"I'm really disappointed." Wang Fei shook his head and said.

"NBA is a business. When they think you have lost your use value, they will try to extract your last residual value. This is a very normal thing. The blood of capitalists is cold. Wang, you don't have to be angry about it," Alisha said.

"I know, of course I know that. But I still can't help feeling angry." Wang Fei smiled and said, "in fact, anger is the most incompetent performance. I think I should use my perfect performance on the court to counter them. This is my normal counter attack."

"Yes! I think Dilman is going crazy with remorse now. He doesn't think he will feel very well at the moment," Eliza said.

As they were talking, Wang Fei's cell phone rang again.

Wang Fei glanced at the mobile phone screen and found that it was Dilman fieldita who called.

Can't he help it at last?

Wang Fei answered the phone.

"Good morning, Mr. fieldita." Wang Fei said faintly.

"Good morning, Wang! My child, I apologize to you. I was wrong. I was deceived by some people. They confused me and made me do something inconsistent with my identity. After I saw the news of woj, I didn't sleep well all night last night. I was tortured. I'm sorry! Wang, I swear, I never meant to trade you. You will always be The cornerstone and core of the Rockets! You have made great contributions to this team. You are an eye-catching player in both the regular season and the playoffs. You are a hero in Houston. Can we have a good talk, child? "Dilman fieldita said to Wang Fei on the phone in a very sincere tone.

Wang Fei smiled.

He didn't expect that Dilman would admit his mistake directly to himself.

What else do you mean being bewitched by others.

If others can confuse you, it means that there is a potential idea in your heart.

"Ha ha! Mr. fieldita, I don't understand why you should apologize. I don't think you have done anything wrong. You are the owner of the rockets and you have the right to pursue the maximization of interests. When you think a player can't meet your psychological requirements, it's normal to abandon him or trade him." Wang Fei said.

Of course he was ironic.

Dilman fieldita gave a bitter smile.

He knew that Wang Fei was still angry.

"No, no! Wang, it's not like that. In fact, the reason why I bought the rockets and invested heavily is really because I love basketball very much. I hope I can help the Rockets win the championship. As for making money from this team, I never thought about it. I'm also a generous boss. I'm very kind. I like children like you, Wang. I'm happy again Again, you are not for sale! I would like to keep you in the Rockets forever. I hope to start a new history with you. I'm not that kind of cold-blooded boss, I'm just a little impatient. I'm eager to win the championship in the shortest time after taking over the Rockets, which makes me a little eager for quick success and instant benefits and makes me a little hot headed. So I did it Wrong thing. I'm sorry! I hurt your feelings. I'm very sad now, "said Dilman feltita.

"Mr. fieldita, thank you for being so open to me. Let's not talk about it again. It's a scar. Every touch will inevitably hurt and bleed. Forget it for the time being." Wang Fei said. "Now, the most important thing is the playoffs. Don't let it affect the game."

"Wang, will you forgive me?" asked Dilman fieldita.

"I don't know. I can't forgive you for the time being." Wang Fei shook his head.

Then Dilman feldita chatted with Wang Fei for a while, mainly playing emotion cards, hoping to make Wang Fei feel more comfortable.

Wang Fei talked with him for a while and asked to hang up.

"Wang, I think Dilman fieldita's words are also very sincere," said Eliza.

Just now she put her ear to Dilman's words.

"Haha! Are you sincere? In fact, it's normal. When they want to be nice to you, they always show that attitude," Wang Fei said.

Wang Fei has seen through some people's faces.

"That's true. He wants your forgiveness. Of course, they want you to feel their sincerity. When little Thomas went to battle for green Kai and was seriously injured, Angie, the general manager of green Kai, also said a lot of emotional words. What happened? Little Thomas was soon traded to a knight, and then he didn't, and he became a mediocre "It's a poor player who has almost improved the reserve team. It can't help but be vigilant," Eliza said.

Little Thomas, Isaiah Thomas.

Because there is a smiling assassin Isaiah Thomas in history, Isaiah Thomas is now called little Thomas.

In fact, there are quite a lot of cold people like Angie in the NBA.

However, some people do it more covertly.

