Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 957: you win

If you choose to continue to arrange and continue to refuse to give up the intention to destroy the black hole in the middle of the river system, we will launch a logical weapon, at the cost of suffering the death of counterattack, and we will all be with you. . "Dark Star civilization slowly said.

Xiao Yu's spirit tightened slightly. But Xiao Yu's action did not stop. Xiao Yu still kept his own tone and responded lightly: "Give up and blow up the central black hole in this river system, I will die. If you don't give up and blow up the central black hole in this river system, if you launch logical weapons, I will also die . So tell me, how do I choose? Should I choose to believe that the spokesperson will let me go, or choose to believe that you will not all end up sharing it, but will protect me when you protect yourself? How do you choose, you tell me? "

Of course, the spokesperson did not say that Xiao Yu was killed if the mission was unsuccessful. Other book friends are watching:. Even if the universe civilization had threatened Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu would look good if the mission failed, but Xiao Yu did not think that the universe civilization would successfully kill himself. Xiao Yu said so, it was nothing more than showing a determination that he could never give up his task. In this way, the Dark Star civilization is forced to abandon its plan of renunciation. This is game theory.

For example, in the Earth Age, two hostile powers have nuclear weapons that destroy the world. If one party can convince the other party that they really have the determination to launch nuclear weapons at any time, the other party will inevitably make concessions. Because they don't have the same plan. And how to convince the other party that they really have the determination to do so is a deep learning.

Xiao Yu chose to disguise her situation to convince the other party that she had to continue doing so.

At this time, the dispute between the endorser and the rebel side is presented here in such a very straightforward and sharp manner. The option to blow up or not blow up the central black hole is in the hands of Xiao Yu and the Dark Star civilization.

"I don't believe that if you let me blow up the central black hole, you will be killed or destroyed. Similarly, I also don't believe it. If I really destroy the central black hole, you will all end up in the same place. Determination and courage. So do n’t come to hinder me. I am struggling to survive, anyone who prevents me from living. I will be madly counterattacked. And obviously, the Dark Star civilization, you do not have the ability to withstand my counterattack. Yu Youyou said.

The central black hole is still running quietly there, and a strong jet still radiates from its poles, spreading a distance of thousands of light years. Its power is revealed here. But this mighty power is relatively speaking. In front of Xiao Yu, it is undefended. If Xiao Yu wants to destroy it, Xiao Yu can do it at any time. The only difference is whether Xiao Yu has this determination.

Xiao Yu is trying to show his determination, after the Dark Star civilization issued its own threat. Xiao Yu still did not stop his movements. Xiao Yu is still using a kind of stability, which seems to be an understatement, and is not making his own arrangement with the slightest panic speed. Countless spacecraft travel through this space, and according to the calculated nodes, a number of super-mega chain reaction space bombs are arranged.

"Leave here. I won't stop you." Xiao Yu Youyou said, "You shouldn't have participated in this muddy water trip. You will get a way out of life, stay here, and choose to share with me You guys think about it, is it worth it? Let's go. Let's go, hurry up and leave here ... "

"Since we chose to participate in this dispute, we have no retreat." Dark Star civilization slowly said, there was an irresistible weight in his voice: "Xiao Yu, we have known each other for a few years. It ’s been 100,000 years ... Our civilization ’s previous generation leader suffered a fiasco when facing you. The Dark Star civilization under my leadership, when facing you again, still suffered a fiasco. Last time We can choose to run away from this disastrous defeat. This time, we ca n’t retreat. If you still want to continue to be stubborn, we only have the choice to do it all. "

Dark Star civilization is showing its determination in its own way. This is very similar to Xiao Yu. Since it is a game between the two parties, both parties will try to convince the other party to make up their minds and make concessions.

And how to tell whether the words spoken by the other party are true or false, whether there is no retreat or just talking, this requires very high skills and a certain degree of luck.

Compared with the task performed this time, there is no doubt that Xiao Yu's life is still more important. If the Dark Star Civilization really retreats and they do not give up the mission, they will really adopt the same strategy, then Xiao Yuning would prefer to retreat and give up this mission. But the key point is that Xiao Yu didn't know whether the Dark Star civilization really had this determination. Xiao Yu believes that Dark Star civilization is also in the same situation as himself. Dark Star Civilization does not know if it really has no escape route.

