Super Asura System

Chapter 1225: Gods and immortals

Qi Huan looked at the people discussing Zheng Huan there with a depressed look, wondering how these people's heads were, don't you understand what he meant.

Just as he wanted to continue talking, Zheng Lu winked at him quickly, and then shook his head seriously.

Things were settled quickly, and Ban Cheng finally decided to send his own Titans, Lunnan, to congratulate each other on his own behalf, and by the way, he wanted to return the things from the dock.

When Qi Huan saw that it was this guy who had been sent out, his heart suddenly shook. Yan Nan is a famous arrogant, and he can do good things, let alone do such things.

As soon as Zheng Lu saw that he was about to talk, she immediately said to Ban Cheng with amorous feelings: "It's boring to discuss things, why don't I accompany the adults to the garden to enjoy the flowers."

Ban Cheng said grinningly: "What's so beautiful about flowers? Everyone will gamble with me, and let the teacher go to enjoy the flowers with you. Anyway, his old man is not willing to gamble."

After Qi Huan followed Zheng Lu to the garden, he said angrily: "What the **** is going on with you, why don't you let me speak out."

You don't know what kind of person is a man. What good things can he do if he goes there? If we don't get it right, we will meet each other. What if we provoke the forces behind the other party? "

Zheng Lu gently shook her head and said, "It's not that the teacher didn't know him. Since he became the upper god, he is no longer the same as he was.

When he was in the village, he was advised by his teacher, and I have been by his side until we achieved something. He became the next god, and we became his servants without hesitation.

The next step is to walk to this day, but his whole person has changed. He has not listened to many of the teacher's words, which is completely arrogant. "

Qi Huan opened his mouth to say something, but in the end it turned into a long sigh. Many things are indeed the case, and they have become different.

He hesitated for a moment and said: "But this time, it is clearly a set of treasures. The opponent has a strong background and good strength. If we put the opponent right, there is almost no chance of winning.

Moreover, it can be seen that the other party is wealthy and does not care about many things. If we maintain friendship with them, there may be opportunities in the future. "

Zheng Lu nodded and said: "Of course I know what the teacher said, but what else can he do if he doesn't listen to you, just like when you persuaded him not to fight against Baocai, he turned his own way.

Unexpectedly, in the end Baocai allowed him to establish a sub-shen system, and thought that what the teacher said was not right, and felt that he had the strength to challenge anyone. In fact, that was Baocai's plan.

Now he has less and less taken the teacher seriously. If you persuade him again, I am afraid that he will become angry and will do something to the teacher. "

Qi Huan said helplessly: "Just step back ten thousand steps. We follow him in everything, but we have already boarded his ship. Once his **** system is destroyed, we will have nothing."

Zheng Lu looked around, and suddenly fell into Qi Huan’s arms, and then whispered in his ear: “Teacher, don’t worry, I got two magical props that can make us cancel our contract with him. But you need to sign a contract with someone else.

I think the Zhao Yiming who emerged this time is completely a suitable candidate. If we really fail in the struggle, we can also consider taking refuge in others, but before that, we must show our value. "

Qi Huan is not actually a stupid and loyal person. The reason why he has always been very caring about his apprentice is that the two sides have a good relationship, and the other is that they are bound by interests.

Now that his apprentice doesn't take himself seriously, and can relieve these guarantees of his own interests with him, then even if he gives up his apprentice, there seems to be nothing wrong.

Zhao Yiming is sitting in his temple, and now he has formally notified the gods that the Olympic gods have completed their prototype.

As long as he reaches the middle god, he can establish his own **** system. First, he will bring in his wife and these people. When he reaches the upper god, he can bring in the following main gods. Then he can and 12 main gods, break your wrists well.

However, before he planned to enter the upper gods, he ended the Qianyuan realm. After all, that was a piece of his own heart disease. He must unify all realms in his own hands.

For those spaces he possessed, the Sealed Demon Realm was also taken away by him, and the Demon Races inside had been released by him and sent to the Demon Realm to fight the world.

As for his mother-in-law and sister-in-law, she was sent to Qianyuan Realm to help her wife see how to take down the site. Although strength is rarely simple, it is not his goal.

Now he has refined the seven-fold space, together with the Xueling space and the ancient relic space he had obtained, into a tower, and that tower has also become his first magic weapon, and it is a magic weapon of life.

For the Protoss, they did not make good use of the artifacts, but Zhao Yiming was different from them. To be precise, he was more like an immortal, one level higher than a god.

And that tower is now an acquired magic weapon, but in his own sense, as long as his strength is reached, he can return to acquired nature and make it an innate spiritual treasure.

The material of this tower is the Shouyang Copper he bought in the system. This is what Lao Tzu cultivated back then, and it is definitely the best in heaven and earth.

After merging into the nine spaces, there are also some other abilities. Generally speaking, it is the embodiment of the law of space. This magic weapon is called the Pagoda of Nine Orifices.

Now the magic weapon was raised by him in the sea of ​​knowledge. He also smelted the other artifacts he obtained, and refined a flying knife, which was quite powerful.

Because he has always disliked even numbers, he refined a small banner for himself. This is a fake ghost and bone banner, designed to absorb the spirits of others.

He kept the ghost white bone flag in the middle dantian, and he kept the flying knife in the lower dantian. These two pieces can only be regarded as portable magic weapons, and they are incomparable with the Jiuqiao Linglong Pagoda.

Moreover, after the magic weapon was refined, it changed again. The identity of the lower **** was transformed into a true immortal, and then the **** Xuanxian, Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian, and Daluo Jinxian went up.

After his transformation, he gave the task of creating the **** system to his eldest wife Tang Xiaoting, who has now completely stabilized his cultivation base and created his own **** system.

However, this **** system is still dominated by Zhao Yiming in name, and he claims to be still a lower god, and only himself knows the changes.

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