Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 952: Confluence

Xiao Yu can confirm that logical weapons have been playing a role. Otherwise, this seventh-level alien beast had already been rushed in and killed himself. But ... if the result of this execution is just that the speed at which the seventh-level alien beast can make alien beast bodies double or more, Xiao Yu does not think that logical weapons can stop himself from killing this guy.

Because the ultimate astral war stars are inherently superior to mass. If you think about it, the total number of battle stars owned by the original Extreme Star civilization was only 500,000. Xiao Yu dispatched tens of billions of warships, only 200,000 of these 500,000 were large. Fei Zhouzhang, on average, it can be imagined how high the mass of a single extreme star war star is.

Infinite breeding beasts win in quantity, and quality is their flaw. Concentrating on these guys who rely on quantity to win with a very high quality, it can only be said that they are invincible. Not to mention, there are tens of billions of battleships on Xiao Yu's side, as well as the powerful Starship-class battleship of Dream!

Xiao Yu has even seen the dawn of hope. At this moment, some ideas in Xiao Yu's mind began to change quietly. Xiao Yu found that, it seems that, without relying on another logical weapon, relying only on himself to deal with the logical weapon does not seem to have no hope of success.

The current situation is extremely favorable for Xiao Yu. The extreme battle star group is a group, Xiao Yu's battleship is a group, these two groups from two places, at the same time launched an impact on the huge alien beast body.

In this situation, even at this moment, curvature navigation is no longer possible. Relying on the speed of ordinary sailing alone, Xiao Yu was sure to kill the seventh-level beast within six months. And half a year. Compared to the long time of the Seventh Civilization War, it is really nothing.

But at this time, the logical weapon once again showed its power from another aspect. Xiao Yu also made related speculations. After he brought out the ultimate star wars and constellations, what kind of actions will the logical weapons arrange for themselves? Xiao Yu thought a lot. From the standpoint of Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu couldn't think of any action to stop himself.

after all. The gap in strength is too big. By any means, this seventh-level beast should have lost all hope of survival.

But just then. Xiao Yu noticed that the speed at which the seventh-level alien beast produced the alien beast's body once again appeared in a blowout-like improvement. When Xiao Yu's battleship cluster gained an advantage, the weird fluctuations caused by logical weapons. Doubled the speed of this seventh-level beast to make a child more than twice. This move also successfully blocked Xiao Yu's crazy offensive. And at this moment. When Xiao Yu took out the extreme star battle star group, and once again obtained the absolute advantage, the speed of this seventh-level beast to make daughter bodies even increased again. This time, it is not doubled or doubled, but it has been improved ten times! Time that could only make one head, now it can make ten heads!

It's like Xiao Yu's speed of building a warship suddenly increased tenfold. Xiao Yu can deeply understand what this means.

"This is crazy! What exactly is it that can increase the manufacturing capacity of this seventh-level beast by nearly twenty times in such a short period of time? What is going on in it?" Xiao Yuman was shocked. Thinking.

Xiao Yu saw the body of this huge strange beast. The dense holes were like continuous fireworks bombs at this moment, and the beasts of one beast after another were ejected. Their ejection speed is so fast that they are almost connected to each other. There is no hesitation for each born alien beast body. They immediately expand their bodies and join different teams according to different missions. . The huge cluster of strange beasts is like a waterspout. The endless strange beasts are entered into space from the body surface of this seventh-level strange beast ...

Even among the super holes that make earth-sized or moon-sized giant beasts, the change of light and shadow has also accelerated a lot. There are more small beasts shuttled back and forth inside and outside these holes, a giant beast. Immediately after being manufactured, it was the manufacturing process of the next beast ...

This seventh-level beast seems to have gone crazy.

Under such circumstances, the body of this seventh-level beast is shrinking at a speed that can be detected by the naked eye. Compared to a star, this means that at least tens of trillions of tons of mass are lost every second, and tens of trillions of tons of stars are made into various masses of the same mass every second. Strange beast ...

