As soon as Wang Fei walked back to the court, he was held by Frank Vogel, who was very excited.

"Wang! Just now you are like an emperor. You are omnipotent and invincible. When I see your performance, I really want to worship you! I love you so much! I believe you can compare with many famous players of the Lakers, and you will help this team with countless glorious history become great again!" Vogel chattered to Wang Fei.


Vogel was excited.

Because he learned one thing from Wang Fei's performance in the last few tens of seconds, that is: Wang Fei was probably playing for most of the first quarter just now! It was only at the last moment that he accidentally revealed his greatness!

This means that even if the clippers have been on a par with the Lakers for a while, the rhythm and trend of the game are always firmly held by the Lakers!

And Wang Fei, obviously, is the one who controls the rhythm of the game!

Wang Fei was embarrassed to be praised by Vogel.

He smiled, waved his hand and said, "frank, no, no! I'm not that great. I still have a big gap with those great things in the history of the Lakers."

Vogel is also stubborn: "Wang, don't be modest. There has never been a guard as comprehensive as you in the history of the Lakers. God! Look at your data! You just played a game. You have scored 21 points, robbed 6 times, sent 3 assists and got 4 rebounds. No one can do that! I mean, even Elvin Johnson can't be as comprehensive as you ! you had an average of 11.9 steals last season, which makes your steals in a single season reach more than 670! And Kobe Bryant, the first stealer in the history of the Lakers, has only won more than 1900 steals in his whole career! Besides, your assists, your assists per game have exceeded Elvin! As long as you can continue to play in the Lakers, I believe you will Can compare with those great figures in the history of the Lakers! "

Obviously, Vogel is really excited.

He did not hesitate to give praise to Wang Fei.

Even moved out all the famous players of the Lakers.

There are many famous players in the Lakers. It's shocking to make a list!

Chamberlain, Jabbar, Elgin Baylor, Gail Goodrich, Elvin Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, James worthy, logo man Jerry West, Jamal Wilkins, Kobe Bryant

All these names have supported an era in the long history of the NBA. So far, their prestige has been talked about by fans all over the world.

Wang Fei smiled and said, "thank you for your affirmation. I will try to pay tribute to those predecessors and keep up with them."

Because Wang Fei killed a man at the end of the first quarter, the clippers were very depressed.

Rivers's face was also very dignified.

"Gentlemen, our defense against Wang is still too lax. I think we must correct our defensive tactics. My idea is that we should defend Wang by means of car rotation, entangle him and consume his physical strength as much as possible. The reason why he was so crazy at the end of the first quarter is that we indulged him too much." Said rivers.

"Doug, I think the defensive pressure we put on Wang is not small. He played more relaxed in most of the first quarter of the game. Maybe he was just controlling the rhythm of the game." Kawaii looked up and said, but he immediately said, "but I think your wheel defense should be feasible!"

During the pause between the first and second quarters, the clippers have been carefully arranging the defensive strategy against Wang Fei.

However, to their surprise, at the beginning of the second quarter, they found that Wang Fei didn't play, but sat on the bench.

In the second quarter, the Lakers made a big defense to the lineup.

At the beginning, they sent a reserve team.

Not only Wang Fei, LeBron and Rondo were also replaced. Because there was a big lead in the first quarter, Vogel believed that he should give the substitutes some time, which also wanted to let the main team rest as much as possible and play for a while in the second half of the second quarter.

This will ensure that the Lakers enter the halftime with a greater advantage.

The Clippers are still played by all the main forces.

It caught rivers off guard.

The Lakers' backup guard line is headed by Crusoe and evry.

Kuzma and Dudley lead the front line.

The center is McGee.

Generally speaking, in the middle of the game, we don't send all the substitutes.

Unless the overall situation has been decided, all substitutes will be sent to play, so that the game will go into garbage time.

Vogel's doing this is a little abnormal. Of course, it's also a little risky.

And it made rivers feel humiliated.

What does that mean?

All the substitutes to play my main team?

Is this completely ignoring me?

Rivers was a little angry.

The Clippers players also felt insulted.


Lu Wei burst out a foul word.

"Blow them up! They must pay a price for belittling the enemy!" Paul George whispered.

But the Lakers' substitutes are also excited.

They know that such opportunities are rare.

The manager sent them on so as to examine their performance.

In fact, players like Clouseau, evry, Kuzma and McGee are very good practical players. If used well, it can also play a big role.

In this reserve lineup, Kuzma has become the absolute core.

Kutz can get 18.7 points, 5.5 rebounds and 2.5 assists per game this season, and his performance is quite good.

The second quarter begins.

The Clippers also wanted to take the lead. They launched a strong offensive and Paul George hit a 3-point goal.

Then, turning around, they tried to defend the Lakers.

