Super Asura System

Chapter 1227: Xingshi asks crime

Ban Cheng was drinking and gambling there, and soon his subordinates came to report that Lan Nan's **** position card had exploded, and it should have fallen.

He was furious when he heard it, and yelled angrily: "That guy is so ignorant. It doesn't matter if you don't worship the dock, how dare you kill my men."

Qi Huan and Zheng Lu looked at each other, and he walked out and said, "This matter has yet to be investigated. Why don't you let the old man go and see what's going on?"

Zheng Lu also quickly echoed: "I will go with the teacher, so I can take care of anything if something happens."

Ban Cheng laughed and said, "I know you two got together. I didn't expect that the old bird, the master, can still be used. Then you can go together and see what the **** said."

What he said was very rude, and he didn't mean to respect the teacher at all. A trace of anger flashed in Qi Huan's eyes, and then he endured it.

The two discussed while walking on the road, Qi Huan said with an angry look: "This kid is getting more and more rampant, and I didn't take my teacher in his eyes."

Zheng Lu also shook her head helplessly and said: "The teacher doesn't have to be so angry. He was originally a vulgar person. Back then, we thought he was simple, but now everything has changed.

This time we also have to plan for ourselves. Although Yi Nan is not a thing, his own combat power is not weak, and he was killed so easily. It seems that our choice is really correct. "

Qi Huan hesitated and said, "But that **** is a high-ranking **** after all, and his own strength is there. The opponent's strongest is just a middle-ranking god. How do you think they can win."

Zheng Lu thought for a while and said: "Since the other party's master is an ancient god, there should be methods we don't know about, so I think his winning side accounts for at least 80%."

Just when the two people rushed here, the two brothers Ying Wenlong and Ying Mu Bai also arrived here. They no longer care about those powers, but want to pursue the summit.

The two of them will naturally not become **** servants, but Zhao Yiming is also very generous. He divided the two laws he got to them. Ying Wenlong got the metalized law, and the other one got the reflective law.

The strength of the two is already very strong. At this time, it is natural that there will be a semi-divine realm quickly, and they will directly rise to the lower god, but they will take several times longer to consolidate their foundation.

However, they are very satisfied with this, because for the gods, unless they are beaten to death, time is not a problem at all, and ninety percent of the gods in the realm of the gods are the lower gods, and 90% of the remaining 10% are in the middle. God, the last little ones are the upper gods, and the main gods are just those few.

That is to say, with their current strength, they can go out to fight with anyone, even if they encounter a middle god, they will have the power to fight.

The two of them naturally stayed in the Olympic **** system, completely becoming one of the gods, but they were the kind of higher status.

Moreover, Tang Xiaoting allowed them to form a sub-divine system. After the two discussed, only one sub-divine system was established, and the people from the Rising Sun Empire and selected elites were brought over and became their own **** servants.

Now with the increase in the number of people, the Olympic gods are already quite large in terms of basics, but the high-end combat power is still a bit worse. Although the site is sufficient now, it also needs to be prepared.

When everyone was here to count together, Yu Jingbo came in again and said: "There are two more people coming from outside, claiming to be from Taian City, but the attitude is very humble."

Zhao Yiming thought for a while and said, "Since people are polite, then we can't be discouraged. Let's invite them in!"

Zhao Yiming and the others looked at each other. The old man was the middle god, and the woman next to him was the lower god, so he seemed to have mastered a rule.

Qi Huan stepped forward and said: "We are Qi Huan and Zheng Lu under Tai'an City Bancheng. We have met Lord God, and I wish Lord God Lord a long life."

Zhao Yiming said with a smile: "The old man doesn't need to be so polite. I don't know what you are here for this time?"

Zheng Lu smiled and said, "What are we doing, I believe that Lord God should already know it, so why ask knowingly?"

Li Wenwen comes from a business family. It should be said that in Zhao Yiming's aspect, only she and Sun Xiuli are the masters of negotiation, and the others are quite different.

She immediately laughed and said: "We have gone through a lot of things in one day, who knows what will be, and I hope you can say it clearly."

Zheng Lu also did some homework before, at least knowing the positions of the ladies, and said with a smile: "The Seventh Madame is really joking. The person who killed us just now forgot so quickly."

Zhao Yiming laughed and said: "You said that very arrogant bastard, I did offer to sacrifice the sword. When he came up, he chirped and crooked. I thought it was somewhere to fight the autumn wind. I didn't expect it to be yours. With such a subordinate, it seems that your master, the quality is not much better?"

Qi Huan said with a face of approval: "He was originally from a mountain and field. It was because he had saved the old man in the first place, so he was taught by the old man, and by chance, he went all the way to today."

As Zhao Yiming listened to his eyes, his eyes lit up slightly. It seemed that the old guy had some thoughts. This matter seemed very interesting and it was worth playing around.

He then smiled and said, "I don't like to be circumspect. I don't know what the two of you are here for. If you ask questions, please come back!

As for worshipping the pier, I don’t want to mention this kind of thing. I have never brought someone else’s pier since I was out for so long, and I don’t want to worship the pier. "

Qi Huan immediately nodded his head and said, "Of course, a character like the son would not worship any dock. As for killing that nasty guy, I know very well the virtue of that fellow, and it is entirely self-inflicted. How can I blame the son."

Tang Xiaoting smiled and said, "The two of you are very righteous, but how do you go back and explain?"

Zheng Lu said with a straight face: "I don't want to hide it from you. Since our **** lord became the upper god, he has become domineering and can't listen to our faithful words, so we don't want to follow him anymore.

I found that the Olympic God System, although it is a newly-built God System, is thriving and vigorous. Therefore, my teacher and I hope to become the God of the God System. Tai'an City is our gift. "

Zhao Yiming hesitated and said, "It doesn't matter whether you have a gift or not, but you should be the servants of others. This seems not to work well, unless he is willing to pass."

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