This huge star was quickly digested into a red dwarf of no use. Before being engulfed by this strange beast, it was an extremely unstable, massive star with a lot of heavy elements added. After a short time, it has now become one of the most ordinary and unusually quiet red dwarfs- Of course, this quietness is only temporary. After it was expelled, in less than ten minutes, it was affected by the war and collapsed ...

The next star driven by the Dark Star civilization was also transported to the place at this moment. It is still an unstable star with a lot of heavy elements added. It is still quickly swallowed by this seventh-level beast, and it only pauses. In a short period of time, the temporarily interrupted process of making a strange beast body resumed as before ...

The fleet of warships, led by the spacecraft Dream, finally merged with the Extreme Star Wars at this moment. In order to cooperate with the action of the science and technology battleship, the Extreme Star Wars constellation had to temporarily shield some of its own gravity. Although this lost a little combat power, it brought about an increase in mobility. In comparison, this is still better for Xiao Yu. When the technology battleships and these fierce war weapons merge together, the resulting increase in combat power is not as simple as one plus one. Even now, there are tens of thousands of beasts whose heads are as large as the earth, united with hundreds of thousands of beasts that are as large as the moon, and more small and medium-sized beasts like the tide. At that time, Xiao Yu's battleships and stars did not stop and avoid at all, but rushed up fiercely.

Even while on the way, these more than 200,000 extreme star war stars have all turned on. They are like high-speed gyros, and the huge radiation energy is emitted along with their rotation. . Their rotation speed is getting faster and faster, and when their rotation rises to the highest peak, the final impact occurs.

Xiao Yu saw that a white dwarf battle star was even directly broken, and a nova explosion directly occurred. Some neutron battle stars even collapsed into a black hole directly under the impact of this fierce energy. In addition to these extreme star war stars that have been directly destroyed, more extreme star war stars have burst out of hydrogen clouds, all of which have suffered a certain degree of damage. Xiao Yu's battleship, even the Dreamship, suffered considerable damage at this moment, and the Canglong even had to temporarily withdraw from the battle. Nearly ten starships such as Weaver and North Star, Venus, Mars, Venus 7, and Jupiter 8 were destroyed in this most violent collision.

After paying such a heavy price, Xiao Yu's battle result was that the most violent shock composed of these hundreds of thousands of giant beasts was completely resisted by Xiao Yu, not only resisted, Xiao Yu's Power is still moving on! Hundreds of thousands of giant beasts were killed at least one sixth at this moment, and the rest were also damaged to varying degrees.

There are still more strange beasts in front of them. These strange beasts are simply killing endlessly. The number is almost endless. But Xiao Yu still didn't hesitate, Xiao Yu was still moving fast, and even had no time to take care of those giant beasts that had been seriously injured and could be completely killed by another attack. Xiao Yu can't see them, Xiao Yu can only see one thing, that is the alien beast body in front of Xiao Yu!

As long as the alien beast is killed, the big picture is set. As long as the alien beast is killed, Xiao Yu is enough to prove that logical weapons are not omnipotent. By relying on their own power, they can also overcome the rules and causality in the meditation. As long as the alien beast is killed, this time the task is almost complete, and I remove this biggest obstacle.

Xiao Yu ’s power is like a lone boat. He rushed into the boundless ocean of this strange beast ~ ~ Although it is only a lone boat, it is the most advanced one. Although the sea is huge, but The water is just ordinary water.

Xiao Yu didn't even have time to calculate how many fierce battles took place in the process. He did not calculate how many powerful or not powerful aliens he killed. He did not calculate his own battleships and extreme stars. How much was lost. In short, Xiao Yu knew that he finally rushed to the side of the seventh-level beast mother, and he could directly attack it, cause damage to it, or even kill it!

Victory is here!

Xiao Yu's mood was excited again. An order of full attack has been issued by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu seems to have seen the picture of this seventh-level beast being torn apart by himself.

And at the same time, on the other side of this distant river system, a stellar moving unit of Xiao Yu, in this dark and vast space, unexpectedly met a stellar moving unit of dark star civilization Now ... (to be continued ...)

ps: There may be only this change today, whether there is a second change or not, I suggest everyone to come tomorrow ... If there is no second change, it will be added tomorrow.

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