Super Asura System

Chapter 1210: Kill the Protoss

The guy looked at Zhang Ming with a cold face, and suddenly slapped him back with his hand. The palm slapped his head and twisted his neck.

The guy said in a low voice, "You are something, but you are like an ant, and you dare to teach me how to do things."

He then raised his head and said: "I don't know who you are, but you dare to offend our Protoss. It's really impatient to live."

Zhao Yiming said casually: "Of course I am from the Human Race. I don't think the Protoss has anything great, but it's a little better than us. If you do it, you may not be afraid of you."

The guy laughed and said: "You are really arrogant, how can the majesty of God allow you to blaspheme? Today I will punish you **** on behalf of the Protoss and demote your souls to the Hell of Nine Nethers."

Gai Zhewei gave a long roar to the sky and roared loudly: "You are just a semi-god, pretend to be a big-tailed wolf with me here, and report your name if you are the first to be killed by the human race. Protoss."

This guy was obviously very angry, feeling that he was underestimated, and said with a grudge: "My name is Gu Yi, let me kill you bastard."

Gai Zhewei dashed up and kicked the opponent's head. He was also a powerhouse in the semi-god state, and his strength was not inferior to the opponent.

The two quickly fought together, but everyone was in a similar realm, but Gu Yi soon gained the upper hand. This power was not proportional to his realm.

Zhao Yiming observed in secret for a while, and then said loudly: "The Protoss will borrow the power of faith, which is equivalent to opening up, everyone must be careful."

Gai Zhewei's defense is also quite stable. After hearing this, he immediately laughed and said: "It is never possible to become a real strong with external force. I will break their myth today and let everyone no longer believe in them. ."

Many mercenaries were watching in the distance. After listening to his words, they all felt passionate. The Protoss didn't take the Humans seriously, and they had been oppressed for more than a hundred years.

One of the mercenaries whispered to the person next to him: "I really don't know where these people come from. They are really extraordinary. If we can have them, we won't be bullied."

Looking at the whispering mercenaries, Zhao Yiming smiled casually and said: "I hope everyone will publicize for me. I am a strong man from the Holy City. Our human race should continue to improve and should not be enslaved by the gods."

While he was speaking, there were some changes in the fighting on the court. After all, Gai Zhewei had experience after thousands of years, and his moves had changed a lot. This kind of specious change made Gu Yi very uncomfortable.

The evenly matched battle between two people also shakes the hearts of some who are not very firm, because their beliefs are no longer pure and their power of belief is much less.

For their kind of gods who rely on external forces, without the power of belief, they can only use their own skills, which shows a lot of deficiencies.

Gai Zhewei seized this opportunity and launched a series of strong attacks, and finally kicked off the opponent's leg, and finally his knee was quickly raised, smashing the opponent's chin.

Gu Yi was lying on the ground, humming constantly there, and Gai Zhewei had no habit of talking nonsense, and stomped his head with one foot.

This order made the entire town into a riot. Everyone did not expect that the Protoss was really killed, but there were some very pious people who were crying there.

Zhao Yiming turned his head around with a smile, and continued to say to everyone: "I think everyone has also seen that the Protoss is nothing great, and can be killed by us, so we don't have to accept their enslavement.

As long as we can continue to improve ourselves, there is no need to be afraid of them. Although we will not take the initiative to pick things up, we are not afraid of things. The demons were so powerful back then, and we were not beaten back. "

Those mercenaries were silent, and the first mercenary stood up and said, "You have great power. Of course, you can say anything, but our strength is shallow, and we are also weak!"

Zhong Ming smiled casually and said: "As long as you have the heart, you will be powerful. You can rest assured about this. Now the Holy City is developing many skills, and you will all have powerful power in the future.

But I hope you can publicize more, Human Race can no longer be running dogs of Protoss, but for those who have been dogs for a long time, I will liquidate them.

I don't know what your name is. Our mercenary group just needs a guide. If you want, you can join us and let us witness the miracle together. "

The mercenary was so excited that he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "My name is Yin Jianping. It's great to be able to join you. It's a pity that my skills are low, and I'm afraid it will drag you back."

Zhao Yiming clicked on his eyebrows, passed a set of Shaolin internal skills, and then smiled and said: "As long as you practice hard, you will definitely achieve something.

This guy has been here for so many years, and a grandson dare to do so many bad things. I believe he must have a lot of lackeys, and take us to copy them. "

Yin Jianping hurriedly nodded his head and said: "What the team leader said is that the biggest running dog in this town is the Zhang family. With the strength of this guy, he is completely bullying men and women, and I will take you there now."

Now the Zhang family is in chaos, but they did not expect their backing to fall like this. The Zhang family advocates building up, and now it is like an ant on a hot pot.

His housekeeper hurried in and said: "The big thing is not good, my lord, Yin Jianping's little crap, now he has gotten into that group and is taking them to our place."

Zhang Jiangang was shocked and said: "How can this be good? I had to know that this kid could mix up, so I wouldn't **** his fiancée to be the 18th concubine."

The door of the yard was kicked open at this time. Yin Jianping led everyone in. He pointed to Zhang Jiangang and said: "This guy is Zhang Ming's father and a famous bully in this town."

Zhao Yiming nodded and said: "As a human race, but relying on the power of a foreign race to bully his own people, this is really unforgivable."

Zhang Jiangang knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtow and said, "He can't blame me for this. If I don't agree to help him, our Zhang family will not be able to keep it. We will ask the adults to give it to you."

Zhong Ming said with a smile: "The thing I don't like listening to is excuses. It's not open and honest at all. I originally wanted to leave you a trace of blood. Now it's not necessary. Kill me."

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