Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 949: Withdraw, or do not withdraw?

At this moment, Xiao Yu is fighting against the group that provides logistics mainly based on the Dark Star civilization and the combat power that is based on the seventh-level infinite breeding beast. This group also has a logical weapon as a life-saving sign. When the situation falls into an irretrievable situation, they can rely on this life-saving sign to resolve the crisis.

This is the most powerful enemy Xiao Yu has encountered since he left the solar system. However, Xiao Yu, relying on his excellent planning ability, as well as the overall and strategic layout ability, found out the pitfalls of the performers, deployed the entire river intelligence network, and manufactured ultra-mini warships. Persist to this day and still have the upper hand.

Without logical weapons, this group would have been destroyed by Xiao Yu. There is no Dark Star civilization as a logistic. A seven-level infinite multiplication beast alone, although a little tricky, it is not likely to be Xiao Yu's opponent. And if there is only one Dark Star civilization, it will not be seen by Xiao Yu. Even if these three factors were combined, it took a huge amount of computing power and spent several decades. Xiao Yu could still let his warship cluster break through the defense line laid out by the alien beast body and the Dark Star civilization, and his own The battleship cluster advances to a place less than one trillion kilometers away from the alien beast body!

After all, the alien beast body is too large, and its main energy is restrained by the main battlefield. Most of the alien beast bodies produced have also been put into the main battlefield. Although it has recently reduced its The Chinese military forces were deployed. Although the Guards Corps that stayed with them were the most powerful children, it still could not stop Xiao Yu from concentrating his warship cluster. Focus on a little breakthrough.

It has been forced into an extremely bad situation by Xiao Yu. If the situation in the main battlefield is disregarded, then more warships will be deployed to deal with it, and if the situation in the main battlefield is taken into account too much. It doesn't have enough children to protect itself. This is a very contradictory situation. After all, after Xiao Yu adopted a large-scale manufacturing of ultra-miniature warships, which was specifically aimed at infinitely proliferating alien beasts, its ability to make daughter bodies has been completely made by Xiao Yu faster than in the past. It can no longer take advantage!

"Dark Star civilization cannot give up this seventh-level beast. Without this seventh-level beast, they cannot be my opponents at all." Xiao Yu thought lightly, "So. In order to save this head Seventh-level beast, use logical weapons again, and bear the backlash of logical weapons again. At the same time, let me be the performer again ... "

The current situation is very favorable for Xiao Yu. In the continuous and fierce offensive of Xiao Yu, the Dark Star civilization camp has been left and right. Because this war was not a long-term war. For a seventh-level civilization, it would take at least 10,000 years to be considered a long-term war. So Xiao Yuning would rather choose in a short time. Blow out all your enthusiasm for battle to create the greatest results.

"At the same time, your Dark Star civilization has also made a mistake. Because there are seventh-level beasts, logical weapons, and the advantage of only needing to defend for five hundred years, so you have taken care, and you have the luck and paralysis, so You have chosen to defend from the beginning. I just hope that in any case as long as this five hundred years of time are confused, I will willingly give me the initiative on the battlefield. This was the opportunity I took. "Xiao Yu Faintly thinking.

Because the volume is too huge, it is almost impossible to detect the arc in this seventh-level beast. The surface of its body is like a vast and boundless continent. This continent has a dark brown color. The surface is uneven and potty. There will be a bottomless hole not far from it. It is in this hole. Constantly beast bodies were ejected. Standing on it and looking at the sky, the sky is dark and complicated. There are countless flashes of light flashing there continuously. With each flash, with this short light, you can see the dense ocean of strange beasts in the sky.

Occasionally, an attack from the battleship Xiao Yu will break through obstacles, maybe a beam of light, a bomb, or a wave of space hitting its body directly, so its body immediately Was struck by cracks, long or short, and struck by holes, large or small. However, these scars can only exist for a short time. After they appear, the flesh and blood of the strange animals around them will start to squirm, and they will expand rapidly as if they were blown, and eventually these scars will disappear in the invisible.

All this was clearly seen by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu knows that even if this seventh-level infinitely-proliferated beast is stronger than the third-level beast he once encountered, I don't know how many times, but their weaknesses are the same-bulky and mobile Very poor, and ... the mother's defense is extremely low and is vulnerable to damage.

