"How could he avoid the blow of soul destroying sword?" Ye Hao looks at the little dog suspiciously.

Speed is the level of soul attack.

Because it's an extension of consciousness.

But the little dog dodged.

"Soul destroying sword? Did you use the soul killing sword just now The dog's eyes were full of thought.

"Do you know the soul killing sword?" Ye Hao looks at the dog in surprise.

"Do you know how to cut the sword?" The little dog sneered.

"It seems that you know a lot." Ye Hao said that there was a legal decree in his hand. When Ye Hao opened a corner of the edict, the dog's face became dignified.

"Do you think half a step can kill me?" The little dog fell silent.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Ye Hao said that he wanted to stimulate the decree.

"Wait a minute." Said the little dog in a hurry.

Ye Hao could not help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

Fight with me?

Are you still tender?

"Let's make a deal?" The dog looked at Ye Hao seriously.

"Tell me about it?" Ye Hao asked with great interest.

"You provide all kinds of high-level energy, and I will protect you in the future." The little dog whispered.

"You have to tell me who you are, don't you?"

"Can't say."


"Because the Lord is taboo."

"To your uncle." Ye Hao said a foot and kicked the dog in the past.

The little dog was kicked into the distance by Ye Hao.

"Dare you kick me?" The little dog said and rushed to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's face changed greatly.

Because his mind couldn't catch the track of the dog.

The next moment Ye Hao felt a sharp pain, but it was the dog that bit him on his wrist.

"Your uncle." Ye Hao said angrily.

I was bitten by the dog again.

Ye Hao immediately used the soul killing knife.

But this time, the little dog did not dodge. Instead, he burst out two purple lights from his eyes and cut them with the knife awn from the soul destroying sword.

The little dog screamed and fell towards the distance, and its eyes showed an unwilling look, "or is it that the Lord is just born, and the soul and the body are not fully integrated, do you think the Lord will be afraid of your soul killing knife?"

Ye Hao looked at the dog with a dignified look. He noticed that the dog did not get much damage after shaking a soul killing knife.

"Who are you?" Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

"I am the only one in the world." Said the little dog with a haughty look.

Ye Hao wants to kick this guy again?

Return to the eternal river, only me?

Are you kidding?

Where did you put the devil and daozun?

"If you are so strong, why are you like this?"

"There was an accident when we continued the road ahead." The little dog said faintly, "but it won't take long for me to recover. Then the whole God kingdom will crawl under my feet."

"Just blow hard." Ye Hao said nothing.

The more you talk about it, the more you breathe?

"Don't believe it." The dog's nose wrinkled, the next moment into a streamer disappeared in the sky.

"Where has it gone?" Tang Pian was stunned.

Ye Hao's mind felt for a while and his face changed.

This small world belongs to Ye Hao, so he can easily feel anywhere.

In his mind, the dog rushed to the storehouse and was swallowing all kinds of medicinal materials stored by Ye Hao.

The medicinal materials turned into thick spiritual power and rushed towards the dog.

"Your uncle." Ye Hao quickly appeared in the Treasury.

At the same time, Ye Hao's golden body started.

The golden body made a burst of soft brilliance, and the dog was imprisoned on the spot.

"Is there a king in your little world?" The dog's face changed.

It relies on speed and special ability, even the king has never been afraid.

But when it comes to the emperor level, even if it is magical, it can't catch. After all, the difference between the two sides is too big.

"You know it." Ye Hao snorted coldly.

The little dog pondered for a moment and said, "I will not devour the spiritual power in your little world after the big deal?"

"You need psychic power. I can help you find it." Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "but you are not allowed to devour my small world."

"Deal." "Can you let me go now?" the dog said happily

Ye Hao knows the gold body in the sea and lifts the ban with a wave of his hand.

When the dog opened his mouth, he devoured all the spiritual powers around him. Seeing Ye Hao ready to start, he said, "the spiritual powers I swallowed are scattered in the air. Can you bear to watch them waste and pass away?"Just now, you don't know how many resources Ye Hei face swallowed

"These resources are not comparable to the storage of a king level clan?" Said the little dog carelessly.

"Do you know how long it takes for a king level clan to store these resources?" Ye Hao said nothing.

"When you grow up, I'll give you something at any time, which is better than these resources."

"Give it to me."

"I don't have one now." The little dog said and then belched, "my Lord, I'm going to sleep." With that, his body was wobbly, and after a few breaths, he fell into the ground.

Looking at the little dog snoring, Tang pianpianpian, however, said, "how should we deal with this dog?"

"I'm going to put this puppy in an area, and I'm going to remove that area of time." Ye Hao thought for a moment and said, "I don't know who this little dog is? But I'm sure it's got a lot of history. "

"I'm afraid it will bite you back?" Tang pianpianpian is worried.

This little dog is acting weird.

It's beyond normal people's perception.

"No harm." Ye Hao pondered for a while and then said, "I believe it will not be ungrateful."

When the voice dropped, Ye Hao opened a special area for the dog.

After putting the dog on a blanket, Ye Hao left quietly.

Soon after Ye Hao left, the dog's eyes opened a gap.

"I'm in control of time before I reach the divine realm, good boy." Muttered the dog.

Then the dog closed his eyes and fell asleep.


"I'm ready to use the power of faith." Ye Hao's study, he looked at Tang pianpianpian, whispered.

"The power of faith?" Tang Pianpian said in surprise, "why do you think of using the power of faith?"

The power of belief accumulated by yanhuangzong has reached an extremely terrible number.

But Ye Hao has never used it.

"My current cultivation is the seventh level of the realm of God. I don't have enough strength to go to the chaotic world of ancient dynasties." Ye Hao said softly.

Ye Hao is still very aware of his own strength.

He has not yet been able to dominate in the realm of harmony.

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