Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2744: Suppress easily

Zhao Yuanyang!

The representative of the city of sky!

In the past few years, I have fought against the masters of all parties, but I have not failed!

"Who else is dissatisfied? Stand up together?" Ye Hao glanced at the audience and said lightly.

"Ye Hao, what do you mean?" Zhao Yuanyang was angry.

Ye Hao clearly doesn't take him in his eyes!

"Noisy." Ye Hao's robe sleeve flicked.

A huge force shattered the space around Zhao Yuanyang all at once.

Zhao Yuanyang's face suddenly changed.

This power of space gave him a feeling of death.

He shouted and danced the spear in his hand.

The spear is blooming with endless divine light and wants to imprison this space.

But soon he found that he was unable to fix this space at all, and this space was still broken down inch by inch along the original trajectory.

The white tiger under his crotch also felt the crisis. Its mouth opened out a soft glow, but then it was torn by the force of space.

"Break me." Zhao Yuanyang used all his strength and waved the spear in his hand to stab forward.

To no avail.

The space on that side is outrageously hard.

Even if Zhao Yuanyang used all his mana, he still couldn't break the cage that Ye Hao built.

At this time, the force of space strangulation came to Zhao Yuanyang's side.



Zhao Yuanyang and Bai Hu spouted blood at the same time.

The whole audience was in an uproar!

Didn’t they think that Zhao Yuanyang would lose, but no one thought of losing so fast?


Zhao Yuanyang shouted angrily.

He suffocated in anger.

Before he appeared, he was full of ambitions. He felt that even if Ye Hao was undefeated, there wouldn't be much problem with the tie.

But Ye Hao waved his hand and trapped him with the technique of space.

What a shame!

"Do you think I'm a bully in the city of the sky?" Said that Zhao Yuanyang was going to die and Ye Qian's space strangulation appeared in the air indifferently.

Ye Hao Qian did not say anything, Ye Qian Qian stood up, "My father is not a cat or a dog can be provocative."

"Do you know that you are provoking my sky city?" The delicate face of the poems and paintings showed a chill.

"Provoked, what about?" Ye Qianqian diametrically opposed.

"Do you know the consequences of saying this?"

"Did you take your sky city too seriously?" Ye Qianqin said with a smile. "Yan Huangzong does not compete with your sky city. Do you think we are not as good as you?"

"Is not it?"

"Why don't you ask your mother?"

The poem and painting looked at an old lady beside him with a suspicious expression, "What does Ye Qianqian mean?"

There was dodge in the old lady's eyes.

"This one."

"What the whole God Realm knows, but you don't know? Don't you think it's ridiculous?" Ye Qianqin laughed.

"Ye Qianqian, don't mistake yourself." Just then an indifferent voice pierced the sky, and then a figure of Weiwu appeared here.

Who is the city owner who is not the city of the sky?

"You dare to move a thick hair, I will destroy your sky city." Ye Hao said at this moment.

The monks in the audience were stunned.

Then they were excited.

Did Yan Huangzong finally collide with the city of the sky?

"You have to have this skill too." The eyes of Shiyin burst into a chilling man's eyes.

But her eyes were blocked by a layer of ripples when Ye Hao was still ten meters away, and the next moment of coercion over all sentient beings permeated a million miles.

This powerful coercion can suppress the ages;

This powerful coercion can suppress the heavens;

This powerful coercion can suppress everything.

Poetic sounds were targeted.

She felt as if she was carrying an ancient mountain, and the pressure is still rising.

Within a few breaths, her face was pale, and her whole body was shaking like a sieve.

"Ye Hao, do you dare to bully my mother?" Shi Hua suddenly rushed towards Ye Hao when she saw this scene.

"No." Shi Yin said busy.

"I'm coming." Ye Qianqian saw Ye Hao rushing in, rushing past without saying a word.

Ye Hao did not stop.

In recent years, Ye Qianqin, in addition to taking the superb three-turn Golden Pill, also baptized Ye Hao in the blood of the earth obtained in the mechanical world. Forbidden strong respecting the demon domain)

This made Ye Qianqian's fighting power soar to taboo.

"Ye Qianqian, this is your death." Poetry and painting said, slamming his fist towards Ye Qianqian.

This fist will rule the world;

This punch is above all others;

This punch frightened the barbarians.

"Emperor Fist."

"Top boxing in Sky City."

"It is said that even Zhao Yuanyang did not succeed in cultivation."

"Emperor Boxing is claimed to suppress all boxing skills."

Just when the monks around were shocked, Ye Qianqian also made a punch.

This fist burst, all the heavens burst, all the heavens and the earth were broken, and all the heavens and earth fell.

What a terrible punch?

Liuhebahuang, tremors from ancient times to the present.

Everyone was frightened by the power of this punch.

"This--what kind of boxing is this?"

"Ye Hao seems to have used this boxing technique."

"I remember the name of this boxing technique is Liuhe Bahuang Supreme Boxing."

At this time, poetry and painting collided with Ye Qianqian.

It's like Mars hitting the earth.

The terrible shock wave caused the monks around to retreat.

Poetry and painting looked at Ye Qianqian's complexion, which was close at hand.


Ye Qianqin's boxing power was so vast that she was about to wear it out.

In other words, she could not hold on.

how can?

Poetry and painting are determined to defeat Ye Hao?

But now Ye Qianqian can't beat it.

A breath has passed!

Two breaths have passed!

Three breaths have passed!

As time went by, the fist in the poems and paintings was gradually wiped out.

But poetry and painting would rather die.

"Ye Hao." Shi Yin stared at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao just said, "Qian Qian, just give her some lessons."

Ye Qianqin slammed a punch toward the front, and then retreated toward the rear by the force of anti-shock.

"Poetry and painting, you lost."

But Liuhe Bahuang Supreme Boxing, without Ye Qianqian's mana support, was instantly shattered by poetry and painting.

"I didn't lose." Poetry and painting said to rush towards Ye Qianqian.

"Poetry and painting." Shiyin drew back the poetry and painting. "You lost."

"Mother." Poetry and painting stomped.

"If you lose, you must recognize it." Shi Yin said coldly. "What if you lose again? What will you try to find back later?"

The eyes of the poems and paintings flickered for a while and looked at Ye Qianqian, "Ye Qianqian, I will one day beat you."

"I'm waiting." Ye Qianqin smiled like a flower.

Ye Qianqian didn't say anything about fighting poetry and painting.

After all, they are half-sisters.

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