume of quasi imperial boxing here."

"I have a healing medicine Jiuyang grass here."


Which one is not a wise one who can become a strong one?

After the commander gave Ye Hao the Yuming chalcedony, they realized that the commander wanted to invest in Ye Hao.

You should know that Ye Hao's body can flow the blood of taboo.

God knows what level Ye Hao can become in the future?

Not to mention other things, even if you become a God, this business is profitable.

So these guys scrambled to give good things to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao has a feeling of muddleheaded.

Are all the goddamn kings?

Even in the God King, they are all high above.

Now I'm afraid Ye Hao won't accept their things.

Ye Hao's heart was filled with great surprise.

Ye Hao knows that with these resources, he can also walk horizontally in the divine realm.

"It's time for us to go." The commander whispered.

"Master, I want to know how Haoran Zhengqi sect works?"

"Haoran Zhengqi sect?" Ye Hao's voice dropped, one eyed middle-aged man said with a smile, "the one who just invited you to the divine fragrance is the second generation founder of Haoran Zhengqi sect."

"Ah." Ye Hao is surprised.

Qiu Xu looked at Ye Hao and said, "why do you ask about Haoran Zhengqi sect?"

"I met a disciple of Haoran Zhengqi sect." Ye Hao thought about it for a moment, and told Qiu Xu about his experience in the kingdom of God.

"Give me the jade slips." A man with a long beard opens his mouth.

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