"I don't care about that." Ye Hao said carelessly, "in fact, I just want to live a simple life."

"Then your wish is doomed to be unfulfilled."


"You're more famous than a star now, OK?"

"My face is a public face, and it doesn't have any characteristics. As long as I don't appear in the media, people will forget me after a while." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Don't you always say you're handsome?"

"You won't have friends to chat like this, OK?"

"As if I had a lot of friends, yes?"

In the face of Xiao honest such an answer, Ye Hao has a kind of muddled feeling.

"You won." Ye Hao extended his thumb to Xiao.

"It's like you have a lot of friends, yes." Xiao honest one face disdainful ground looks at Ye Hao way, "in our class you besides know us two still have Zhang Lan, who do you still know?"

Ye Hao thought about it, and it seemed that he was.

The communication between Ye Hao and his classmates for half a year in college is very few. Even if the students say hello, Ye Hao only responds politely. However, Ye Hao is not ready to change this lifestyle. He will leave this world one day, so don't leave too many memories.

"You have a point." Ye Hao patted Xiao's honest shoulder and said, "so for our friendship, how about inviting me to dinner at night?"

"Brother, let's not joke, OK?" Xiao honest sad face way, "my current economic crisis has not passed?"

"Why isn't it over now?" Ye Hao was surprised.

"This -- this." Xiao honestly hesitated to say why.

Ye Hao couldn't help looking at Yuan Gaoxing. He noticed that Yuan Gaoxing looked abnormal.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, didn't I take Xiaoming to the spa?"

"And then?"

"Then Xiaoming fell in love with one of the technicians."

"And then?"

"Xiaoming went to see the technician from time to time."

"I just want to know if it's a regular spa?"

"Who's going to be regular?"

"How many times?"


"I remember that Xiaoming's living expenses are only 800 a month, right? You can only go twice a month if you don't eat or drink? " Ye Hao looks at Xiaoming Dao.

"I've borrowed a lot of money recently." Xiaoming was embarrassed.

"How much did you borrow?"

"More than 3000."

"What do I think of you Ye Hao gently shook his head and said, "are you interested in working there?"

"What about the treatment?" Xiaoming's eyes brightened.

"Three thousand a day." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.

"It's a little more than that, isn't it?" Xiaoming was stunned.

"In any case, you are a student in the University of traditional Chinese medicine, and it will not be a problem for you to have one hundred and eighty thousand in one month." Ye Hao said with a smile, "so it doesn't matter if I open 3000 yuan a day for you. Besides, Zhang Lan and Meng Meng can get one-third of their daily salary."

"Can I go?" Yuan Gaoxing rubbed his hands.

"If you want to go." Ye Hao doesn't care.

Ye Hao's daily income is more than 50000.

It can be said that even if we go to 6000, there are still more than 40000?

Besides, does Ye Hao need money?

No need.

The reason why Ye Hao received medical advice was that he wanted to give Zhang Lan or Xu Mengmeng in disguise.

"And, to be honest, do you really like that girl?" Ye Hao looked at Xiao and said earnestly.


"You don't mind her doing that job?"

"I don't mind." Xiao said without hesitation, "I will marry her."

Yuan Gaoxing was also shocked by Xiao's honest words, "honest, can we not joke?"

"No "I found that I had fallen in love with her."

"But she is a miss." Yuan Gaoxing stressed.

"She was a lady because she wanted to cure her parents."

"Do you believe that?" Yuan Gaoxing was stunned.

"She won't lie to me." Xiao honest shook his head, "you don't understand."

"It's over. It's over. Be honest. You're in it." Yuan Gaoxing patted his head.

"Honestly, you really don't mind her past?" Ye Hao said earnestly.

"I don't mind." Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Let's go." Ye Hao stood up when he said this.

"Where to go?" Xiao honest astonished way.

"If there's a problem in her family, I'll give it to her, whether it's 100, 000 or 1 million." Ye Hao said softly.

"Really?" Xiao honest surprise way."Is brother a poor man?" Ye Hao curled his mouth.

Zhang Lan noticed that Ye Hao's three people left and stood up after rubbing against the ground.

Ye Hao and they have not yet taken a few steps, Zhang Lan catches up.

"Ye Hao, where are you going

"This - Zhang Lan - the place we go is not suitable for you." Yuan Gaoxing scratched his head.

"Well?" Zhang Lan's eyes are full of puzzled color.

"This - it's not convenient to tell you." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.

This matter involves Xiao honest's privacy.

"Don't you go to the sword?" Zhang Lan suddenly thought of what, she looked at Ye Hao is incredible.

"What can you guess?" Yuan Gaoxing gaped.

"What you're suggesting is obvious, OK?" Xiao said honestly and speechless.

"Ye Hao." Zhang Lan blocked Ye Hao's way, "I don't allow you to fall into the bad."

"No --" Ye Hao said with a bitter smile.

"Not yet?" Zhang Lan said here, eyes slightly red up, "what's wrong with me? You'd rather go to the lady than me. "

Zhang Lan's words are a little big. Ye Hao covers her mouth.

"I won't look for it, will you?"


"It's complicated to say." Ye Hao didn't know how to say, "anyway, I didn't look for it."

"You are not allowed to go to that kind of place." Zhang Lan stares at Ye Hao and says.

"I can't do it if I don't go."

"Why not?"

Xiao honest see this scene helpless way, "Zhang Lan, in fact, we are to redeem people."


"Redeem." Xiao honestly pondered for a moment or decided to tell the whole story, because he felt that Zhang Lan was not a talkative person. Moreover, if this situation was not explained clearly today, Zhang Lan would not have let Ye Hao leave.

"So it is." Zhang Lan suddenly realized, "but I still want to follow."

"Sister, what are you doing on that occasion?"

"I'll stay in the car, right?" Zhang Lan retreated and sought the second way.

"Let's go." Ye Hao nodded.

Zhang Lan sat in the co pilot's seat.

On the way to the club, Ye Hao turned to Zhang Lan and said, "what do you always stare at me?"

"Ye Hao, tell me honestly, have you ever been to such a place?"

"What do you ask this for?"



"Really not?"

"Really not."

"Not lying to me?"

"Am I still getting along?"

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