"Di -"

The referee's whistle sounded.

Marcus's muscles had been tight for a long time. When he heard the whistle and saw the referee throw the ball into the sky, he jumped up for the first time. At the same time, his body obviously tilted towards Wang Fei.

His purpose is very simple. He wants to knock Wang Fei away and catch the ball in his own hand.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Wang Fei's speed and flexibility.

Wang Fei jumped up when he heard the whistle. He was obviously a beat faster than Marcus.

Marcus was still taking off. He caught the ball in the air, then fell to the ground and ran under the basket.

Marcus was very upset when he got empty.

After landing, he chased Wang Fei.

He has gone after him with all his strength.

However, Wang Fei threw him away three or four steps and went straight to the basket.

Wang Fei didn't intend to throw three points.

He came to the basket and jumped up. A beautiful crotch changed hands, handed the ball from his right hand to his left hand, and then made a one handed break with his left hand.


The ball was smashed into the basket.

His movements are elegant and relaxed, and he stays in the air for a very long time.

The action is very natural and unrestrained.


Wang Fei advanced a ball.


Warm applause broke out in the stands.

"Beautiful goal!"

"It's so handsome! This dunk is really pleasing to the eye!"

"Hahaha! I'm laughing to death. The arrogant Marcus can only eat earth behind Wang Fei's ass!"

The fans laughed loudly at Marcus.

On the live booth.

Mark Jackson exclaimed, "God! I thought he was going to release water! Unexpectedly, even if he didn't make any preparations for the ball, he still jumped much faster than Marcus!"

Jeff Van Gundy said, "Marcus, he's really a living treasure! He's too overconfident. He's going to compete with Wang Fei alone! Now he should know how much he weighs?"

Mike brin also shook his head and said, "the strength difference between the two sides is too far. Marcus is not an opponent at all."

Jordan's face on the sideline was as heavy as water.

He naturally knew what his son was like.

But now, seeing his son being abused, to be honest, he is still a little uncomfortable.

The son is ashamed, that is also his shame!

On the court.

Wang Fei picked up the ball and he went to midfield.

Since it's PK, whoever scores will continue to attack with the ball. That's the rule.

"Hey! I said, Wang, you can't always attack? Should I attack again?" Marcus followed Wang Fei and said in a long way.

By now, he had fully realized Wang Fei's power.

However, he is still a little unconvinced.

Wang Fei smiled. He turned and threw the ball to Marcus and said, "of course! You can get the chance to attack. Now, please start your performance!"

When Marcus caught the ball, he shook his head and said, "if I attack, you'll be abused! You can't grab my ball, I'll hit you and fly straight to the basket!"

Wang Fei shook his head and said, "really? You can have a try. But what I want to tell you is that your ball root can't be transported to the basket! If I want to grab your ball, you can't keep it!"

"Really? I won't believe you! I'll push you away! And that doesn't seem to be a foul!" Marcus said.

As he spoke, he came near the center line.

Marcus began to dribble.

He dribbled the ball with his right hand.

The left hand is unfolding.

This is a gesture to block Wang Fei with his arm when Wang Fei approaches.

Wang Fei sneered.

With a sudden acceleration, he drove his speed to the limit.

His acceleration is very fast. Basically, he can reach the fastest speed in 0.02 seconds.


Marcus only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and his arm was blocked at random.

As soon as Wang Fei bent over, he avoided Marcus's arm pushing.

As soon as he reached out, he grabbed the ball from Marcus. Then, as soon as he turned around, he rushed under the basket.

He was also holding his breath, so Marcus couldn't catch up at all.

Wang Fei rushed to the basket almost instantly, and then he jumped up and slammed his hands.


The ball was pressed into the hoop.

At this time, Marcus is still in a daze.

He couldn't figure it out. He planned well and wanted to push Wang Fei away with his left hand. However, how could he not even touch each other's figure?

The boy was just like a ghost. In a sprint, he didn't even have a chance to react, and the ball was robbed.

This is probably strength rolling?

That's annoying.

Marcus rubbed his eyes sadly.

Wang Fei landed and took the ball into his hand.

The audience cheered again.

Wang Fei took the ball and went to the center line.

"Marcus, do you want to attack?" Wang Fei looked at Marcus.

With a sad face, the boy waved his hand and said, "you're too fast. You're a little faster. In fact, you're just average in other aspects."


Wang Fei said in his heart, if he can't, he can't!

Why do you find so many reasons?

"Well, you say I only have the advantage of speed, so I don't need speed for this attack," Wang Fei said.

"Really? If you don't give full play to your speed advantage, I'm not afraid of you at all! My technology is also very powerful!" Marcus said with surprise on his face.

Wang Fei has got the ball to the center line.

Marcus didn't dare to push too close this time. He was worried that if he was too close to Wang Fei, he would pass himself by Wang Fei in one step.

"Ready?" Wang Fei glanced at Marcus and asked.

"Yes, I'm ready! Remember what you said, you can't take advantage of your speed!" Marcus said.

Wang Fei smiled. He looked at Marcus standing a full meter and a half away from himself and had put on a defensive shelf.

He carried the ball. To everyone's surprise, Wang Fei suddenly picked up the ball, ran forward and shot.

Yes, super long distance three points!

Wang Fei thought that the elite Shengli potion he had just taken would expire anyway, so he didn't have to spare his strength.

He's going to use his shot to finally abuse Marcus.


Marcus was stunned. He started shooting at such a long distance?

He quickly turned his head and looked at the basket.

In fact, the full audience was also surprised at the moment.

Everyone didn't expect that Wang Fei would throw such a ball.


The ball drew a beautiful arc.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the marks drawn by the ball.


The ball is in!

Super far three points, still an accurate hit!


There was another cry of surprise in the stands.

Then there was a sea of applause and cheers.


"Marcus has been badly abused."

"Ha ha! Relax 3-0. Marcus is not an opponent at all. Maybe MJ can play two goals with Wang Fei."

D'Antoni standing on the sideline smiled brightly.

He knew it would be such a result.

Because, inside the Rockets, Wang Fei has never lost the bullfight!

Just a Marcus, he can't even be a role player in the NBA. If he wants to compete with Wang Fei alone, can he have other results except being abused?

D'Antoni thought, maybe tomorrow there will be overwhelming news all over the world?

Air Jordan's son Marcus was abused by rockets rookie Wang Fei.

Jordan shrugged.

My son lost.

Lose without a temper.

I hope he can restrain himself after this evening.

"Wang, you, how can you do this?" Marcus spread his hands and prepared to argue with Wang Fei.

"Can't you? There seems to be no rule for singles. Don't throw over long-distance three points? Marcus, you've lost." Wang Fei said with a smile.

"But I think if you fight alone, you should beat the other party with fierce confrontation. What's the point of you hitting the ball like this?" Marcus said.


This guy is really plausible.

Wang Fei is a little tired.

Is it so difficult to admit that others are excellent?

"Marcus! Come down!" MJ couldn't help but yelled at Marcus Jordan.

If you lose, you lose. What's the entanglement?

It's embarrassing, not enough, or what?

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