Feng family!

The ancestor of Feng family summoned Feng dance to his seclusion place at the first time of his return.

"Yes, grandfather." Feng dance respectfully salutes the ancestor of Feng family.

The face of the ancestor of the Phoenix family showed a kind look.

"You've been working hard for years, son."

Going to Shenyu is not a good job.

The ancestor of the Phoenix family learned something about Fengwu these years.

"It's not hard for the family." Feng dance Congsheng said.

The ancestor of the Phoenix family sighed softly.

"What's the matter, grandfather?" Feng dance asked curiously.

"The mechanical world is about to face a catastrophe." Feng family ancestor said this sentence when the face showed a trace of sadness.

"Catastrophe?" Feng dance a startled way.

What kind of cultivation was the ancestor of Feng family? How could the catastrophe in his mouth be simple?

"This catastrophe will sweep the whole mechanical world." The old ancestor of the Phoenix family nodded and said, "no one can escape."

"Can't escape?" Feng dance a Zheng way, "we escape to other world can't?"

Feng family ancestor shakes his head, "escape to other world, we are just duckweed."

"Will the whole mechanical world be destroyed?" What did Feng dance think of?

"At the moment of breakthrough, I saw the whole mechanical world overturn." Feng's ancestor's voice dropped, but Feng dance widened his eyes, "grandfather, did you break through?"

"With the help of Huangtai, I made a breakthrough." The ancestor of the Phoenix family said that there was a golden lotus stage beside the phoenix dance, and there were nine Phoenix dancing on the Golden Lotus platform.

"This is Huangtai?" Feng dance came into the lotus stage and asked curiously.

Feng dance has seen Fengtai of Feng family, but Fengtai is black.

"Yes." The ancestor of the Phoenix family said and called out the Fengtai.

And in the moment Fengtai appeared, the two Golden Lotus platforms collided with each other.

"Grandfather." Feng dance exclaimed.

The ancestor of the Phoenix family looked at the two lotus stands with burning eyes.

When the two lotus platforms collided, an unimaginable wave swept through the whole mechanical world. At this moment, countless strong men in the mechanical world looked to the direction of Feng family.

"Such a strong fluctuation?"

"I've never seen so much glory?"

"Only taboo magic weapon can send out such exuberant glory?"

"Fengtai of the Phoenix family is not so strong? Can't Fengtai merge with Huangtai? "

"Fengtai and Huangtai are naturally opposite in nature. If these two taboo magic weapons are combined, heaven knows what kind of sparks will come out?"

"The Phoenix family has already got the resources of the Huang family. If the taboo magic weapon is further upgraded, will there be any way for us to survive in the future?"

Soon some of the masters reached an agreement in secret.

At the next moment, three terrible killing thoughts fell from different directions towards the ancestral land of Feng family.

Killing Nian hasn't come yet, the people of Feng family are shivering one by one.

"Grandfather." Feng dance's face changed greatly.

Feng dance is the existence of God King level, the perception of danger is beyond ordinary people.

"It is said that after the combination of Fengtai and Huangtai, they will communicate with God." "I don't know how God is going to face this disaster, but I think this may be our only chance." Speaking of this, the ancestor of the Phoenix family pushed Fengfei into the center of Fengtai and Huangtai.

The next moment, the ancestor of the Phoenix family appeared on the top of the Phoenix family.

His eyes burst out with more brilliance than the stars.

"Hide your head and expose your tail. Get out of here."

The terrible voice, like thunder, explodes in the boundless world.

The three killing thoughts were smashed in an instant.

"Fengnian, you shouldn't let Fengtai and Huangtai merge." At this time, a cold voice broke through the sky, and a middle-aged man in a purple and gold robe appeared in the air.

"You are not my match." The old ancestor of Feng family carried his hands on his back and said coldly.

"What about me?" The voice of the ancestor of the Phoenix family dropped a tall figure across the endless sky, and instantly appeared on the top of the Feng family.

Feng's face still did not change much, "LONGYE, you still don't show up?"

There are three taboo strongmen just now.

The ancestor of the Phoenix family sensed that the ancestor of the dragon family made a move.

"Brother Feng, you shouldn't tell me my identity." With the sound of a sigh, an old man came out of the dark.

"If I don't tell you who you are, won't you come out?" The old ancestor of Feng family looked at LONGYE road sarcastically.

"Brother Feng, for the sake of the fact that you and I are almost married, how about if you give me Fengtai, how about I leave now?" Long Ye pondered for a moment and said."The mechanical world is about to face the catastrophe of life and death, but we are still fighting inside at this time?" The old ancestor of Feng family sighed.

"I don't know what you're talking about? I only know that just a while ago, you destroyed the ancestors of the Huang family. " Long Ye laughs.

"Fengnian, I'm not greedy. Give me Huangtai and I'll go now." The middle-aged man in the purple gold robe spoke coldly.

"And you?" The ancestor of Feng family looked at the tall figure way.

"I want Huangtai." The tall figure thought and said.

The reason why he wanted Huangtai was that he felt that the ancestor of the Phoenix family hadn't had a long time to sacrifice Huangtai?

"But there are three of you." The old ancestor of Feng family said with a smile, "even if I gave it to you, it's not enough."

Smell speech LONGYE and other three people looked at each other, the tall figure opened a way, "this doesn't need you to worry about, you just need to hand over Fengtai and Huangtai."

The three are not fools.

How can they not guess the mind of the ancestor of Feng family?

This is to make them fight inside.

Only can achieve this realm, which is not the old monster?

Wen Yan Feng's ancestor was silent.

After about three breaths, LONGYE indifferently said, "Fengnian, we'll give you another ten breaths. If you don't hand over Fengtai and Huangtai, don't blame us for being rude."

In fact, the reason why LONGYE and others don't come up is largely because they are afraid of Feng Nian.

After all, this is the ancestor of Huang family.

But they can't let the Phoenix family procrastinate.

After all, everyone can see that Fengtai and Huangtai are in the process of merging at this time.


Teng's birthplace!

When Fengtai and Huangtai merge, Ye Hao and Hongfen are awakened.

"What happened?" Ye Hao looks into the distance.

Teng's eyes were covered with a deep luster, and after a short period of time, he said in disbelief, "this is the fusion of two taboo magic weapons?"

"Two taboo magic weapons in fusion?" Red pink heart spirit moves a way, "do not know which direction is?"

Red pink is very concerned about the mechanical world.

Teng's ancestral mind moved, the picture of Phoenix's ancestral land appeared in the air.

"Isn't this the Phoenix family?" Ye Hao is surprised.

Ye Hao has been to Feng's house. How can he not know him?

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