How to test the bottom line of Dark Star civilization, and make Dark Star civilization believe in its own determination?

Xiao Yu decided to take a gamble. Such things really have a lot of luck. At this moment, none of the capital that Xiao Yu is proud of can help this matter.

"I don't care if you still have a retreat, anyway, I have no retreat, other book friends are watching:" Xiao Yu said, "I know the spokesperson camp is absolutely beyond my control, and for the role of this logical weapon, I still have doubts. In this galaxy galaxy, at this moment there is not a powerful existence enough to destroy me. The launch of logical weapons requires performers. If it is the universe itself to act as performers, I may still have a line Vitality escapes birth. So, for this vitality, I will not give up my mission. If you want to use logical weapons to die with me, please go. "

Xiao Yu said lightly, still did not stop his movements. The progress of the project is still climbing slowly, 93%, 94% ...

"Similarly, we also know that we absolutely do not have the ability to fight against the rebel camp. With our logical weapons, you are unlikely to shoot at us. If we suffer backlash, the executor can only be the universe itself. We will also have a chance to live. So if you are not willing to give up the mission, for this vitality, we would rather launch a logical weapon to try it. Xiao Yu, this is our last serious warning, stop your mission, leave here Otherwise, we will launch a logical weapon. "Dark Star civilization said.

Xiao Yu's heart tightened slightly. At this moment, it seems like some peerless beast stared at Xiao Yu secretly. That feeling is just like the feeling of a hungry wolf escaping from the zoo in the earth's age in an accidental night, looking at himself in the night. Xiao Yu felt the threat to his life at this moment.

But Xiao Yu still does not intend to give up. Xiao Yuning would rather believe that this is just an illusion on his own psychology, and refuse to believe that it is true. Frankly speaking, both Dark Star Civilization and Xiao Yu are betting at this moment, and they are betting that the other party will make concessions. Xiao Yu did not intend to make the concession.

"Please, please." Xiao Yu said lightly, "If you want to launch all logical weapons, please, please."

Xiao Yu's spirit has condensed to the extreme. During Xiao Yu's manipulation, the intelligence network spreading across the entire Flying Kite Galaxy is working frantically, and endless data has been collected into Xiao Yu's mind. In order to seize the opportunity and find out early on the signs of dark star civilization launching logical weapons, Xiao Yu has used all his strength.

Dark Star Civilization was silent for a moment, and at this moment, Xiao Yu's project progress had reached 98%.

"This is a ten-second countdown. If the countdown returns to zero and you still have not stopped the progress of the project, we will launch a logical weapon. Before that, there will be no more warnings. Xiao Yu, this is your last A chance. "Dark Star Civilization said, sending a number to Xiao Yu," Ten ... "

Xiao Yu still didn't stop his progress ~ ~ Xiao Yu was silent, and didn't make any response to this countdown.

"Nine ... eight ... seven ... six ... five ... four ... three ... two ... one ... zero ..."

Countdown to zero. At this moment, Xiao Yu's thinking almost stopped working. Huge amounts of data flooded into the supercomputing center, and Xiao Yu tried his best to analyze any possible small signs.

After the countdown went to zero, both sides began to silence. Xiao Yu didn't know whether the logic weapon had been launched. Perhaps, the logic weapon had already been launched, but he hadn't noticed it.

The universe seems to have dropped to an absolute zero temperature, and time seems to be frozen. But Xiao Yu's movement has not stopped. Xiao Yu used his actions to show his determination.

After a while, Xiao Yu received a message from the Dark Star civilization: "Well, Xiao Yu, you won. We have not launched a logical weapon ..."

Xiao Yu's heart was loose. At this moment, Xiao Yu had a feeling for the rest of his life. Xiao Yu knew that he had won.

The message of the Dark Star civilization continues: "... Although we have not launched a logical weapon, we still don't think you have the ability and determination to destroy the central black hole. Listen carefully. In this central black hole, we hide Something that interests you ... "

There was a little doubt in Xiao Yu's mind. In the following, Xiao Yu seemed to have received a little more information.

"Save me ... save me ..."

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