Super Asura System

Chapter 1136: You provoke me

Li Wenzhe was standing on the stage with pride, when he saw a middle-aged man flying onto the stage, he felt a little bit in his heart. This person made him feel very bad.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Unexpectedly, your head is really worth 40 million yuan. I am Qiu Hua from the Qiu family, so accept your fate!"

Li Wenzhe said in a calm voice: "I haven't played against each other, and the outcome is still unknown. It's not good to be so arrogant!"

Qiu Hua didn't answer at this moment. He just stepped forward and slapped it. His palms turned golden, like iron plates.

Li Wenzhe also shot like electricity, the edge of the folding fan was particularly sharp, like a short knife, and the two quickly fought together.

After fighting dozens of moves, Li Wenzhe once again released his imperial battlefield, venomous snakes crisscrossing everywhere.

Qiu Hua snorted disdainfully, and at the same time opened his imperial battlefield. It is really a thing of one thing. His imperial battlefield is actually full of goshawks, and they are the natural enemies of poisonous snakes.

After Li Wenzhe was restrained by others in the imperial court, he was completely saddened, and then there was a unilateral massacre, and then his head was smashed by the palm of his family.

Qiu Zhiqiu said with a smile: "It's really a concession. Boss Li can be said to be a spoiler, so let me admire him very much."

Ma Ying smiled and said, "Since everyone has such a great fun, it is better to send someone to play. Now that there is 80 million in it, I will bet 80 million."

Qiu Zhiqiu laughed and said: "Since the caravan owner has such courage, of course I will stay with him to the end."

Ma Ying clapped her hands gently, and a particularly sweet-looking girl flew into the ring.

The girl smiled sweetly and said: "Your Excellency is really a hero. I am Tang Tiantian from the Dream Snow Sea Gang. I just walked up and down for a cutscene. Uncle must be merciful!"

Qiu Hua showed a look of **** and soul, and said with a mean smile: "You little girl is so sweet, it's a pity to do it in the ring, it's better to let you try my bed skills."

Tang Tiantian said: "It depends on what the uncle did. If the uncle gives me face this time, I will go to the uncle's room at night."

She said step by step forward, and gently walked to Qiu Hua's side, gently touching his face with her hand, and the other party showed a very comfortable expression.

Suddenly, her nails became very sharp and cut off the opponent's artery, but the opponent didn't seem to notice it, and just smiled so stupidly.

Zhao Yiming said at this time: "This girl is really a strong charming technique, and she is taking a different path. No wonder the other party followed her way."

Xiao Daoxiong laughed at this moment and said, "Since the caravan master has thrown up some ideas, then our Tiangang Gang should also say that it's better for me to be a disciple and see if I can break your charm technique."

As soon as his voice fell, a figure flew onto the ring, this was also a woman, and an ugly woman.

The woman said with a hoarse voice: "Since ancient times, beauty has been troublesome. Sometimes beauty can't bring you anything. At the beginning, I was as beautiful as a flower, but I didn't become like this in the end."

Tang Tiantian smiled and said: "I have heard the story of Sister Meng when I was a child, and Meng Wenxia, ​​the old lady of the generation, is really sad to say.

Sure enough, you are a foolish woman, but your appearance has been ruined now. If you don't cater at home, it would be wrong to come out scary. "

Meng Wenxia gave a cold cry, and there was a pair of double knives in her hand. She was completely immune to the charm technique, swiping the knives up and down, and then killed her.

Tang Tiantian raised his hand and shot a few butterfly darts, and then his figure flew like catkins, and various hidden weapons were shot out like raindrops.

Zou Xiaoyun sighed softly at this moment: "Although Meng Wenxia has a fierce knife skills, she is impetuous, and she seems to be unable to see the beauty of others. I am afraid that defeat will happen sooner or later!"

Xiang Sibing also said with a cold face: "That Tang Tiantian is really vicious. Not only is she proficient in charming techniques, but she is also good at using poison. In these short moves, at least a dozen poisons have been sprayed. "

Jin Ye said with a smile: "The two ladies don't look like a little girl. In fact, she is not under my age.

When I debuted, this woman was already a sea of ​​dreams of blood, one of the 72 concubines, and there were hundreds of heroes who died in her hands. "

Zhao Yiming listened for a moment, and then asked: "The dream blood sea seems to be very interesting!"

Jin Ye said indifferently: "The dream blood sea is all women. Under the lord of the blood sea, there are also the 72 concubines known as the Sangong 6th courtyard, a total of 81 female masters.

As far as I know, our caravan master is just a maid in the Dream of Blood Sea, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to become a 72nd concubine. Only after he comes out, he has this ability to stir up trouble. "

Zhao Yiming laughed and said: "It seems so interesting, but it's a pity that the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood is a woman. If he were a man, wouldn't it be Yanfu Qitian."

Gai Zhewei laughed and said: "Whoever says that a woman can't make a beautiful life, I heard that although the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood is a daughter, his favorite is grinding tofu, which is really a waste."

Ma Ying said with a cold face: "Don't you know the truth of the misfortune coming out of your mouth? I am here to talk about the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood. Is it because I want to find my own way."

Zhao Yiming snorted from his nose, and then said casually: "Since everyone is human, there is nothing wrong with letting others talk about it. Whoever doesn't talk about people is behind, who doesn't get talked about behind them.

And I think your dreamy sea of ​​blood is the most self-defeating group of things. A woman should be a husband and a child at home. If you steal a wild man outside, you should be a pig cage. "

Ma Ying said angrily, "Master Zhao said too much!"

Zou Xiaoyun said with a look of disdain: "We Mingjiao is the most interesting to our friends, and we are never merciful to our enemies. The caravan owner provoked us again and again today, and I don't know who passed it.

Don't think that you are a terrible snake. If you provoke the hair, we will take the snake skin and take the gall. Since the dream blood sea can give you this courage, then we will continue. "

Ma Ying said coldly again: "It is best to go through your brain when your wife speaks. Don't think it is great if you have a saint. Let alone whether she can master the holy city.

Even if she finally succeeded, the holy city will not be seen by my dreamy sea of ​​blood. His Majesty the Holy Emperor was so powerful back then, it is not that we have no choice but to win us in the end.

Jin Laogui said just now, but there are 3000 women's football teams like me. If you don't know the current affairs, you will regret it. "

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