I don't know what happened to him!

Wang Fei, who had run away for a few meters, turned and looked at him. He was very speechless.


Isn't the performance too distracting?

If I didn't do anything, you could fall to the ground and suffer like this? Why don't you compete for the Oscar?

"Di -"

Sure enough, the referee blew his whistle.

At this time, Terrence Ferguson has rushed out of the front three-point line. He sees that Wang Fei doesn't follow. He wants to slow down again, and then when Wang Fei runs over, he passes the ball to Wang Fei.

But at this time, the referee's whistle sounded again.

Terrence Ferguson had to take the ball in his hand and run back.

The referee has now run to Wang Fei's side.

"Wang, please pay attention to your actions. I have warned you just now that you should not deliberately endanger other people's health, you know?" the referee said to Wang Fei with a serious face.

Wang Fei said, "Sir, I can swear that I didn't do anything. I don't understand why he suddenly fell to the ground."

"You lie! You just punched me in the stomach when we were arguing!" Lu Wei covered his stomach, raised his head and said to Wang Fei.

Wang Fei was very angry.


I didn't do anything at all. How dare you slander me like this? Moreover, this is also the home of the Rockets!

Is this too unscrupulous?

Wang Fei raised his eyebrows, looked at Lu Wei who was still lying on the ground and pretended to be poor, and said: "Do you dare to swear to God? Do you dare to say that you are not diving? Mr. Williams, I thought you were a very good player. You played very hard and tenacious. If it weren't for you, the Clippers wouldn't be able to make the playoffs! I really didn't expect that you should be such a unscrupulous person to achieve your goal! Don't you just want to make me foul? It's hard for you Don't you think your performance is bad and fake? Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by fans all over the world? Seriously, I'm very disappointed with you! "

Wang Fei's words were sharp. As soon as he said these words, Lu Wei, who fell to the ground and hummed, showed a look of shame.

But the shame soon disappeared.

"Wang, maybe you didn't care just now, but you really hit me in the stomach. You made me feel very painful! Maybe you were retaliating for my rude words to you. If you did something wrong, you must pay for it, didn't you?" Lu Wei said with a sneer.

At this moment, the whole Toyota Center was in an uproar.

The fans are far away, and no one can see what just happened.

In fact, even the people sitting in the VIP seats on the sidelines don't quite understand what conflict happened between Wang Fei and Lu Wei just now.

They saw Wang Fei run away quickly, while Lu Wei screamed and fell to the ground.

The referee didn't hesitate. He gave Wang Fei another foul.

But this time it's not a bad criminal.

But this time, Wang Fei really quit.

"No, no! Sir, you can't do this to me. Just now the No. 2 player of the other party slipped and you sentenced me to a malicious foul. Now, the No. 23 player of the other party dived and you sentenced me to a foul again. This is a slander to me, which is unfair! I strongly request to transfer the video data just now and reconfirm it! I must defend my innocence!" Wang Fei said loudly.

"Wang, don't try to interfere and interrupt the game! If you do, I will give you a technical offender! You can't question my law enforcement power!" the referee said to Wang Fei.

Wang Fei sighed: "If even the most basic fairness can not be guaranteed, I will be very disappointed by the NBA, which is known as the best basketball game in the world. Sir, if someone tries to manipulate the game and try to make me lose tonight's game, I will never give in! I will hold a press conference after the game, and I will let people all over the world help me see if I have been hacked."

The referee looked at Wang Fei and he was helpless.

In the face of Wang Fei's seriousness, if the referee gives Wang Fei another technical offense, I'm afraid it will blow up the Toyota Center.

Because today's referee's decision has made the audience very dissatisfied. And Wang Fei just wants to protect his legitimate rights. What's wrong?

But what if you watch the video according to Wang Fei's request?

It is estimated that after watching the video, the penalty just now will be re sentenced.

When Wang Fei and Lu Wei had a conflict just now, the referee stood not far away. The referee actually saw clearly whether Wang Fei had done anything to Lu Wei.

This is really a little difficult.

D'Antoni, who was standing on the sidelines, didn't know what to do.

It is reasonable to say that a coach should do to safeguard the interests of the team and his players.

However, what makes de Anthony tangle is that losing today's game seems to be more in the interests of the Rockets! Is it right to make more money for the boss?

The commotion in the stands grew louder.

Many fans are roaring and scolding angrily.

If the matter is not solved as soon as possible, I'm afraid there will be more storms.

