Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2953: Ye Hao's background

"Are you questioning me?" Ye Hao looked cold.

The senior of the Yun family smiled coldly, "This matter is related to the life and death of my Yun family, shouldn't I question you?"

"How? You just want to betray your clan?" Ye Hao said sarcastically. "Can't wait three days?"

"Indiscreet." Yun Feng was angry.

"Where is the child, dare to be rude to my father?" At this time a young man rushed towards Ye Hao, his fist filled with monstrous gods.

Seeing Ye Hao motionless or even without any movement, the young man was very proud.

In his opinion, Ye Hao was mostly scared and paralyzed.

But at that moment Ye Hao snorted coldly at the moment when the monstrous divine mansion was about to drown Ye Hao's body.

The terrible sound wave blocked the fistful mantra instantly as a barrier.

The young man froze immediately.

All blocked.

how is this possible?

But the next scene made him doubt his life.

I saw that the sound wave turned into a long river and rolled towards him after blocking his fist.

Many of his metaphysics, all his magical powers, before the sonic wave, were all pitiful.


The young man sipped blood.

Yun Feng was furious when he saw this scene, "Dare you hurt me?" He also shot while talking.

I saw a golden leopard behind him.

The leopard's roar turned into an arrow of the off-string and rushed towards Ye Hao, and whether it was tangible or invisible on the way of the leopard's progress, it was all broken.

But the leopard could not move far before he rushed out.

No matter how it charges, it won't help.

"I don't believe your strength is stronger than mine?" Yun Feng growled.

Ye Hao looked at Yun Feng with pity, "You still don't know who is the opponent you are facing?" After the voice fell, the power of the sonic wave continued to climb, and the time of just one breath increased. ten times.

The Leopard was torn, the sky was shattered, and the world was swaying.

At this moment, both Yunfeng and Yunye were hit hard.

The top of the Yun family was upset.

Ye Hao beat Yunye, do they think there is nothing?

But Ye Hao's defeat of Yunfeng made them unacceptable.

You need to know that Yunfeng exists in the tenth floor of Divine Emperor Realm.

How can Ye Hao be at this age?

"Ye Gongzi." The ancestor of the Yun family changed color.

But he could see clearly that Ye Hao's cultivation base was only the eighth floor of the Divine Realm.

"Your Yun family has disappointed me." Ye Hao stared at the Yun family ancestors. "I thought there would be a lot of spine, but I never thought that even Sancheng had not, even you, the helmer, also wanted to betray yourself. Race."

"Come on," an old man burst out and said, "How can my Yun family do it, and it's not your turn to put your beak?"

Ye Hao gave Yun Zhe a light look.

It was then that the thoughts that had imprisoned Yunzhe quietly dissipated.

"Three ancestors, shut up."

The old man was furious, "Yun Zhe, what do you say? I don't think you want to be a homeowner?"

"You can die if you want to. Don't hold my Yun family." Yun Zhe couldn't wait to strangle the old man. "Do you know who you blamed just now? Even the sage of the **** of Buddhism, dare not mess up in front of him Speak, do you know?"

The old man's head was stunned, and his back was soaked in cold sweat.

The ancestors of the Yun family also changed their faces wildly, and there was a lot of uneasiness in his heart. He stood up in a hurry, and for a moment did not know what to say?

"Yun Zhe, such a Yun family, I am not interested in saving." Ye Hao looked at Yun Zhe and said slowly.

"Young Master Ye." Yun Zhe said and knelt in front of Ye Hao.

"I am very careful." Ye Hao said calmly, "I will go to Cha Cha in person, I believe Cha Cha will not give me this face."

When the words fell, Ye Hao walked towards the outside.

Yun Zhe opened his mouth, and finally sighed.

After Ye Hao left, the Yun Family Ancestor carefully asked, "Yun Zhe, what is this person's identity?"

"I don't know what this person's identity is. I only know that he picked up a piece of avenue randomly."

"Road debris?" the ancestor of the Yun family exclaimed.

"Yeah, originally this piece of avenue, Young Master Ye is ready to give you."

"What a joke? Do you think the avenue fragment is Chinese cabbage?" Yun Family's Sanzu sneered, "How could that one give you anything casually?"

"Maybe the avenue fragment is very precious in your eyes, but in Ye Gongzi's eyes it is really nothing?" Yun Zhe said leisurely. "Do you know how many resources Ye Gongzi bought in the trading center?" Speaking of Yun Zhe here Three fingers extended.

The three tribes of the Yun family said suspiciously, "Three million?"

"thirty million."

The Yun family was shocked and speechless.

"How could he have so many imperial stones on his body?" An elder of the Yun family was shocked.

"Yonggong said in the face of the saint's face that the emperor's stone snatched from Ziran was gone."

"Purple natural?"

"Purple family ancestor."

"The existence of the pinnacle of the past?"

"How is this possible?" The Yunjia executive expressed incredible.

Yun Zhe sighed, "Who dares to talk like this?"


The topic relates to the existence of the past?

Who dares to talk nonsense?

"Originally, Ye Gongzi was going to heal his father." Yun Xi looked at the senior Yun family angrily, "The result was ruined by your group of boneless stuff."

"What?" The Cloud Ancestor was shocked.

Ye Hao wants to cure Yun Zhe?

He knows that Yun Zhe's origin has been hit hard.

If he recovers, Yunzhe will be determined in the middle of the taboo.

There was a trace of regret in his heart.


Cha Cha!

When he appeared in the Cha family ancestral court, Ye Hao discovered that the Cha family's large mountain array was actually the peak of the emperor.

From this point of view, it is more than one grade better than the Yunjia.

However, this kind of formation was not a problem for Ye Hao. He easily crossed the formation to Houshan.

He can't break through the front door of others.

He didn't go far along the back hill and heard the silver bell-like conversation of the two girls.

"Sister, do you really like Mr. Meng?"

"This is a family arrangement. What do you like or dislike?"

"But I heard that Meng Gongzi has a cruel character. How many women have been killed by her over the years?"

"He dare not kill me with our family background."

"But he dare to torture you."

Hearing that the girl was silent.

"Who is Meng Gongzi in your mouth?" Just then Ye Hao appeared in the pavilion and asked with a smile.

The faces of the two girls changed dramatically.

Because neither of them sensed Ye Hao's arrival.

"Who are you?" A tall woman looked at Ye Haodao in surprise.

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