Super Asura System

Chapter 1202: Mixed into the elder group II

Xu Yun quickly returned to his place, met his boss, Iron-Blooded Saint Demon, Zhai Qing, and learned everything.

Zhai Qing said with a pensive expression: "I remember what you said. Recently, a new solipsism has appeared. The overall strength is very strong, I am afraid it is related to him."

Xu Yun quickly said, "The adults are quite right, so it seems that this blood-handed holy demon cannot be underestimated."

Zhai Qing waved his hand and said, "Which one can be underestimated if you can get the name of the holy demon? It is the arrogance and dude shown by this kid, how can you know that it is not a fake?

Moreover, the two brothers are separated. Either his ambition is too great, or the two of them have plans. For this kind of heavenly pride, he must be the boss everywhere.

But this is fine, I am not really interested in the position of the boss. As long as we can work hard for our demons, it doesn't matter who is the boss. "

Xu Yun said with a compliment: "That person is really dedicated to the Demon Race, and his subordinates admire him. I have made an appointment with them and will arrive on time next month."

Zhai Qing waved to him and said, "Thanks for your hard work this time, let's get the reward!"

Just after Xu Yun went down, a woman came out from the back hall. This woman was Zhai Qing's wife, the famous female Zhuge Ouyang Wenhui.

Ouyang Wenhui said with a smile: "It seems that we really ran into an interesting person. These two brothers are obviously not in the pool, and may be able to resolve our crisis."

Zhai Qing shook his head and said, "The key is that I don't know what Qingyun sacred demon Wen Qingchuan thinks, if he can't be with me, then nothing is superfluous."

Ouyang Wenhui hesitated and said, "Wen Qingchuan has always been a sweetheart. You can't help but guard against him. I think we can use this kid to restrict each other."

Zhai Qing waved his hand and said, "I think what the other party said that the old man can infiltrate divine consciousness is completely true.

You also know that my practice feels extraordinary. When I practiced the practice some time ago, I did feel strong spatial fluctuations, and something seemed to come in.

You also know the strength of this seal, which shows that the old man's combat power is incomparable. If the calculation fails, the old man really gets angry. Even if we stay here, we are wishful thinking. "

Ouyang Wenhui shook his head lightly and said: "Why should we calculate him? We just need to let the flow go. Maybe we can form an alliance with him. Then someone will come out for us."

Zhai Qing nodded and said, "I understand what the lady meant, and everything will be done according to your wishes."

Soon it was the day of the party. This time there were ten holy demons. Except for Zhongming, the other guys were very tough.

Zhong Ming took his four maids and sat there with an indifferent appearance, yawning boredly.

Qingyun Saint Mowen Qingchuan greeted everyone with a smile, and he could see that this guy was very ambitious and wanted to earn a high position.

Each of these holy demons was very arrogant, and didn't put others in the eyes at all. Among them, the purple blood holy demon looked like a demon bear, which was a lecherous guy.

This guy sat there with colored eyes looking around, and quickly locked his four maids, especially Zhuo Wenya, who looked innocent and refined.

The perverted bear gave an order to one of his subordinates, and that subordinate walked up to Zhong Ming extremely arrogantly and said: "Our master has taken a fancy to you, the maid, and quickly present it to our master. Otherwise, don't say that you are not welcome ."

Zhong Ming didn't even lift his eyelids, but Zhuo Wenya slid a long sword from his sleeve, stabbed it out like lightning, and pierced the opponent's throat.

This kind of act of making a killer move at every disagreement shocked everyone.

The perverted bear jumped up and shouted: "You guy is so brave, you dare to kill my person."

Only then did Zhong Ming lift his eyelids and said casually: "Kill."

Like a blue smoke, Ping Xiqiang came in front of the opponent at once, raised his hand and patted it, and suddenly the wind thundered.

He also deliberately wanted to build his might, and he used his strongest stunt Feng Lei Jing Tian Palm, which contained both Feng Lei attributes.

Sex Demon Bear should be the weakest among the several holy demons. What he cultivates is only the technique of double cultivation. Firstly, there is no defense, secondly, there is indeed a difference in strength between the two.

After only receiving three palms from the opponent, he was put under the palm of the opponent, and it was abruptly shaken to death.

This shocked everyone, knowing that even the worst holy demon, it is a holy demon after all, how could it be so easy for someone to kill it.

Wen Qingchuan said with a cold face: "The Blood Hand Saint Demon is too much, even if he is unwell, you shouldn't kill him."

Zhong Ming said with a disdain: "This kind of trash can't even take three palms of Grandpa Ping, so what right do you have to sit here and talk to me, and if you want my woman, you can't blame others if you want to die."

Ning Xue, the sacred demon of the heart of death, is a very coquettish woman. She covered her mouth and smiled and said, "I think the blood-handed sage is right. The guy who is the devil bear has a trick on women. Qualified to sit here.

And I think ten people are always bad when discussing things. Now there are nine people who have died. This is the ideal choice. "

Zhai Qing coughed and said, "Master Ning Xue is right, and the devil bear is dead, so it doesn't make much sense to talk about it.

This time, Qingyun Saint Demon and I invite you to come over, just to discuss with you the current situation, we are now sealed here is a foregone conclusion, everyone thinks we should go in the future. "

Iron Saint Demon Tie Ning Jun said helplessly: "What else can I do? It has been sealed here. What is the use of talking so much."

At this time, Ning Xue shook her head and said, "Because we are sealed here and cannot get out, so we have to think about what we should do in the future. Life cannot be sealed forever. There will be a day in the future. The key is where everyone should go after breaking the seal."

Zhong Ming snorted with a disdainful face and said, "I really have no brains. After I want to break the seal, let's talk about the current affairs first! We are locked here now, but it is not small here, and it is self-contained. One world.

Moreover, the main army of the Demon Race was sealed here at the same time, but everyone is particularly scattered with each other, so we should establish an order. "

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