As long as Xiao Yu's warship approached it within a certain range and launched a large-scale attack on it, it would undoubtedly die. This is Xiao Yu's very certainty.

Xiao Yu once again accelerated the invasion speed of his battleship. Here, the battle is already fierce and can no longer be described in words. Countless strange beasts are obstructing Xiao Yu forever, and Xiao Yu's battleship is also struggling to advance.

Xiao Yu even transferred one of the most powerful Star Cluster-class battleships, the Dream Star Cluster-class battleship to enrich it here. So far, the number of star-class battleships participating in this battle has increased to five. Each of these five star-class battleships led billions of warships, divided into five different groups but gathered together on a macro level, and worked together to rush towards the mother of this seventh-level beast.

The Starship-class battleship will fully demonstrate its outstanding strength here. Each time the space cannon equipped on it fires, it can even penetrate a powerful alien beast the size of the earth, and if it is given a chance, it can even divide such a powerful enemy into two ends. At this moment, the Dreamship has served as the peak of the entire offensive group. It rushes to the front and bears the greatest pressure.

As long as its footsteps are not blocked, the footsteps of its subsequent fleet cannot be blocked. Numerous strange beasts hurled at it violently and attacked it with various attack methods, but under the condition that the rear and sides were tightly protected, only the attack from the front was still in it. Within the range.

It is moving forward indefinitely. Xiao Yu noticed that with the approach of the Starship-class battleship, the other defensive forces in the other direction of the Beast Mother were urgently transferred here, and the speed of its own child body began to increase, and the battle on the main battlefield was suspended. The force was added, and all the forces were used to fight this powerful star-class battleship ...

But one thing is important. That is, if it stopped providing military support to the main battlefield, and Xiao Xiao did not stop supplementing the main battlefield, its situation in the main battlefield would become worse and worse. This means that Xiao Yu can transfer more warships to it, join the warship cluster headed by the spacecraft Dream, and launch an attack on it. As long as it stops supporting the main battlefield, it is tantamount to pulling the main battlefield towards itself in disguise.

It's obviously not a good idea to put yourself with low defense in the main battlefield. But it did just that. This can only show that this mighty seventh-level infinitely proliferating beast has been scared by the coming crisis at this moment. In order to keep itself, it no longer cares about the overall situation and no longer considers the means.

This is a good sign. In any case, a panicked enemy is always a good thing for himself.

Xiao Yu has been waiting for his intelligence network system throughout the Flying Kite Galaxy to report some strange changes for himself. Because these weird changes are usually a sign of the use of logical weapons by the Dark Star civilization. The purpose of Xiao Yu is precisely to persuade the Dark Star civilization to use logical weapons. However, up to this moment, Xiao Yu has not noticed any weird changes that meet his screening criteria.

"Dark Star civilization, do you still not plan to use logical weapons? Perhaps, you also noticed the backwash effect brought by logical weapons, so you do not plan to use logical weapons so often ... But this situation is up to you to choose What? If you do n’t use logical weapons, then donate this seventh-level beast ... Without this seventh-level beast, what do you see against me? Use logical weapons ~ ~ So Just be prepared to withstand the backlash of logical weapons. Logical weapons have served as your two life-saving signs and saved your two destinies. After all, you ca n’t count on logical weapons without any restrictions ... The two evils are the most important thing, you see Do it. "Xiao Yu thought lightly.

Xiao Yu knew that the Dark Star civilization would definitely use logical weapons. Because they have no other choice. In such a situation, even if it was placed on Xiao Yu, even if he knew that he would suffer backlash, he would not be able to use logical weapons again. The reason is very simple. There is still a glimmer of hope for using logical weapons. If you don't use it, you will die immediately. Which one is obvious?

The intelligence network throughout the river system finally reported some changes to Xiao Yu. After inputting these changes into the virtual universe and performing calculations, Xiao Yu confirmed that Dark Star Civilization had issued a command to the logical weapon to prevent himself from killing the seventh-level beast.

Perhaps at this moment Xiao Yu should once again act as an executor and take the initiative to withdraw his troops. But Xiao Yu's heart suddenly moved, a new idea appeared in Xiao Yu's mind. (To be continued ...)

ps: Hey, this is even to compensate for yesterday's break and update irregularities ... Rainbow has been working hard, but sometimes it is really helpless ... Stop scolding, even if you want to scold, tap it, Rainbow Please!

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