"Ye Hao." At this time, a cold voice broke through the sky, and Mr. Yinglong came to him from afar.

Ye Hao follows the voice and looks at Yinglong.

"What's the matter?"

The tone was indifferent.

Yinglong looked at Ye Hao coldly in his eyes and said, "you will not forget the things you bullied me in those years?"

"Insult?" Ye Hao was stunned.

Damn it.

When did I insult you?

"At that time, the Baihua Pavilion had been reserved by me, but you took it with one foot. You will not forget it?" Young master Yinglong looks at Ye Hao, and his eyes are filled with anger.

"Is there such a thing?" Ye Hao thought for a moment and said, "but this is the choice of Baihua Pavilion."

"If you don't force it, how could Baihua Pavilion choose you?" Yinglong said angrily.

"I know that you may not believe it, but I really did not force the hundred Flower Pavilion." Ye Hao looked calm and said, "in fact, if it wasn't for the Baihua Pavilion, I would never have accepted it."

"You." Young master Ying Long points to Ye Hao and his fingers are shaking.

Do you want to hit people like this?

"Ye Hao, do you dare to accept my challenge?" Young master Ying Long growled in a low voice.

"No interest." Ye Hao refused.

"I don't think you dare?" Young master Ying Long sneered.

"Ying long, don't take yourself seriously?" At this time, the supreme one arrived. "Brother Ye doesn't want to embarrass you if you don't want to fight. Do you really think brother Ye is not your opponent?"

Riding on top of the mountain is a lion full of murderous opportunities.

What's more, the lion has nine heads.

"Nine lions."

"Isn't the nine lion family annihilated in the long history?"

"I heard that the ancestor of the nine lions was the best at half step."

"But I don't know how far the nine lions will go in the future."

Ying Long took a look at the nine lions under the throne, showing a trace of fear in his eyes.

The other friars could not see it, but how could he not?

The nine lions contain the energy to destroy the earth and the sky. Even Ying Long doesn't want to take this lion in a short time?

"Yinglong, what's the matter without you here?" Young master Ying Long took a look, then he looked at Ye Hao and said, "Ye Hao, do I dare you?"

"Well, since you want to see it, I'll give you a chance." Speaking of this, Ye Hao's side appeared a copper furnace, in which spewed a road of light.

All the friars were shocked to see this scene.

They feel that their own path has been suppressed.

At this moment, Ye Hao seems to be transformed into the Tao itself.

One man can suppress heaven and earth.

Young master Ying Long's face changed instantly. He turned into a giant dragon with a roar. While the

dragon is circling in the air, the space around it is as frothy as a bubble.

"Suppression." Ye Hao made heaven and earth into a giant. He took Tiandi copper stove and smashed it at Yinglong.

The dragon was full of light, and his body was growing as he rose.

Hundred Zhang!

Thousand feet!

Ten thousand feet!

When the Dragon reached ten thousand feet, the dragon tail with the power of destroying heaven and earth smashed toward the copper furnace of heaven and earth.

The whole space collapsed, unable to carry the energy.

Looking at the wonderful duel, the high-level of baihuage constantly prayed for Ye Hao to win.

Because baihuage has made a choice.

At this time, you can't choose Mr. Yinglong any more?

One thousandth of an hour has not arrived, the two met together, and the bright light suddenly annihilated the surrounding space.

"I don't know if Ye Hao is the opponent of young master Ying Long?"

"Ye Hao is so arrogant that he wants to melt 3000 roads?"

"Yes, 3000 Avenue is so easy to melt? In addition to having a lot of time, you have to be a monster

"I haven't heard of any success since ancient times."

"Don't be so full of words. Since Ye Hao has chosen this road, if you don't have a certain assurance, do you think he might go?"

"The strongest vein of Ying Long is the body. It's almost invincible even if it's at the same level. I don't think Ye Hao's road can compete with Ying Long?" When the monks were talking about it, a shrill scream resounded through the hall.


Who is the voice? How can they not hear it?

Ying Long!

Is Ying Long defeated?

And as the smoke of gunpowder dispersed, people saw a shocking scene.

Ying Long's tail turned into ashes, and his huge body was full of blood.But Ye Hao stands in the air as if he had nothing to do.

People can't help but open their mouths.

Even though some monks believed Ye Hao could win, they didn't expect Ye Hao to hit Yinglong hard.

"It's not that simple."

"What Ye Hao used should be the ultimate strike."

"Yes, this result does not show that Ye Hao is much better than Ying long, but there is no doubt that Ye Hao is better than Ying long."

"Big news, Ye Hao strongly suppressed Ying long."

"Now I suddenly feel how ridiculous it was for some teenagers to challenge Ye Hao at that time?"

"Ye Haoqiang's finger is so strong."

Among the crowd, the enchantress, the emperor is brave, and Wang Epee, Dongfang Bai and others almost didn't scare to death when they saw this scene.

At that time, they provoked Ye Hao.

Now they know that they still underestimate Ye Hao.

This guy can be described as insane.

"I've got some opportunities these years. I thought I could compete with Ye Hao." "Who could have thought that he had reached such a level?" sighed Oriental Bai Youyou, who was even more beautiful than a woman

"I provoked him at the foot of looking for wood." Said the enchantress leisurely.

Only then did the enchantress discover that Ye Hao was merciful.

At this time, a voice sounded in Ye Hao's ears.

"Dragon blood, don't waste it."

"Are you awake?" Ye Hao was stunned.

"Let me out quickly." Said the little dog.

"I want to know how you perceive the outside world?"

"I said," would you mind not asking so many questions? " The little dog avoided talking.

Ye Hao moved his mind and put the little dog out of the world.

The next moment, the little dog opened his mouth and sucked the dragon blood from the sky into his mouth. Then he rushed to Ying Long's side with a look of shock. He opened his mouth and bit away at Ying Long's wing.

Ying Long couldn't help but scream.

Because the dog really hissed Yinglong's wings.

There was a feeling of stupor in everyone's eyes.

You know, even if Ying Long was badly hurt, not everyone could tear off his wings?

However, what shocked them was still in the back. The little dog ate up Yinglong's wings in a few bites.

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