Wang Fei shrugged and said to the referee: "Sir, you also have to protect your own reputation, right? All the decisions you make in today's game will be resumed after the game. If the decisions are too much, I'm afraid they will affect your career, won't they? I think you can call out the just game video to see if I'm right. Williams has committed a foul, which is right You are also a necessary thing. In fact, I am also defending your own interests. So please grant me this request, will you? "

The referee bit his teeth, nodded and said, "well, since you doubt my decision, I'll call out the game video just now for you to see clearly."

Hearing that the referee agreed to his request, Wang Fei laughed.

He said in his heart, I really don't want to force you.

But tonight's game is also very important for me. I really need to win!

The referee went to look through the game video.

And Lu Wei was also pulled up from the ground by his teammates.

"Williams, did Wang really invade you just now?" Gallinari came up and asked in a low voice.

"Of course! He hit me hard with his fist. If not, how could I fall to the ground." Luwei rolled his eyes.

"If so, then this Chinese boy is a little too arrogant, which makes people a little angry!" Gallinari said. "We should find a chance to teach him a hard lesson!"

The referee is checking the video of the game just now.

In the process, the fans who were protesting loudly calmed down.

Everyone is waiting for the results of the investigation.

What is the truth?

Everyone wants to know.

On the ESPN live booth.

Mike brin said: "another controversial decision appeared. Do you think the league wants the Rockets to lose?"

Shaquille O'Neal said: "it's really hard to say. If the League really wants to manipulate the game, this black curtain will do great harm to the NBA. Because everyone wants the game to be played in the most fair way."

"I don't think it will be like that. It's just a coincidence, that's all. Referees are human beings. They also make mistakes and make mistakes in the process of sentencing," said Paul Pierce.

"However, the frequent mistakes in judgment make people feel that there is a problem. Just now, Xie fell, I think Wang Fei has never made any small moves to Xie. It is reasonable to say that in this case, even if the referee did not see clearly, he should be cautious, don't punish and let the game continue! But the referee still chose to stop the game and give Wang Fei a It's a punishment for malicious foul! Isn't it to suppress Wang and try to change the final result of the game? "O'Neill said a little angrily.

Mike brin shook his head. "Complete fairness has never existed! However, before the truth comes out, I think it's better for us to say less guiding remarks."

ESPN and NBA are a community of interests. In this case, maintaining the reputation of NBA is also safeguarding its own interests for ESPN.

Wang Fei stood on the court, calmly waiting for the referee's investigation results.

"Wang Fei, what's going on just now?" Zhou Qi asked when he came to Wang Fei's side.

Wang Fei said with a smile: "Lu Wei is diving. He tried to make me commit three fouls in a short time! Maybe they also plotted to make me commit a full end. In this way, some people can manipulate the game and let the Clippers win. Maybe the winning streak will harm the interests of some people. Therefore, they hope to attack the Rockets by attacking me."

"Some people, who will it be?" Zhou Qi whispered.

"They have vested interests," Wang Fei said.

"You mean, even the top management of the rocket may be involved?" Zhou Qi immediately widened his eyes.

"It's possible. But let's not talk nonsense," Wang Fei said.

"Wang Fei, in fact, if many people want us to lose this game, it's nothing for us to lose. After all, you were just threatened by bad guys yesterday. You have to protect your safety," Zhou Qi said.

Wang Fei shrugged. He said in his heart, if it wasn't for the task of asking me to win issued by the sports King app, what would it be to lose the game?

"Zhou Qi, you know my character. I'm not the kind of person who likes compromise! Always strive for victory, which is my motto!" Wang Fei said decisively.

Behind the technical stage, the referee is watching the video just now.

He soon saw the video of a dispute between Wang Fei and Luwei.

After zooming in, he looked carefully frame by frame.

As a result, the referee found that Wang Feigang really didn't do anything.

After Wang Fei broke the ball, Lu Wei rushed up to entangle. After Wang Fei passed the ball, he wanted to run to the front court quickly and was stopped by Lu Wei's words.

Wang Fei stopped and turned to talk to Lu Wei.

Lu Wei angrily passed by and gently bumped Wang Fei with his body.

Wang Fei did not fight back.

Wang Fei and Lu Wei said two words and turned to leave.

At this time, Lu Wei suddenly gave a cry of pain, covered his stomach and fell to the ground.

It's already clear.

Wang Fei didn't touch one of Luwei's fingers.

Lu Wei just fell to the ground. It was really a fake dive!

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