"I can't take these herbs." Snow banished fairy gently shook his head, "you can let us have the qualification to pass through, our heart is very grateful."

"I don't want to owe anything." Ye Hao looks at the snow banished fairy seriously.

Snow banishment fairy is still hesitating, Ruyi is said, "ye Zongzhu is rich, what are you polite to him?" With that, Ruyi began to collect the semi divine herbs.

"Ruyi." The banished fairy quickly said.

"It should be." Ye Hao interrupted the words of the snow banished immortal.

"But." The snow banished fairy bit her red lips, and her eyes were full of embarrassment.

Before long Ruyi collected more than 3000 semi divine medicinal plants.

"Banished immortals, with these herbs, our shortage of resources will be greatly alleviated." Ruyi said excitedly.

Snow banished fairy gently nodded.

Whether there are so many semi divine herbs in jiuchongtian is a problem.

At this time, the surrounding space-time changes, snow banished fairy and Ruyi appear behind the second door.

"There are 32 genuine medicinal herbs here." Ye Hao said that with a wave of his hand, the sixteen true God level medicinal materials fell on the side of the snow banished immortal, "because I also need the true God level medicinal materials, so I can only give you half."

"Ah." The snow banished fairy was startled.

Yan huangzong can grow to this point today, no doubt with resources.

Ye Hao may not lack of semi divine medicinal materials, but who will be too many?

"Childe Ye - this - these herbs can't be taken by banished immortals." Then the snow banished fairy then declined.

"These herbs can be used as base cards. In the future, when you enter the divine realm, you can also exchange them for divine stones for cultivation, right?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"I don't know whether I can enter the divine realm." The snow banished fairy gently shook his head, "these medicinal materials, Mr. Ye, should be kept."

"Take it." Ye Hao can't help but send these medicinal materials to the heaven and earth bag of snow banished immortal.

The pupil of snow banished fairy shrinks fiercely.

The heaven and earth bag has its own restrictions.

How could Ye Hao break the ban easily?

"Are the living gods so terrible?"

The snow banishment immortal did not know that Ye Hao had reached the living deity, but she did not think that the gap between the two sides was so large?

"Your current combat power is about equal to the middle of the third level, and after the middle stage of the third level, there will be the later stage of the third stage, and the third level limit." Ye Hao said with a smile, "you can't step into the world of gods until you reach the limit of the third level. This span will exceed the previous span, so." The next words Ye Hao did not say, but the meaning could not be more obvious.

The snow banished fairy was silent for a while and asked, "I want to know what cultivation you are doing now?"

"What do you think?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Ye Hao has deliberately hidden his cultivation, otherwise it will cause the turbulence of the triple heaven.

"I always feel like you're hiding something on purpose?" The snow banished fairy was silent for a while.

"Who has no secrets?" Ye Hao said with snow banished fairy and Ruyi through the third door.

"The test of the third gate is a god level original skill.

"Is the original skill of God level strong?" Ruyi asked.

"The division of gods in the realm of gods is divided into nine great realms: True God, door god, service God, God, Death God, life God, harmony God, God King and God Emperor." Ye Hao said softly, "among them, the realm of the divine king may not appear in an era, and the realm of the divine emperor can not appear in many times."

After a pause, Ye Hao said, "this palace is left by two door gods, so they don't have much advanced skills."

Ye Hao took them to the fourth gate as he spoke. Pointing to a jade slip on a stone table in the courtyard, Ye Hao said, "this is left by the two door gods. In addition to their experience over the years, as well as the skills and skills they have practiced, Ye Hao said

"Do you mean this is given to us?" Ruyi is surprised.

Is this the magic skill of door god level?

Who will pass on these skills?

"You can make a rubbing." Ye Hao nodded gently.

Ruyi looked at Ye Hao and his face changed. "Ye Hao, I admit I underestimated you."

Ye Hao's mind is far beyond Ruyi's expectation. Ruyi thinks that she can't do it when she is in the same place.

"You can make rubbings." Ye Hao said softly.

"Ye Hao." The snow banished fairy looks at Ye Hao with a strange light in his eyes.

Ye Hao laughed but said nothing.

The snow banished fairy calmed down for a while, or carried on the extension with Ruyi.

This is the inheritance of the strong door god.

There are not many resources that can be bought.

After the two women had opened a copy respectively, they had a rough look at it.After browsing, they determined that there was no moisture in what Ye Hao told them.

At this time, they realized that the benefits they got were even more than that of Ye Hao.

"Ye Hao, why are you so nice to us?" Ruyi looks at Ye Hao and asks.

"I have no friendship with you?" Ye Hao gives Ruyi a look.

"Ye Hao." Ruyi stamped her foot, and her face turned red.

"Let's have a deal." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Business?" The snow banished fairy asked suspiciously.

"Do you know the land of Banshee?" Ye Hao's words changed the face of the snow banished fairy slightly.

How could the snow banished immortals in the land not know?

"What do you want to say?" Snow banishment fairy asked this sentence when the heart has some speculation.

"It's not polite to come but not to go." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Are you going to Banshee land?" Ruyi's face changed.

"Is there a problem?"

"I heard that there are three royal families, ten royal families and one hundred noble families in Wanyao land." Ruyi was silent for a while and said, "the three royal families are ethereal and do not ask about the affairs of the world. What's more, do not forget that this is a great world, that is to say, there may be two or three living gods in the ten royal families."

"So what?" Ye Hao said jokingly.

"Wanyao mainland is in power of the demon clan, if we sneak in between rashly, it is very likely that we will not come back."

"Are you afraid?"

"It's not fear.

"Banished immortals, are you interested?" Ye Hao's eyes moved to the snow banished immortal's body.

"Do you know the location of the Banshee land?" The snow banished fairy asked softly.

"Do you know why I let Ji Dapeng leave before Ye Hao asked with a smile.

The snow banished fairy's face could not help changing.

"Did you let Ji Dapeng go on purpose?"


"Are you sure?"

"I will keep you safe and sound."

"Let's go." The snow banished fairy pondered for a moment and then said earnestly.

"Banished immortals." Ruyi exclaimed.

"Ruyi, go back to the snow palace." The snow banished fairy said and handed Ruyi a bag of heaven and earth on his waist. "If I don't come back safely, you will be in charge of the snow palace."

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