The Lakers' substitutes also withstood the pressure. After Crusoe broke through, he passed the ball to evry on the outside. Unfortunately, evry lost three-point shot.

The Clippers grabbed the rebound and began to attack.

This time, Kawaii used his personal ability to get rid of Kuzma's defense and hit a center shot.

At the beginning, the Clippers hit a 5-0 climax for the Lakers.

The difference shrinks rapidly.

Vogel was a little uneasy.

In fact, he still has high hopes for this reserve team!

But the reality is cruel! The Lakers' reserve lineup can't withstand the Clippers' attack at all.

This means that he made a mistake in arranging troops.

But it's nothing. Failure is fucking success.

Now the key point is to make these substitutes less impatient and play the intensity of attack and defense.

"Don't worry! Be patient and maybe we can do it!" Vogel shouted.

The Lakers attack again.

This time, Crusoe pressed the attack speed. He brought the ball to the front court and immediately distributed the ball to Kuzma. Kuzma broke through with the ball.

He was immediately guarded by his counterpart Paul George.

Kuzma didn't handle the ball hastily this time. He dribbled the ball patiently with Paul George, then saw a loophole and flew to the basket.

Paul followed closely, ready to put on his big hat.

Kuzma came near the basket, and zubartz stood in front of him like a mountain.

Zubartz was once a member of the Lakers. This young man is very spiritual, flexible and comprehensive. There is absolutely no problem in defense.

Kuzma saw that there was no chance. He immediately distributed the ball to McGee on the right.

McGee's low back defense against zubates, turned around under the basket, and homeopathic was a throw.

However, his layup was more reluctantly. Kawaii came and slapped him down.

The Lakers failed to attack again.

On the inside, the Lakers' substitutes can't take advantage of anything at all.

After all, the Clippers are quite good inside. They have two superstar strikers Kawaii and Paul George, and a good rookie center under the basket.

After McGee's ball was capped, the Clippers immediately launched a counterattack.

The Clippers fought back very fast. This time, Kawaii rushed under the basket and sent a violent buckle.

Vogel couldn't sit still at all.

Because these substitutes really can't stand the main force of the Clippers. They have been blown up after the opening.

"Di -"

Vogel called a pause.

With this suspension, it also means that Vogel's attempt has failed.

The Lakers immediately let LeBron James and other main players play, but Wang Fei was kept on the bench.

Wang Fei knows that Vogel probably wants to send himself and LeBron separately, so that each team of the Lakers can have a backbone.

The game resumed.

The Clippers are still fighting with the main line-up.

James led the main force to play, and the Lakers stabilized their decline.

The next game, the two sides played very close.

However, the Lakers will not suffer.

Howard's defense on the inside is very solid.

Because there is Danny green at position 4, Danny Green's defense is still quite strong, but he is a little short. Therefore, in positional warfare, Howard gained relatively more offensive space. In fact, the position on the NBA field has become blurred. You don't see. At the craziest time, the warriors sent four guards to play together. What, you say dream green is a power forward? Can the power forward send nearly 8 assists? Warriors coach Steve Cole said green was the center of warriors' attack and defense and the engine of attack. He is not a point guard, but he does the work of a point guard!

Although Howard is no longer the core of the attack, he can still have a brilliant performance in the limited attack.

Both sides fought against each other when you came.

The score rises alternately, and the Lakers can always maintain the original lead.

It is difficult for the Clippers to catch up with the score.

Wang Fei sat on the bench. He yawned a little bored.

He thought, maybe I won't have to play in the second quarter?

After all, the situation on the field has formed a balance of power.

LeBron is playing very well now. After playing again in the second quarter, LeBron has quickly got 8 points, which has brought his score to 22 points.

With two minutes left in the second quarter, when Wang Fei felt that it was impossible to be sent again, Vogel called another pause.

He quickly came to Wang Fei's side and said, "Wang, now I need you to break the balance of the field. Do you think it's ok?"

"Oh, no problem! I think I can!" Wang Fei said with a cheer.

Is it finally my turn to play again?

Anyway, I'm a little sleepy on the bench.

After resting for so long, he has recovered early.

He took a look at his data and said that at present, the most important thing is to complete his task. Two minutes, is that enough for a wave of tide?

It's better to get the score and steal data first. If you get it, you can almost feel at ease.

On the Clippers side, the main players have played for more than 20 minutes in a row. They are already a little tired.

Rivers really wants to replace the main players and give them a rest.

However, he took a look at the Lakers and was worried.

Because he saw Vogel giving advice to Wang Fei, and Wang Fei, who had been wearing long sleeved clothes to keep warm, was already moving.

This means that Wang Fei is going to play again.

In that case, can you put yourself on the bench?

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