Ask the heart Valley!

It's a smooth road to be exact.

On this flat road, there are thousands of monks walking among them. Of course, more monks sit on their knees and practice in situ.

When Ye Hao stepped on the road, he felt a gust of wind blowing to his heart.

Ye Hao knew that this was the soul tempering.

However, because he has already condensed the heart of the rock, the impact of such levels of mind has no effect.

The road is 500 meters in total.

Paeonia Alba stopped at the 300 meters.

"I can't go any further." White peony wry smile way.

Paeonia Alba has always wanted to insist.

However, some things can't be insisted on.

In fact, the distance of Paeonia alba is not close.

This distance of Paeonia alba is the limit that the monk in heaven can stay.

"Then you can practice here." Ye Hao said softly.

When Ye Hao raised his feet and walked forward, a voice called Ye Hao.

"It can't go any further."

Ye Hao followed the voice and said, "Bai Lu, why are you here?"

Ye Hao was surprised for a reason.

When Ye Hao first came to feilaifeng, Bailu had the cultivation of Tianxian in the middle period.

But now how did Bailu break through to the top of Tianxian?

Ye Hao knows very well that inner disciples like Bai Lu can't buy Tianji pill at all.

So even if Bailu bought Tianji pill, she shouldn't have broken through to the peak of Tianxian, let alone the edge of breakthrough.

"I had a few lucky breaks." When Bai Lu said this, her eyes were a little dodgy.

Ye Hao didn't know why Bai Lu dodged, but he said softly, "if you have anything, you can come to me."

Bai Lu was stunned.

Obviously, I didn't expect Ye Hao to say such a thing!

After all, there is not much friendship between them.

Ye Hao didn't say anything more. Instead, he raised his feet and walked forward.

"No When Bai Lu just said this, she was shocked to see that Ye Hao was walking towards the front as if he was nothing.

300 meters is the limit of fairyland.

Even the true disciples are not qualified to be more than 300 meters in heaven and fairyland.

But Ye Hao is a special case.

Twenty meters!

Thirty meters!

Forty meters!

At this time, it is not only Bailu who pays attention to Ye Hao.

Even the monks over 300 meters looked at Ye Hao.

When Ye Hao reached 360, he stopped.

"Long time no see."

Di Feng looked at Ye Hao with complicated eyes and said, "long time no see."

Since Ye Hao has condensed the heart of the rock, di Feng has no mind to fight with Ye Hao again.

Not surprisingly, this one will go a long way in the future.

If you offend this Lord, you will die.

Ye Hao nodded to di Feng and continued to walk forward.

Before long, Ye Hao walked 400 meters.

"Four hundred meters."

"This guy's heart is so terrible?"

"This is already the domain of Jinxian?"

At the same time, the monk exclaimed at Ye Hao.

This figure is wearing colorful clothes and boots decorated with auspicious clouds.

Her eyebrows, her mouth, her eyes, caress Tiancheng, without any flaws.

Such a woman is a natural beauty.

When Ye Hao saw this woman, a name came out of his mind.

"Chu Jiaojiao."

"Who are you?" When the woman said this, she admitted her identity in disguise.

"Ye Hao."

"I don't know."

"You'll soon have the name in mind." Ye Hao smiles at Chu Jiaojiao and then goes in her direction.

Chu Jiaojiao's position is 460 meters.

This is unthinkable.

You know, Chu Jiaojiao has only six turns of jade fairy.

The six turns of Yuxian have the Taoist heart of Jinxian.

Chu Jiaojiao has been staring at Ye Hao's figure.

She wants to know if Ye Hao can surpass herself.

410 meters!

Four hundred twenty meters!

430 meters!

Ye Hao finally stopped.

Even if Ye Hao has the heart of a rock, this is the limit of Ye Hao.

"Your name, I wrote it down." Chu Jiaojiao said in a solemn tone.

Chu Jiaojiao says this because she knows that none of the nine true disciples will be able to compete with her in the future.Even if it's yunfeiyang, the No.1 golden immortal with 24 turns.

But in front of this actually faintly gave Chu Jiao Jiao a kind of feeling.

This one may be able to compete with himself in the future.

Ye Hao smiles and sits down cross legged.

Ask heart valley.

The question is the heart of one's own road.

In other words, it's constantly hitting your mind.

This is undoubtedly a torture.

But Ye Hao hasn't seen any big waves for so many years.

A month!

Two months!

Three months!

The power of example is powerful.

Ye Hao's appearance of a fairyland at a distance of 430 meters completely surprised the disciples practicing in Wenxin valley.

People in such a long distance for three months, we in such a close distance, how can we recognize?

Inspired by Ye Hao, these disciples persevered.

The same is true for Paeonia alba.

Paeonia Alba could only last for three months.

But under the leadership of Ye Hao, white peony persisted for six months.

On the last day of six months, white peony felt that she had touched the barrier of jade fairy.

Paeonia Alba understood that as long as he had enough energy, he could break through at any time.

Peony surprise at the same time to look at the 440 meter Ye Hao.

There seems to be no change in Haoshan.

Peony doesn't think so.

I can break through Yuxian after staying here for half a year. I'm afraid Ye Hao has already made a breakthrough at such a long distance.

If Ye Hao doesn't break through, he will.

A breakthrough is a jump.

After white peony realized this, he suppressed the impulse to break through and continued to endure the destruction of the mind.

So the time went on.

Paeonia Alba persisted for another month, and could not go back.

Peony did not wait for Ye Hao, but went directly to the blood pool.

Ye Hao is not expected to come out in a short period of time. Waiting for Ye Hao here is a waste of time. And when Ye Hao breaks through, it must be a jump. If he doesn't grasp, how can he catch up?

What Bai Shao didn't expect was that he broke through in the blood pool. After the second turn, Ye Hao was still practicing in Wenxin valley.

"This guy won't practice in it for a year, will he?" White peony heart secret way.

But Ye Hao didn't come out after a year.

At this time, Chu Jiao Jiao stood up and walked out of the valley of inquiry.

When Bai Shao is upset, Chu Jiaojiao looks at Ye Hao in the wrong way.

The whole eastern region did not know that Chu Jiaojiao was one of the top ten beauties. There were not ten thousand or eight thousand pursuing Chu Jiaojiao in the whole eastern region. It can be said that even the high-level of the clan did not dare to offend the Lord.

Ye Hao did not have any change because Chu Jiaojiao left.

Time passed slowly.

One day after three months, Ye Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and the horror of his eyes almost turned into substance.

The second watch, to be continued. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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