Super Asura System

Chapter 1204: Bloody Butcher Knife One

The problem encountered as soon as the Holy Demon Palace was established is that everyone didn't take them seriously. Although it is said that there are nine great holy demons, there is still a **** and demon on it.

After the Holy Demon Order was issued several times, not only did it have no effect, but was killed by several people who passed the order, and the reputation was discredited for a while.

The presbytery had to hold a meeting again to discuss how to do this.

Wen Qingchuan automatically and consciously assumed the task of secretary-general of the Presbyterian Church. He first explained the whole thing, and then said with a serious face: "What do you think I should do?"

Tiening's army roared angrily and said, "Then what else can I do? Whoever refuses to accept it will be convinced!"

Ning Xue has been completely mingled with Zhong Ming during this period of time, and is basically pretending to be his wife, and even the four maids ordered two by her side.

She smiled and said: "I also agree with your opinion, but this place is so big, who I am going to fight first, then how to fight, anyway, the sun, moon, gods and monsters are still there."

Zhong Ming hesitated and said: "The sun and moon gods and demons are also our eastern demons, so we can't attack the eastern demons first, but we can kill the chickens and the monkeys. Don't those western demons refuse to move? Just kill him. They are not afraid.

After we have subdued the Western Demon Race, we will send people to contact the Eastern Demon Race tribe. If they refuse to accept it, then we can't be blamed. "

Zhou Shaozhu laughed and said: "The young master made sense. I haven't abused or killed people for a long time. Let me take care of this matter!

And I don't think the East is very interesting. After slaughtering these Western demons, I will take them to the West, so don't rob them with me. "

Tie Ningjun said with a smile: "The western region is so big, although it is all barren, can you occupy it alone? It's not as good as half of us."

Zhou Shaozhu thought for a while and nodded, this matter was settled, and they also had subordinates available, so they immediately took action.

The CSKA tribe was originally the main force in the attack of the Western demons. Although it lost a lot of strength when it was sealed in, it can be regarded as a relatively powerful force among the Western demons.

After they came here, they formed tribes with legions, so the centripetal force was relatively strong, and the cohesion was also very strong, because the largest tribe in the vicinity kept enslaving other small tribes.

Palyukov, the eldest of their tribe, is not bad at all. He grabbed some blond beauties and was just looking for fun every day.

Suddenly a wave of coercion spread over, and he quickly pushed the woman beside him aside, strode out of the camp, and saw a very ugly woman who was bringing some people around.

He pointed his finger at the woman and shouted: "What is your ugly monster, you dare to surround my site, is it because you want to die?"

What Zhou Shaozhu hates most is that others call herself ugly, and her eyes are immediately full of killing intent, and her voice is cold and shouts: "I am Zhou Shaozhu, the elders of the Holy Demon Palace.

Your CSKA tribe refused to follow the arrangements of the Holy Demon Temple and refused to go to the west coast of the ocean. Originally, I wanted to give you a chance, but now it seems unnecessary. Get rid of the entire tribe for me, and no one gasping at the scene can leave me. "

Her men immediately yelled, waved their weapons and killed them.

Palyukov was also extremely angry, and shouted loudly: "Don't be too rampant, the holy demon is so great, but there is also the Lord God and Demon."

Zhou Shaozhu said coldly: "But you don't have that chance to see the gods and demons, let the old lady die!"

She said that she raised her hand and shot out a flower. The speed of this flower was extremely fast. Although Palyukov tried to dodge, she was still hit in the chest by the flower. After a while, the flower was drained of blood.

Although the boss has been killed, these guys are worthy of being a good soldier, and they still form an army to resist, and they can't take it for a moment.

Zhou Shaozhu's eyes became very cold, and he snorted from his nose: "All this bunch of useless waste will be retired to the old lady."

After her men retreated, she twisted her hands with a seal, and suddenly a field of flowers appeared on the ground, covering all the enemies in it.

Immediately after the breeze blew, bursts of fragrance of flowers wafted, these people felt dizzy, and then fell asleep in the flower field, and the roots of the flowers all entered their bodies, and they soon turned them into Nourishment.

These flowers quickly withered, and then turned into seeds, which flew into her hands again, leaving only a dead bone on the scene.

Just when the CSKA tribe was in trouble, the Dynamo Kyiv tribe was also unable to escape the bad luck. The Tienin army took its own men and crushed it all the way, and the scene was also full of chickens and dogs.

The two men raised **** butcher knives in this way, slaying the tribes that did not obey, each of them was cut and rooted.

These tribes didn't think about resisting. The 14 most powerful tribes formed the so-called G14 alliance, but in front of the two of them, they were completely destroyed by others.

After nearly a million demon clan’s withered bones announced the blood of the Holy Demon Temple to the world, the remaining western demon clan had to follow the orders of the two of them, and then gathered in the famous **** wasteland.

Waiting for those that did not arrive, it was naturally another **** massacre. It should be said that after these two massacres, the western demons almost exhausted their main force, and the rest were all lingering generations.

In the end, under the leadership of two people, these people passed through the vast sea, and were repeatedly ravaged by them on the boat, and died nearly 1/3.

After arriving in the Western Continent, the two immediately disbanded their subordinates. Those subordinates formed a team and divided up the remaining demons, and built cities there, which became the embryonic form of the West.

Although the affairs of the Western Demon Race came to an end, the remaining Eastern Demon Race tribes raised their hearts to their throats. Among them, the four most powerful tribes, the later four empires, began to seek countermeasures. .

Kongka of the Evergrande tribe, this is a very cunning guy. At that time, the boss of the Evergrande tribe was a guy named Xu Jinsheng, but this guy had some tendons.

Xu Jinsheng summoned all his subordinates together, and said firmly: "I believe you also know about the Western Demon Race, but we can't compromise with the Holy Demon Temple, then we will have no autonomy in the future."

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