In addition to Angie, there is Pat Riley of the heat. He is also a cold-blooded general manager. Flash Wade has done so much for the heat. In the end, he won't even give wade a decent contract.

"Well! Therefore, I must maintain my value and strong ability!" Wang Fei said.

After talking to Eliza for a while, Wang Fei went back to his room and continued to recuperate.

He also wants to see if the sports King app has reopened the mall at this time.

Wang Fei was lying in bed. He opened the sports King app on his mobile phone.

He took a look and was disappointed.

The mall is still under maintenance.


He said in his heart, when will it be maintained?

If the mall is not opened, it will be difficult for his body to be in the best condition, even if he has a good rest.

Wang Fei was depressed and his cell phone rang again.

It's really busy today.

Wang Fei took a look at the display on his mobile phone screen, and his eyes widened.

It was LeBron James who called.

Shouldn't Zhan Huang be fishing leisurely and on vacation now? The Lakers didn't enter the playoffs, so Zhan Huang's season is long over.

Wang Fei shook his head and he connected the phone.

"Hi, Wang, are you all right?" LeBron's voice came out of the microphone.

"OK! LeBron, why do you remember to call me now?" Wang Fei asked with a smile.

"Ha ha! I'm just afraid you're depressed, so I called to say hello. I saw the news sent by woj. It's really hot! I really didn't expect Dilman to be so cold-blooded. You got 143 points in two playoffs, you helped them win two hearty victories, and they wanted to abandon you and think you're not qualified to be a builder The cornerstone of the team, they are trying to use your residual value to make a profit. I really don't understand how they can do this, "LeBron James said.

"I also don't understand. Maybe this is the cold-blooded of capitalists. Ha ha! It doesn't matter." Wang Fei said with a smile.

"So what are you going to do, man?" LeBron asked.

"What else can we do? Let's talk after the playoffs." Wang Fei shrugged and said.

Don't think about it. Wang Fei knows that Zhan Huang will recruit himself again.

"Yes! You should play well in the playoffs! You can really win the championship! That's your qualifications and glory! But what I want to say is that the Rockets really don't need to stay. They've done that to you. If you stay, you won't be in a good mood, right?" LeBron said.

"Ha ha! Thank you! I'll think it over," Wang Fei said.

"Man, after the playoffs, take the initiative to propose a deal. Let's work together. I hope you can come to the Lakers. Our brothers fight side by side. The Lakers are an old and strong team with a glorious history. He has a deep foundation and a very harmonious atmosphere in the team. After you come, I believe we can still achieve a wave of three consecutive titles. In the future, you will be the name of the Lakers One of them, "said LeBron James.

"I'll think about it. But now, I won't think about these things. I hope I can concentrate and continue to play well in every game of the playoffs," Wang Fei said.

"OK! You're going to Los Angeles soon, man. Why don't we have dinner and have a good chat? My son likes you very much. He's your fan. He must be very happy that you can visit my home." LeBron James said.

"Of course, if I have time, I'd be happy," Wang Fei said.

"Well, I'll look forward to your arrival in Los Angeles," Zhan Huang said.

Wang Fei hung up and shook his head.

Zhan Huang is very enthusiastic, but Wang Fei is still not interested in going to the Lakers.

He doesn't want to be emperor Zhan's little brother.

He felt he didn't have to hold Zhan Huang's thigh.

In fact, when it comes to holding the thigh, Wang Fei thinks that now he should be the thickest thigh in the NBA?

Wang Fei yawned. He looked at the time. It was more than 9 a.m.

At the moment, China is more than 9 o'clock in the evening.

Wang Fei opened his Baidu Post Bar to browse.

When Wang Fei saw this, he found that woj's tweets had long been moved over.

It's really a curse in the post bar.

"Is the Rockets boss blind? A super bull who scored 143 points in two playoffs games thinks he has no future and no training value?"

"I really feel sad for Wang Fei. He has played data that surpasses all NBA stars, but it is still questioned!"

"Feidi, don't stay in the rocket. Leave quickly! Such a rocket is not worth your life!"

"I'm really a Buddha. A super rookie with a salary of only 800000 will be so belittled by his boss. Since then, the Rockets have been black all their life!"

In the post bar, the crowd was raging, and all the people were very angry.

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