"These are real gods." Looking at the magic medicine around, the square beast showed a surprise look in his eyes.

To recover quickly, the quadrangle divine beast must take divine medicine.

It's just that potions are too rare in the lower world.

"No hurry." Ye Hao raised his feet and walked forward.

Soon Ye Hao saw another door.

What comes into view is a Book of skills.

Ye Hao glanced at it casually and found that all the martial arts here were semi divine, but they were more than one grade inferior to those collected by Ye Hao.

So Ye Hao raised his feet and walked forward.

"This boy." A figure in the dark said angrily.

"I told you long ago that not everyone is as greedy as you are?" An illusory figure said with a smile.

"I don't believe this boy can calm down next?" The figure hummed coldly.

When Ye Hao pushes open the next door, a volume of ancient books is quietly suspended in front of him.

The original skill of God level - fire control.

Ye Hao's eyes flashed, "God level original skill?"

"This skill is general." The voice of the four sacred beasts sounded in Ye Hao's ears, "but Haoran's righteousness is definitely much higher than this level."

"What is the level of Haoran's righteousness?" Ye Hao inquired about it.

"Haoran is definitely divided into three levels." "The first level is death level, the second level is life God level, and the third level is joint God level."

"Death? Living God? "To God?" It was the first time Ye Hao heard about the level of gods.

"The true God state is divided into nine levels: the true God, the door god, the service God, the God of heaven, the God of death, the God of life, the God of harmony, the God King and the God Emperor." "The realm of death needs to understand the law of death, the God of life needs to understand the law of life, and the God of harmony is to integrate death and life to create a world of its own."

When Ye Hao heard this, he couldn't help but move, "create your own world?"

"What's the matter?"

"Can we create our own world only by combining with God?"


Ye Hao's face became strange.

Ye Hao wants to say that he created it now.

However, considering that the matter was too shocking, Ye Hao did not tell the four sides of the divine beast.

"Isn't Haoran Zhengqi sect the top sect?"


"Since it is a top sect, why can't the original skill reach the king level?"

"Hao Ran's righteous decision has lost some of its essence, so now it has fallen from the realm of Wang."

"Are there many powerful emperors?"

"A strong God King may not be able to appear in an era, and a strong God King may not appear in many times." "I haven't even seen the king of God in these years."

"What was your peak

"Serve the gods."

"Do you mean to be a bodyguard

"That's understandable."

Ye Hao's face suddenly turned black.

"I was cheated."

"What do you mean?"

"I once promised a guy to help him find 100000 followers."

"Do you know that even the top forces like Haoran Zhengqi sect don't have a hundred thousand gods?"

Hearing this, Ye Hao is not depressed.

"Have you made an oath?" Said the four directions god beast earnestly.


The four sides of the beast wanted to say something, but finally sighed.

"I have to kill that guy when I get a chance." Ye Hao said maliciously.

How can Ye Hao not know that he is Yin now?

However, Ye Hao's heart is not as desperate as the four sacred beasts.

In the heart of the four gods and beasts, he could not go far, but Ye Hao knew that he had set foot in the realm of God King.


We should know that Ye Hao has got a divine emperor, two quasi gods and hundreds of gods.

The resources these guys give Ye Hao can push Ye Hao into the realm of God King.

Ye Hao, the emperor of God, did not dare to make a promise, but the God King was right.

"See what's next?" Ye Hao cleaned up his mood and went ahead.

The shadow in the dark has a kind of muddled feeling.

"What's the situation? Can't you look up to the skills of God level? "

"Can't this boy have a better skill?" The imaginary figure was very surprised.

"It's good to have a door god level skill in the lower bound. Do you think there's a higher level than the God level?"

Smell speech that illusory figure is silent come down.Soon Ye Hao came to a gate again.

Ye Hao reached out and pushed away and saw a volume of ancient books.

The original skill of King level - Liuhe Bahuang divine skill.

"King level original skill?"

Ye Hao's face also changed slightly, but soon his face calmed down.

King level original skill?

Ye Hao has three volumes of Wang level original skill, one volume of quasi imperial level original skill, and one volume of top imperial level original skill.

Ye Hao didn't show much interest in this volume of Wang level original skill.

"Ye Hao, is this Wang level original skill?" Seeing Ye Hao's indifference, the four sides of the divine beast are busy.

"Do you think a door god may have a king level original skill?" Ye Hao couldn't help laughing.

The four gods and beasts immediately calmed down.

Which of the king level skills is not the secret of each major sect.

There are no king level skills in the top schools like Haoran Zhengqi sect. How can a door god he de have King level skills?

Ye Hao smiles and walks forward.

The figure in the dark could not calm down. He appeared in front of Ye Hao.

"Boy, do you know what the king level skill means?"

Ye Hao looked at the figure in front with a smile, "I thought you wanted to hide to the end?"

"Do you know I am?" The figure looks at Ye Hao in disbelief.

"Do you think you're hiding well?" The voice of the figure fell, and the figure of the four sacred beasts appeared beside Ye Hao.

At this time, the square beast was filled with fierce waves, which made the figure step back several steps.

"Serve the gods?" Ye Hao exclaimed.

"It's a bit of eye power." The four sides of the beast said haughtily.

The figure stared at the four sacred beasts for a while and then said, "this palace is a test I set for intruders."

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao asked lightly.

"If you open the first door to pick up the semi divine level medicinal materials, they will be sent out after you pick the first one; if you open the second door to pick up the God level herbs, they will be sent out after you pick the first one; if you open the third door to collect the skills, you will get a true God level original skill."

"If I open the fourth door to collect the skill?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Then you will get a door god level skill." At this time, the illusory figure appeared not far from Ye Hao.

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