Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 962: Even after the death I was flooded

Xiao Yu spent a lot of energy searching in the information network of the Dark Star civilization, and finally found all the information of this leader. Take it out now, Xiao Yu believes that it will definitely bring enough psychological shock to it.

The facts are exactly as Xiao Yu expected. After Xiao Yu took out so much data, the leader stayed there all at once. Its face began to change rapidly, and his voice began to tremble a little: "You, who are you? What do you want to do? How did you know these things?"

"Before the formal conversation begins, I will first explain one thing to you." In the virtual communication channel, the group of lights and shadows representing Xiao Yu was quietly suspended there, and one paragraph after another said: " Although I and your civilization are at war, I am not hostile to you. I am here to help you this time. "

"Help me?" The leader smiled a bit hard: "You are trying to subvert our civilization, as a member of the Dark Star civilization, you are actually saying to help me ... I think in this case Next, any member with a little sense of belonging to civilization should immediately report this matter to the Supreme Council of Civilization and let our leaders deal with you. "

"You won't do this." Xiao Yu said, "In your mind, the benefits of civilization may not be as great as your personal interests. When you report this, you will be exposed. Even if civilization is to avoid loss, your life But you will spend your time in prison. I believe you know very well how to choose. "

"What on earth do you want?" It said hard.

"It's very simple ..." Xiao Yu slowly said, "Perhaps you don't know enough about my existence form, I don't know how strong I am, so you don't have an intuitive understanding of me. Look at these materials ..."

A lot of pictures, audio and video materials were collected by Xiao Yu. Among these images are Xiao Yu's huge logistic construction base, nearly 100 billion powerful warships, and the majesty of spacecraft such as the Human and Dream.

"In contrast, this is the military strength of your civilization ..." Xiao Yu said, and once again broadcast some materials for the leader to watch.

"There is no doubt that your civilization is not my opponent. When it comes to military strength, ten Dark Star civilizations can't resist my attack. In the past, there was that infinitely multi-level seventh-level beast as your ally , Now, the seventh-level beast was killed by me. Your civilization has completely lost hope of winning. "

The leader knows what Xiao Yu is saying. Although these things are also classified as secrets within the Dark Star civilization, the impact of these things is too great, and there is no way to hide them well. As an "upper class", the leader also heard about these things, but he didn't know what he knew.

"So what do you want? Since you are so powerful. Why do you still want to find me? Or, you try to make me rebel into your civilization, but I am still the problem, if you are really so powerful, why do you come Find me?"

"I show you these things, not to try to make you rebel, but to ask you a question." Xiao Yu said quietly. "Do you know ... why your civilization is so much worse than mine, but you can still fight me? Have you thought about this?"

The leader looked motionless and did not speak.

"The reason is simple ... your civilization has a strategic weapon, and it is this weapon that prevents me from moving forward. This weapon is ... a logical weapon. Yes, a logical weapon, as long as you issue a Order, specify a target. The remaining things will be done automatically by logical weapons. It is logical weapons that prevent me from destroying your civilization. "

The leader immediately became serious. In fact, it has also thought about the previous question. However, the existence of a logical weapon is beyond its imagination.

"So, why didn't our civilization give orders to destroy logical logic?"

"Because logical weapons have counter-phasing. The larger the target you specify. The more difficult it is to execute, the larger the counter-phasing. In order to avoid all the same, your civilization did not destroy me through logical weapons." Xiao Yu said.

"What do you want me to do?" The leader inquired solemnly.

"I want you to take control of this logical weapon ..."

"Let me take control of logical weapons and clear the obstacles that destroy our civilization for you?" The leader smiled bitterly. Said, "Sorry, I ca n’t do this. Although I ’m the leader of the opposition, I still know that our foundation is our civilization. If our civilization is destroyed by you, we will no longer exist Even if it is for our own benefit, I ca n’t help you destroy our civilization ... But then again, why is it me? You can make your own plan of action and master the logical weapon, why bother? Find me?"

"Because the logical weapon at this moment has accepted the order, it can only be controlled by your civilization. No one can take it away. So, I have no way to take it away, so I found you."

This is Xiao Yu's solution. This is also a very simple logical trap. Since the logical weapon has accepted the order, it is required that it cannot be controlled by people outside of civilization. Then, if Xiao Yu grasps a person inside the Dark Star civilization, and then this person controls the logical weapon, does this violate the order of logical weapon?

According to the consistent performance of logical weapons, Xiao Yu has concluded through analysis that that this indirect grasping method may not violate the instructions of logical weapons. After all, "Keeping quasars away from me" can break the logic of "Keeping me away from quasars", so why do I have the logic of the dark star civilization and intelligent creatures, and then the dark star civilization and intelligent creatures have the logic weapon? Can't we break the logic of "Existence outside the Dark Star civilization cannot control logical weapons?"

Xiao Yu continued to say lightly, "My purpose is to let you master logical weapons. My purpose is not to destroy your civilization. I just want to use logic weapons to do one thing and rescue those trapped in Only the people in the central black hole ... You know, I have not yet touched the rules. My people are trapped in the black hole, and they can be rescued. Only logical weapons. This is why I found you. . "

"Let me grasp the logical weapons and help you rescue the people trapped in the black hole ..." the leader muttered to himself, "So, what can I get?"

"You can get what you dream of." Xiao Yu said, "Don't you understand yet, for your Dark Star civilization, whoever has mastered the logical weapon of the Dark Star civilization, who has mastered the entire Dark Star civilization. You have mastered the logical weapon You are the well-deserved master of the entire Dark Star civilization. All I want is to rescue my people. Regarding what governing philosophy you will adopt to govern your civilization, whether it is slavery or feudalism, it is not my business. . This is a win-win cooperation. The only thing that can be sacrificed is just a part of your civilization. But putting your own interests above the interests of civilization isn't this the norm you always follow? "

"My sanity tells me that I'm trying to make a hide with the tiger. My actions are likely to lead our civilization to the abyss of destruction." The leader smiled bitterly. "But your conditions are really exciting ... ... "

"You have no choice." Xiao Yu said lightly, "I have implanted a miniature space bomb in your brain. As long as I give an order, you will be killed. Now I give you a promise and wait for you After using logic weapons to rescue my stranded people, I will evacuate these bombs and never interfere with your internal affairs of the Dark Star civilization. "

"What should I use to believe you will keep your promise?" The leader said with a grin.

"You have to believe. I know what kind of person you are. You have always pursued the idea of" even floods after my death ", and it is for this reason that I have found you. If you do not cooperate with me, you will now It will die. If you cooperate with me, you still hope to truly control the Dark Star civilization and achieve your ideals. How to choose, I believe that you know well in your heart. And ... even if you choose to die now, there is no such thing Relationship. I can always find new candidates to accomplish this ~ ~ There are always new candidates who will obey my order and fight for this line of hope. Your resistance will not change the overall situation. Instead of letting others come It ’s better to let yourself be mastered, right? ”

"It seems I have no other choice."

"Yes, you have no other choice." Xiao Yu said, "obey me is your only way out. So, what is your decision?"

"Yes, you are right. Even after the death, even the floods ... my life is the most important." The leader said slowly, "I decided to obey you. If I can master logical weapons, then I have the value of existence, and for a valuable person, you will not easily abandon it. At least, my personal comfortable life is preserved. I have no reason not to cooperate with you. Now tell me what should I do do?"

"Very well, your choice is very wise." Xiao Yu said slowly, "Launch all your hidden powers and start penetrating into your flagship spacecraft ... I will use my ability to assist you, Remove your obstacles ... "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

PS: That's all for today

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