"What do you know?" Huoli looks at Ye Hao in disbelief.

Ye Hao is smiling but not speaking.

"You tell me?" Said the fire, pitifully.

Ye Hao turned the fire to leave a look, "you put hair on me electricity?"

"Who discharged you?" Fire away from Jiaohan road.

"Well, I'm going to deal with zongmen." Ye Hao said and picked up a spy.

Huo Li held his chin and looked at Ye Hao with his eyes blinking.

Ye Hao also ignored her.

Ye Zong got up and arrived at the dining hall at sunset.

Naturally, Ye Hao didn't need to clap a long dragon like the disciples of the sect. He went to the window at the top of the sect and selected several exquisite dishes.

"Give me some Qionghua ointment." Fire from the point of a beautiful pastry road.

The canteen master looked at the fire from a glance, handed the fire from a piece of Qionghua cream.

Fire from tasted a pair of bright eyes on the color of surprise.

"It's much better than what I ate in Sanjiang building."

"The chefs of yanhuangzong are masters." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Then I'll make some dishes, too." Fire from said also took a tray, ordered a few dishes.

Soon the fire left and ate clean.

"Your master cooks too well, don't you?" The fire cannot help but say.

"Can you mind the image of a lady?"

"Not for a moment."

"How did you talk to the law enforcement history of the General Court of array road?" Ye Hao asked suddenly.

"I said, can you talk about a pot if you don't open it?"

"What's the matter?"

"The law enforcement history of the general Pavilion of the array road is more proud than you. If it is not the legitimate daughter of the imperial court, it will not be considered." Speaking of this, Huo Li's eyes were full of anger and said, "I was despised for the first time."

"The second time." Ye Hao looked at the fire and said seriously.

"Ye Hao." The sound of the fire increased by an octave.

"What's the matter?"

"Did you mean it?"


"Ye Hao, do you hate me so much?" Huoli looks at Ye Hao with a mist in his eyes.

"What are you crying for?" Ye Hao said speechless.

"Am I that bad in your eyes?"

"You should know what race I am." Ye Hao was silent for a while and then said, "I am a human race, but I saw that you were bullying a human race at the first sight. Do you think I may have any good feelings for you?"

"Who told her to gossip behind her back?"

"It's not an excuse for you to kill people."

"I just wanted to teach her a lesson. I didn't want to kill her, believe it or not." Fire from staring at Ye Hao seriously said, "if you don't believe me, you can inquire about me and see if I can kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

"It doesn't matter if you kill innocent people." Ye Hao shook his head.

"Important." Fire from the firm road.

Ye Hao could not help frowning.

"I've seen so many so-called geniuses over the years, but no man has ever come close to my heart." Huo Li said here, staring at Ye Hao, he said, "you are the first person to enter my heart."

Ye Hao has a sense of disorder.

"I don't understand what you're talking about?"

"You beat me, and I will marry you." Fire from the eyes burning at Ye Hao road.

"This joke is not pleasant at all." Ye Hao's face sank.

"I'm telling you this very seriously."

"If you Huofeng people didn't talk to the general Pavilion of array road about marriage, I might still believe it." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Didn't I get angry with you then?"

"So you thought of me after you couldn't get the general Pavilion of the array road."

Fire from silence.

"In the future, will you choose the heir of the imperial court?"

"No Fire from but firmly shook his head and said, "we fire phoenix once identified a certain person will be firm and unyielding."

"I don't know if you Phoenix people will be firm and unyielding. What I want to tell you is that I am not interested in you at all."

"Ye Hao, is there no possibility between us?"

"No Ye Hao said that he was determined.

Ye Hao has never been short of women.

So there's no need to let go.

Although the fire is very beautiful.

But the beautiful women from the fire are not without.

If you don't say anything else, you can say that you are banished by snow.

As long as Ye Hao is willing, he can pick the snow banished fairy flower at any time.

"Ye Hao, you will regret it." Huo Li said and stood up.

Ye Hao laughed but said nothing.Regret?

Regret has never appeared in his words.

What height can fire reach in the future?

The emperor to be is in heaven.

However, Ye Hao can easily reach the realm of Emperor God in the future.


As Ziyu was refuted by Ye Hao in front of yanhuangzong Mountain Gate, there was not much support for Ziyu in the whole eastern region.

But there are still some talented people who will go to the crape myrtle Dynasty in two months.

Who makes Ziyu one of the top ten beauties in the divine region?

Among the monks who spoke publicly, Hengyuan of Hengfeng Dynasty was the most staunch supporter.

However, yanhuangzong kept a rare calm.



No sound.

As time went on, more and more monks went to crape myrtle city.

On this day, a young man in purple clothes came to crape myrtle city accompanied by a middle-aged man.

Ziyi youth glanced around and said, "crape myrtle Dynasty is worthy of being the top King level power."

"If you can get the favor of Miss Ziyu, even the emperor of Tianzong dare not do anything to us?" Dragon twelve said with a smile.

"It's a lot of pressure this time." Ziyi youth leisurely said, "whether Hengyuan of Hengfeng dynasty or Liyuan of Hanyuan Dynasty are difficult to cope with."

"I heard that Hengyuan's strength has reached the high level of death realm." Dragon 12 thought of what, busy said.

"The standard of assessment is certainly not simply in accordance with cultivation assessment." The youth in purple is no other than ye Wudi.

"Anyway, go and sign up first." Dragon twelve thought for a moment and said.

Ye Wudi nodded.

And the monk heard the discussion about the twelve week queue.

"Why don't I think there are so many monks registered?"

"Not because."

"Do you want to die?"

"What's the matter?"

"The whole crape myrtle Dynasty forbids talking about that topic, you know?"

"And the ban?"

"Do you know how many people have been arrested now?"

Lagerstroemia heard here curiously asked, "what taboos are involved?"

"It's better not to inquire about this kind of matter, even if you have a big background. In case of angering the crape myrtle Dynasty and the other party doesn't allow you to participate in the examination, are you in vain?" A young man saw Ye Wudi dressed extraordinary and said slowly.

Crape myrtle thinks it makes sense to stop asking.

"Ye Wudi." At this time, a familiar voice sounded in Ye Wudi's ears.

Ye Wudi turns around and immediately sees a graceful woman wearing a light gauze.

"Are you - Qian?" Ye Wudi quickly recognized the woman in front of her.

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