Super Asura System

Chapter 1237: Calmly deal with

Qu Hongyan saw Han Tian squinting her eyes, and she was shocked. Knowing this second prince, this was a murder in her heart.

She hurriedly bowed and said: "Prince Zhao is not only the power of the third prince, but also the favor of Grandmaster Jiang Kelan. I also hope that the second prince will think twice."

Zhao Yiming just felt murderous in Han Tian's body, but he was very confident of himself, especially the ghost and bone flag in his hand, which was simply the nemesis of the ghost race.

So he looked at the second prince with a smile on his face. If the other party doesn't know the current affairs, don't mind giving the other party a painful lesson, letting the other party know that not everyone can afford it.

Han Tian opened his eyes slowly, restraining his intention to kill, not only because the other party was favored by Master Jiang, but he also felt a little danger from the other party.

He laughed and said: "I don't know which **** Zhao is the master of the gods, why I haven't heard of it before."

Zhao Yiming smiled and said: "My **** system has just been established, it is set on the Olympic mountain, called the Olympic **** system, the overall strength is fair enough!"

A trace of disdain appeared on Han Tian's face, and then said proudly: "It turns out to be a newly created sub-divine system. I don't know which one your main divine system is."

Zhao Yiming spread his hands and said, "Which ear of your ears have you heard me say that I am the sub-sect, and whoever dares to be my main god-system, of course I am independent."

It was only then that Han Tian looked at him squarely for the first time. There are countless sub-divine systems created by the God Realm every day, but the main divine systems that can be newly created are rare.

The other party's ability to create a main **** system shows that he is quite strong and has a deep background. The lack of either of them is in vain.

He looked calmer and smiled casually and said: "I was indeed abrupt just now. I hope Young Master Zhao forgive me for the offense. I am also a hospitable person. If you have time, you can come to me to have fun."

Zhao Yiming said indifferently, "It's not abrupt or unobtrusive, it's just that everyone's opinions are different. If you have time, I can go to you to see and see."

Han Tian knows that the two people were having a bad fight just now, and speaking like this now will only make each other even more contemptuous, so I'll talk about it later.

He smiled and arched his hands and said, "Then I won't be here to disturb Young Master Zhao's Yaxing. This girl is really good. I hope that Young Master can have fun, and this Prince will leave."

Zhao Yiming also arched his hands and said, "Of course I won't let the prince down. I will naturally visit the house in the future and not send it away."

Watching the opponent's team leave, his eyes were full of hostility. The opponent was really arrogant. He didn't put him in his eyes from beginning to end, and he must teach him a lesson if he had a chance.

Qu Hongyan gently patted her chest from the side, and said in a hurried voice: "Fortunately, there is nothing wrong this time, otherwise how can I explain to the prince."

The two returned to the carriage again, and Zhao Yiming suddenly smiled and said: "I don't understand one thing very well. The second prince is also considered a high authority. Why are you not willing to fancy you?"

Qu Hongyan sighed lightly and said: "There is no woman who doesn't want to fly to Gaozhi to become a phoenix, but she has to be self-knowing. I am a maid at best. Even with the second prince, it is just a plaything in the hands of others.

Moreover, the grand prince was particularly violent, and the methods were very cruel. It can be said that it was completely a pervert. Our ghost girl clan also had several sisters who worked as errands in his house, and the death was quite miserable.

I don't want to steal the chicken and lose the rice. Not only did I fail to climb the high branches, but I threw my own life wherever I was. People can become ghosts when they die, and there is nothing when ghosts die.

And the father-in-law gave me to the son-in-law, which means that I can follow the son-in-law and leave here. I believe that within the son-in-law's spiritual system, it is no problem to arrange a small position for me. "

Zhao Yiming gently grabbed her hand and said with a smile: "I have eight wives in total and a dozen concubines. They have all become gods. As long as you are with me sincerely, of course I will not I will treat you badly, and there is no problem at all when I am a god."

It should be said that since he ascended to a high position, he has changed in many aspects. He seems to have seen a lot of things weaker, and it is only natural to get some.

However, he is different from others in that he does not believe that anyone should give unconditionally. After the other party has paid, of course he must be compensated.

It should be said that this is the mentality of the superior, and it is also something that the inferior cannot understand. They often think that after reaching the high position, they become ruthless.

Qu Hongyan fell in his arms. These women's ideas are very simple. Find a good man to entrust him for life. It is better for this man to have a high authority. As for whether to share with others, it is not in her own consideration. Within range.

The carriage continued to move slowly, but today was not destined to be a good day, and soon it stopped again, and it jolted sharply.

After sitting upright, Qu Hongyan adjusted her clothes. She raised the curtain again and looked out, and she saw some people outside, who seemed to be watching something there.

Zhao Yiming also got out of the car and watched. It turned out that the two were fighting there. The bump in the carriage just now was affected by the aftermath of the opponent's battle.

Qu Hongyan glanced a few times and said: "This is another gang who has begun to fight for territory. These people are really annoying. They fight all the time."

Zhao Yiming was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "These gangs are fighting for territory, don't the two princes care about it?"

Qu Hongyan smiled and said: "Things are not as simple as you think. These gangs are all in the three-no-go zone, and the two princes do not use these places. As long as they don't go to their own turf to cause troubles, people's heads will be out of their heads. How can it be?"

The two returned to the carriage again, turned the carriage in one direction, bypassed these people and continued to move forward. Unexpectedly, the two guys seemed to recognize this place and hit the side of their carriage again.

Zhao Yiming was also angry at this moment. He lifted the curtain of the car and waved his hand. The law of space immediately threw the two people into the turbulence of space.

With his shot, everyone was suffocated. Everyone looked at him in shock. You must know that those two are also famous players of this generation. They didn't expect to be easily solved by others.

Two old men walked out, and one of them said: "I don't know who the son is, why should I interfere in the fight between us."

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