Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2941: Three consecutive levels

The eighth floor of Divine Realm!

Ye Hao quickly judged the other party's cultivation behavior through the other party's breath.

"There are nine floors of God of War space." The figure said indifferently, "Who can cross the ninth floor, who is the new God of War."

"God of War?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

"Who becomes the God of War, who will be the hegemon between the future and the world."

"Overlord?" Wen Yan Ye Hao shook his head and said, "Is it still comparable to the master?"

"Invincible under the domination." The figure emphasized.

"It doesn't make much sense to say that." Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

The figure heard Ye Hao say this and it felt like an egg hurt.

"Do you think anyone can pass the ninth level?"

"Is it difficult?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"After you beat me, say this and don't eat." The figure said lightly.


Ye Hao's eyes suddenly burst into terrible eyes.

This eye is so hot;

This eye is so severe;

This eye is so arrogant.

There was shock in the face of the figure. He didn't even have time to react, and he turned into an ashes, inch by inch.

After a few breaths, that figure reappeared in front of Ye Hao.

He looked at Ye Hao's eyes full of surprise, "I didn't expect your strength to be so arrogant."

"I want to know if there is any reward for breaking through the first level?"

"Do you know why the monk's progress slowed down when he reached the taboo?"

"Because at this level, there are not many resources that can be improved." Ye Hao said after thinking for a while.

"Have you heard the Emperor's Essence?" The figure said that a crystal clear ore appeared in his hand.

There was amber color in the ore.

"Emperor?" Ye Hao's pupil shrank.

How could he not know the emperor?

This is the essence of the emperor stone.

Even in an imperial mine, there may not be an imperial pith?

At least Ye Hao hasn't seen it in years.

"Yeah, Emperor's Essence, this is your reward for breaking through the first level." The figure looked at Ye Haodao.

"That's for me." Ye Hao extended his hand.

"Did you give up?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you take the essence now, it means you have given up."

"You explain more clearly." Ye Hao frowned.

"You want to reward now means giving up the next level, but if you fail the next level, then your previous reward will also be invalidated." The figure said lightly, "I said that you understand Yet?"

"What is the reward for the second hurdle?"

"Sorry, this can't tell you."

"I'm going to the second level now."

"Have you thought about it? This one can't temporarily quit."

"I think about it."

"Okay." Ye Hao found himself appearing in another void space when the voice of the figure fell.

Soon, a figure similar to the previous one appeared in front of him.

"Shall you shoot if you are ready?" said the figure indifferently.


Fire Eye Silver Crystal!

The figure was covered with a layer of golden light, but after only a few breaths, it was completely annihilated by the flame silver crystal.

After a few breaths, the figure appeared in front of Ye Hao again.

"Fire Eye Silver Crystal, didn't expect you to get this kind of eye surgery?" The figure was full of wonder.

"Fire Eye Silver Crystal is still not as good as Fire Eye Gold Eye." Ye Hao said leisurely.

"What level did your Fire Eye Silver Crystal reach?"

"Later in the future."

"When your flame silver crystal reaches the peak of the future, you may try to transform."

"Fire Eye Jinjing is difficult to transform into success."

"I have encountered one."

"Who?" Ye Hao's face changed slightly.

The figure laughed and said nothing.

Ye Hao was silent for a while, "Demon."

"The reward for the second hurdle is ten emperors. Now do you want to give up or continue through the hurdle?" The figure did not answer Ye Hao's question, but changed the subject.

"Continue through the barrier." Ye Hao said without hesitation.

The next moment Ye Hao's figure appeared in another void space.

Watching this figure Ye Hao realize how hard it is to become a God of War?

The cultivation practice in front of him is still on the eighth floor of God Emperor Realm.

On Xiu Wei is like Ye Hao.

But the breath intensity of this man is more than doubled than before.

If Ye Hao did not guess wrong, this one's original practice is in the later period of the future.

The first layer of pagodas appears in the early period of the future, the second layer of pagodas appears in the middle of the future, and so on. The eighth layer of pagodas appears at the peak of the present world, then the ninth layer of pagodas appears to be the dominant level. of?

Domination level?

I thought Ye Hao had a toothache here.

This is simply unsolvable.

Ye Hao disregarded the God of War before, but now he realized how difficult it is to be a God of War?

"I don't know what level I can reach?" Ye Hao murmured.

Ye Hao knows that the origin of the galaxy to him is in this world.

But he did not know whether it was the pinnacle of this world.

If it weren't for the pinnacle of this world, Ye Hao couldn't even break through the eighth floor.

"Are you ready?" said the figure standing opposite Ye Hao.

"Don't disturb me." Ye Hao glanced at the figure.

Ye Hao was a little worried.

Wouldn’t it be too shameful if the eighth floor could not be reached by then?

"Death." The figure was irritated.

And when he rushed towards Ye Hao, Ye Hao nodded toward him.

A light flashed away.

The figure froze on the spot, and then slammed.

After a few breaths, that figure reappeared in front of Ye Hao.

He looked at Ye Hao's eyes as if he had seen a ghost, "What did you just mean...?"

He has never seen such a terrifying fingering?

With just one finger, he has no ability to fight back!

"Tongtianzhi." Ye Hao said lightly. "As for the level, I don't know."

Ye Hao did not know the level of Tongtianzhi, he only knew that it was given to him by the six masters.

However, with the deepening of his practice, Ye Hao found that this **** was not easy.

He has some speculation now, but he is not sure yet.

"The reward for the third hurdle is a hundred emperors. Are you giving up or continuing to break through the hurdle?" said the figure slowly.

"Continue through the barrier." Ye Hao's words appeared in the fourth floor of the pagoda as soon as he dropped.

"Congratulations, you are your first batch of monks who broke into the fourth floor of the pagoda." A beautiful figure came from afar.

Ye Hao was stunned when he saw this figure.

It's so beautiful.

Ye Hao has seen many beautiful girls over the years, but none of them can compare with what he is seeing.

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