After the leopard was wounded by the snow banished fairy, he informed his elder brother split leopard at the first time.

But who could have thought that the one beside the snow banished fairy was a second-class God?

Before the leopard had time to send a message, the leopard rushed to here.

When the monks around heard the roar of the leopard, their faces became strange.

Little bastard?

What do you call a secondary God?

Do you want to die?

At this time, the shape of the split leopard appeared in the air, from his body filled with an explosive breath.

His eyes fell on the leopard like an eagle falcon. When he saw the wound on the leopard, his eyes quickly filled with a sense of killing.

"Brother, who hurt you?"

"Big brother." The leopard struggled to his feet. "This is a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" The cheetah's figure flashed on the leopard. "It's all hurt like this. Do you still say it's a misunderstanding?"

The leopard was in a hurry and was about to say something when it was interrupted by the cheetah. "Brother, don't worry. No matter who hurts you, big brother makes him pay the price."

"I want to see how you make me pay for it?" Ye Hao looks at the leopard's way coldly.

No one wants to be called a little bastard.

The eye light of the leopard suddenly falls on Ye Hao. At this time, his eye light inadvertently sees the young patriarch of the nine headed insect clan sitting on the ground.

"You - what happened?"

The young man in the royal guards made a gesture to Ye Hao.

The cheetah's face suddenly became dignified.

"This is a terrible move. I'm very happy." The leopard finally found a chance to send a message to the leopard, "he is mostly a secondary God."

The cracked leopard's heart slowed down half a beat.

Secondary gods?

The existence of this level, even if the dragon and leopard clan are not ah.

"You - how could you provoke him?"

"I didn't know he was so strong?" The leopard is bitter and astringent.

The cheetah's face changed for a while, and then saluted Ye Hao. "Just now, I have offended you more. Please don't blame me."

"You don't mind if you don't mind it?" Ye Hao sneered.

"I have apologized. What else do you want to do?" There was a trace of anger in the leopard's eyes.


In response to the cheetah was a heavy blow.

Cleft leopard didn't even see how Ye Hao made his move, so he was bombarded thousands of meters away. When the leopard struggled to get up, Ye Hao stepped on his heart.


The leopard spat out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Ye Hao with an incredible look in his eyes.

"How can you be so strong?"

When is the gap between the second level gods and the first level gods?

"You are just a first-class deity, and the young man in front of you is a top-notch existence in the realm of secondary gods." At this time, an ethereal voice sounded in the field, and then a girl holding a jade flute fell down.

This woman, dressed in a palace dress and holding a jade flute, looks like a flying fairy.

"This childe, why don't you give me a face and let go of the leopard?" The girl looks at Ye Hao with amber eyes.

Ye Hao takes a look at the girl and realizes that this woman is at the same level as himself.

But Ye Hao has nothing to fear.

Ye Hao doesn't think who is his opponent in the realm of secondary gods?

"Tell your people to take out one third of the Treasury." Ye Hao looked at the split leopard and said, "if you dare to play slippery, I don't mind coming to the door in person."

Cleft leopard's eyes were full of shock. "Is one third too much?"

"Do you think your life is worth a third of your resources?"

The leopard is silent.

"Brother, go back and tell the patriarch about it." After a short period of time, the split leopard still opened its mouth to the leopard.

The leopard answered and quickly left.

Thank you very much The maiden expressed her thanks to Ye Hao.

"Are you a member of the snow emperor clan?" Ye Hao looks at the palace girl and says.

The maid nodded softly, "I'm cheff."

"Ye Hao."

Xuefu looked at Ye Hao and said with a smile, "is childe Ye coming here for the creation of xuehuangcheng?"

"What is the nature of xuehuangcheng?"

"There are fairies, skills, decrees, puppets and warships. Everything you can imagine can be found in xuehuangcheng." She said softly.

Ye Hao's eyes showed an expression of interest.

"It's a lot more to see."

At this time, the snow banished fairy came to Ye Hao's side and whispered, "are you a secondary God?"

"Yes.""It's hard for you to keep it from me. Do you know I'm scared all the way?" Snow banished fairy said plainly.

"Ha ha, that's interesting." Ye Hao said that a line of dozens of strong men gathered around an old man in the distance and arrived here.

The old man has the same breath as Hydra.

Therefore, Ye Hao concluded that the old man was the head of the Hydra tribe.

The young man of royal guards saw the patriarch's bluster, and quickly passed on the voice, "clan leader, never do anything."

"Why?" The head of the nine headed snake clan looked at the young man in astonishment and said, "do you know that I have brought all the elite of the clan leader, even if the other side is a second-class God, it can also resist."

"The one in front of you is not an ordinary secondary deity. Just now, she said that he is the top one among the secondary gods." The young man in the royal guards took a deep breath. "Even if the existence of the same level can be suppressed, we hydra is not his opponent at all. Besides, who can guarantee that there is no backhand in his hand. "

The head of the Hydra clan struggled in his eyes.

At this time, dozens of strong men in the distance also arrived here under the leadership of the leopard.

"Brother Le, why are you here?" The head of the dragon and leopard clan looked at the head of the nine headed snake clan and was stunned.

The head of the Hydra clan blinked in his eyes and said, "come for the dog."

The head of the dragon and leopard clan moved his mind, and the two people's eyes could not help but meet. After two by one, the clan leaders of the two major ethnic groups and dozens of demigods instantly tore up the space and shot at Ye Hao.

Snow banished fairy's face changed wildly.

Seeing that the supernatural powers were about to bombard them, a river appeared around Ye Hao. The river turned into a shield and kept Ye Hao firmly in it.




All the attacks fell on the water shield.

But these water shields are harder than you think.

"How could it be?" The Dragon leopard clan's patriarch drinks the nine headed snake clan's patriarch to see this scene all frightened.

You know, both of them bring the best in the family.

Those masters fight together, even if they can't resist.

Now two level one gods and so many masters are fighting together, but what can't Ye Hao do?

"How dare you attack this strength?" Ye Hao sneered.

The next moment, Ye Hao gave a blow.

The whole world seemed to have been overturned when the fist fell, and the horror of it spread around like a vast sea. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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