Super Asura System

Chapter 1177: Turned out to be a rival

Zhao Yiming and Liu Yifei were enjoying the flowers in the garden, when suddenly they saw several guys rushing in aggressively, headed by her two prodigal brothers.

Liu Yifei frowned slightly, and she didn't have a good impression of her two brothers. These two guys had done nothing good except to bully her.

Adiko arrogantly said: "You girl didn't see Prince Pato coming? Don't come out to meet him."

At this time, Pato said quickly: "Sister Phil, don't be so polite, I will be happy to see you."

Although Liu Yifei was innocent but not stupid, she was afraid of causing Zhao Yiming's misunderstanding, and immediately said with a serious face: "I also hope that Prince Pato can speak clearly so that my husband will not misunderstand me."

Maggnini said dissatisfiedly: "How did you talk to Prince Pato? Prince Pato can see you as your blessing. What kind of thing is that kid?"

Zhao Yiming has been watching coldly from the sidelines, basically knowing what is going on in his heart, it seems that this Prince Pato is a rival in love, and a guy who has been eliminated.

Originally, he didn't want to be involved, but now that Maggnini burns the fire on him, he certainly won't be polite.

Immediately he said in a cold voice, "You are a thing, yelling here, this is the Rose Manor, get out if you are not satisfied."

Pato's brows wrinkled slightly, and Adico rushed to say: "What do you **** say there, do you know who Prince Pato is? He is the prince of AC Milan."

Zhao Yiming snorted disdainfully and said: "So what, this is the city of Florence, it is not his turn to show off, and the mere ac Milan city has not been put in my eyes."

Pato said angrily: "Your Excellency is really arrogant. I heard that Uriano was defeated by you. I would like to ask you for advice if I have time."

Zhao Yiming said coldly: "It's not like a cat or a dog can fight me. You have to have this qualification."

Ma Yingjun smiled and said: "I think everyone has a misunderstanding. We just came here today to visit Miss Fei'er. Since you don't like it, then we will leave."

Pato always followed Ma Yingjun's words, nodded and said: "I will stay here for a while, and I will come to visit Sister Faye when I have time. Such an impolite barbarian is really not worthy of a fairy like Sister Faye. Like a character."

Liu Yifei said with a look of dissatisfaction: "Who can be worthy of me? I don't need your prince to give instructions. I know what to do."

Maggnini jumped out again and pointed her finger at her and said, "You are the same as your mother's bitch. You just don't know what is good or bad..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw a figure flashing, and then he was slapped a few times before being kicked out of the manor.

It was Mother Zhang who made the shot, and said in a swearing manner: "What kind of thing are you bastard? If it weren't for your wife who was kneeling and begging our lady, how could the lady look on him?"

Ma Yingjun immediately said: "Why should everyone get angry? As the saying goes, gentle ladies and gentlemen are good. Our prince has the heart of admiration, but we don't mean to be rough, we will leave first."

After these people left, Liu Yifei looked at Zhao Yiming with some worry and said: "The Prince Pato has harassed me several times, but I never gave him a good face."

Zhao Yiming smiled and said: "You don't have to be so anxious to explain to me, don't I believe you? Besides, someone is chasing you, which makes me have a brilliant vision.

Mother Zhang smiled and said, "Master Biao is right. If a girl is not pursued by others, it can only be said that the girl has a problem."

Liu Ruyan stood behind the window and saw all this in his eyes. When Maggnini scolded Liu Yifei, his face became cold.

She said to Bai Mingwen with a cold voice: "These little boys are getting too much, go and tell Baggio for me, if he can't restrain his little ones, don't say I send someone to teach him."

Bai Mingwen nodded immediately, and then cautiously asked: "For that Prince Pato, don't know what we should do?"

Liu Ruyan smiled and said: "Many times he will cherish his own girl even more only when a rival appears, so let them go!"

After receiving the warning, Baggio immediately beat Maggnini and then locked him to the back mountain and let him face the wall for three years.

After Pato knew about this, his evaluation of Liu Ruyan went up a bit. It seemed that the forces behind the other party were enough to make Baggio jealous.

Ma Yingjun smiled and said, “I’ve heard before that the Eastern Demon Race has a huge power in the West. It was hidden here when it was sealed in. Now it seems that Liu Ruyan should It is related to this force."

Pato shook his head and said: "I'm not interested in this force. As long as they are not trying to mess with me, I am not interested in messing with them. No matter how beautiful, Mayfair is just a woman."

Ma Yingjun nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "According to our intelligence, Cambiasso from Inter Milan has arrived here. The only person he met was Rui Costa.

I don't know what they want to do. Rui Costa suffered a dark loss in Baggio's hands last time, and even his only daughter was killed. "

At this time, an entourage walked in and said: "Ruy Costa sent someone to send an invitation card, saying that a welcome ball will be held tonight, and welcome the arrival of His Royal Highness and Master Cambiasso."

Pato's eyes lit up slightly, and then he sneered and said, "It seems that we really underestimated Rui Costa. This guy is very bold. He should be trying to play with fire among us."

Ma Yingjun also smiled and said: "Pulling chestnuts from the fire is not necessarily bad. The key is whether he can control the fire. If he can't control it, he will burn his body."

Pato said to his entourage: "Go and tell the guy outside that I will be there on time tonight."

Zhao Yiming and the others also received the invitation. Liu Ruyan said with a smile: "Rui Costa is getting bigger and bigger now, so you might as well go get insights.

I am getting older and older now, and you need to handle many things for me. Tonight, you will do it for me. You must have fun. "

Zhao Yiming said with a smile, "Aunty, don't worry, I will definitely have fun this time and let everyone know how good I am."

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