Super Asura System

Chapter 1243: Can you kill you

Gao Yi's face turned pale, and at this time he knew that he had kicked the iron plate, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful.

His lips trembled and said, "Don't be too arrogant. If you dare to kill our Gao family, you will definitely not let you go!"

Zhao Yiming smiled and looked at Linghuxu and said, "Senior Brother San is still so violent. I don't think this is very good. How can you kill him if you make a difference?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Gao Yi and said, "I apologize to you for the rudeness of my third brother. Now I ask you very kindly, can you kill you?"

Gao Yi's whole person was shocked, wondering what the other party meant, could it be that he was laughing at himself.

Zhao Yiming continued: "If you don't speak, then I will take it as your acquiescence, and I will shoot my friend."

He said that everyone saw an afterimage, and then returned to his seat, with a lively heart in his hand, which was then gently twisted to pieces.

Gao Yi looked at his chest in disbelief. He didn't expect that the other party would really dare to kill him. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he fell down with a plop.

The remaining big guys were also taken aback, and the leader yelled: "You really ate the ambition of the leopard, and you dare to kill the young master of the Gao family."

There was another **** in Wang Jinsheng's hand, and everyone saw a phantom, and then all the big men fell down. This was called rush to kill.

The boss felt that his legs were weak, so he knelt on the ground and begged: "You must never kill me. It has nothing to do with me."

Zhao Yiming waved his hand gently and said, "We are not a murderer, so what can we do to kill you, but I like to cut grass and roots. Tell me where is the Gao family?"

The boss quickly pointed his finger and said, "It's the most luxurious compound in the town, where all the Gao family lives."

Zhao Yiming smiled and nodded, got up and walked out. Jin Tingting raised a hand and released a flying needle, which shot into the boss's eyebrows. She told her that this was a trivial matter.

After everyone left here, they soon came to the front of the yard, and several families wanted to chase them away.

Wang Jinsheng roared and exploded their bodies with punches one by one, and then kicked on the door, and the whole door flew towards the courtyard, killing several families.

The loud noise naturally attracted the attention of the people inside. Gao Kun, the head of the Gao family, immediately ran out of it, and felt angry when he saw the scene outside.

Wang Jinsheng was waving two hoes, killing the Jia Ding and maid here casually there, and his infant son was also beaten into meat sauce by the other party and maid.

He roared angrily: "Who are you who dare to hit the door and bully our Gao family?"

Wang Jinsheng put the **** away and retreated behind Zhao Yiming. The latter said with a smile, "Of course I know that this is the Gao family, and I just come here to kill you all."

Others had already rushed out at this time, and an old man shouted loudly: "It's a big tone. Although this is just an offshoot of the Gao family, it can't make you so insulted."

Gao Kun then said loudly: "I don't know which force you belong to, how did we offend you and want to do such evil to our Gao family."

Jin Tingting smiled and said: "We came out to collect rent in the city. It's a pity that your son Gao Yi dares to offend our son. Now he has been killed by our son, but he doesn't want to be in trouble in the future, so he thought We must cut weeds and roots."

Gao Kun's heart was suddenly shocked. There are only a few forces that can come out of the city to collect rent. In the past few days, not to mention a branch of his family, even people from the clan can't afford it.

He accompanied him carefully and said: "The rebellious son actually offended the son, so if he is killed by the son, he will be killed. We have absolutely no thoughts of revenge. Please also raise your hand!"

Zhao Yiming said with a hippie smile: "Then this is really difficult. I've been lazy for these two days, and I really don't want to raise my hand."

The old man just stepped up again this time, and said respectfully: "The old man is called Wu Liang, and he has connections with many aspects. I think it might be a misunderstanding today."

Zhao Yiming said with a face of disdain: "You old guy is really shameless. If you say that you misunderstand, it is a misunderstanding. This puts my face down."

A trace of anger flashed in Wu Liang's eyes, and his voice said coldly: "You little baby, don't be so rampant. I also give you the face of the forces behind you. If you really do it, the old man can also kill you. Your man."

Jin Tingting smiled and said: "You old guy is really shameless, bragging and not hitting the draft. Do you really think Young Master Zhao is so easy to deal with? Don't say Young Master, even I can take you down."

She said that as soon as she shook her figure, she rushed up, and immediately got into a ball with this guy. Although the old guy's skills were good, he was obviously worse than her.

After the two played a dozen moves, the superior immediately noticed it, and Gao Kun shouted at this moment: "We can't just sit and wait, everyone will come with me."

There was a disdainful smile on Wang Jinsheng's face, this time there was an extra rake in his hand, and he was completely using one as a hundred, and he quickly killed all sides there.

The three of Zhao Yiming didn't mean to make a move at all. They just stood on the sidelines. The strength of the Gao family was only average, and even the two of them couldn't pass the level.

Jin Tingting became more and more courageous as she fought, and finally put Wu Liangli to death, and the rest of the Gao family all died at the hands of Wang Jinsheng.

After eradicating the Gao family, the two immediately searched here and quickly found a large amount of property. Of course, Zhao Yiming was not interested in these properties and gave them both.

He laughed and said: "Killing without leaving a name is not a good guy. You leave me your name here. I want to see how much the Gao family is capable of."

Qu Hongyan hesitated and said: "We are here to save people this time, so it's not very good for you to do so much fanfare!"

Zhao Yiming said indifferently, "Even if I don't do this, I believe some people will promote it for me. Rather than do it by myself, I don't want to be discredited by others!"

Murder and arson naturally do not divide the family. Wang Jinsheng skillfully lit the Gao family compound, and the flames shot up to the sky for a while, which also declared their first battle.

After leaving this small town, many forces spread their news, and many caring people were gearing up there, ready to teach them a lesson.

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