Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 113: Nova

All the Lucasians who had not died were frozen by Xiao Yu. In this turmoil, hundreds of Lucasians died. The black cells mutated due to the spiritual manipulation of the beast creatures became larger and larger. After causing their death, they eventually killed their corpses. All devoured, the whole person turned into this weird black ball, running inside the spaceship.

Fortunately, the weird round **** produced by these variations are not powerful, that is, faster, stronger, and sharper teeth. In the face of the laser cannon, it is still not worth mentioning.

Most of these spheres were destroyed by Xiao Yu's manipulation of the robot, and the remaining part was captured for Xiao Yu's experiments to find a way to treat the injured Luka.

Xiao Yu could not sit by and watch all the Lukas die. During this time, the contributions made by the Lukas to Xiao Yu were all in sight. Xiao Yu could not tolerate losing this great help.

"Just go to rest, this alien beast civilization, let me fight it myself." Xiao Yu sighed. "As long as I don't die, I will definitely find a way to save you."

The more angry, the calmer Xiao Yu became. Xiao Yu was quietly observing everything above this white dwarf, and closely monitoring its movements.

"This strange beast seems a bit tired." Through high-precision optical instruments and various technical means, Xiao Yu saw that after running for a few days, he began to lie on the white dwarf, motionless, it seemed to be At rest.

In these days, because it jumped up and was controlled by the gravitational pull of the white dwarf, violently hit the surface of the white dwarf, it caused at least thousands of pits on the surface of the white dwarf. But these potholes can only exist for a very short time, and within a few seconds after they appear, they disappear under the strong gravity of the white dwarf itself.

The surface of the current white dwarf is still smooth after removing the chaotic star material from the companion stars.

Looking at the strange beast lying on the white dwarf star and watching the sky quietly, Xiao Yu thought silently.

"It has been held above this white dwarf for at least 300,000 years, so it is unlikely that it will escape in a short time. This means that I have enough time to find out what to do with it. Method. The only thing I have to pay attention to during this time is that his mind interferes with the attack. "

"Relying on the multiple-choice questions preset in advance, I have 80% certainty beyond its mind control."

"So ... how do you destroy it?"

This creature has a height of several hundred kilometers, and the size of a palm is tens of kilometers. If it explodes at full strength, it can jump out of a height of 100,000 kilometers on a white dwarf. It can survive the extremely harsh environment of the white dwarf, and hit the surface of the white dwarf at a speed of several thousand kilometers per second without any damage. All these data are telling its strength.

Xiao Yu began to count the weapons he now has.

"No gravity bomb ... hydrogen bomb ... laser cannon ... not to mention kinetic weapons."

Xiao Yu reluctantly found that the weapon he now possessed was impossible to cause even the slightest damage to it.

"As far as I know, the fourth-level civilization has mastered the unified theory and then used various force field weapons as a means of attack. At present, it seems that force field weapons have no effect on it. According to the same level of scientific and technological civilization and the same It is estimated that the level of the level of the beast civilization is not much different. The lowest beast is a fifth-level alien beast civilization, and it is actually likely to be higher than the fifth level. "

A fourth-level civilization cannot cause damage to it, a fifth-level civilization should be able to cause extremely low levels of damage to it, and at least a sixth-level civilization must be able to fight this strange beast.

This conclusion made Xiao Yu helpless.

"Is it really necessary to slowly develop science and technology here, and wait until the technology is developed enough to kill it? Then I do n’t know how many years later." Xiao Yuman thought unwillingly.

Xiao Yu didn't think of running away, but for various reasons, Xiao Yu gave up the idea of ​​running away.

The reason is very simple. I am currently more than one light-year away from this strange beast, and can still be manipulated under this distance scale. Moreover, Luca II said that a Tier IV civilization fleet had also been tried to control it, and that Tier IV civilization was only passing by the Skyhawk Nebula. The distance between them must be longer than one light year.

Taking all these factors into consideration, Xiao Yu believes that the entire Sky Eagle Nebula is insecure. If you want to escape, at least you must escape the Sky Eagle Nebula to be safe. But leaving the Skyhawk Nebula, the closest star is also fifty light years away.

Fifty light years! Xiao Yu needs to sail for 1,500 years! For this 1,500-year period, staying in the Sky Eagle Nebula, maybe they have found a way to eliminate it.

Escape is not feasible, and peaceful relations are nonsense. On the side of the couch, how can you let others sleep? What's more, this big guy is not just dozing off. He must always be prepared to use his means to murder himself. There is only a thousand days to be a thief.

The situation is in a dilemma.

"It is impossible to destroy it based on my scientific and technological strength. Then, I have to seek external assistance ... Here, no intelligent creature may help me, and the only thing that works is to seek the help of the natural environment ... "

Xiao Yu thought silently. When thinking of the words "natural environment", Xiao Yu seemed to have a lightning strike in his mind, and his spirit was shocked.

"I found a way!"

In Xiao Yu's mind, some data of the Tianying two-star system slowly flowed again.

"This double star system consists of two stars, one is a white dwarf, and the other is a red dwarf. The two are 10 million kilometers apart ... The red dwarf delivers 17 million tons of mass to the white dwarf every second ... according to estimates , This white dwarf will have a nova burst within a thousand years ... "

"Rising star! Rising star!"

A nova burst is a phenomenon in which the luminosity of a star in the universe suddenly increases.

In the universe, there is often a phenomenon in which the luminosity of a certain star increases tens of thousands or even hundreds of billions of times in a very short time. Nova bursts are a general term for this phenomenon, and supernova bursts are also broadly defined. Nova burst.

In the Song Dynasty in China, the ancients observed a supernova explosion. During that explosion, another light source appeared in the sky. At night, this light source was not much weaker than the full moon.

This is a well-known supernova explosion event. The reason is that a star thousands of light years away from the earth reached the end of evolution, violently exploded, and became a neutron star after throwing out a lot of material. This time a supernova burst created the famous Crab Nebula.

One can imagine how violent the supernova burst was at that time. The light it emits, even over thousands of light years, can even illuminate the night sky on Earth.

Nova bursts include several different types such as IA supernova bursts, type supernova bursts, extremely supernova bursts, and ordinary nova bursts. The type of this white dwarf in the Aquila binary system is an ordinary nova explosion.

The white dwarf is the remnant of low- and medium-mass stars after death. Its thermonuclear fusion has stopped, and it only emits radiation based on the previous residual energy.

Ordinary nova bursts can only occur above white dwarfs.

Ordinary nova bursts are generally referred to as nova bursts to distinguish them from supernova bursts. Its specific mechanism is that in a binary star system, if a white dwarf is close enough to the companion star, it will continuously obtain mass from the companion star. As the mass increases, its pressure and temperature will increase. After reaching a certain level, the stellar matter attracted by it will trigger a new round of nuclear fusion reactions. Rich and rich? Read the full text) and is an extremely fierce nuclear fusion reaction.

At this moment, the white dwarf will explode with extremely intense energy, throwing out a lot of material, and its luminosity will instantly increase by tens of thousands to millions of times at this moment. One can imagine how violent its energy burst would be at this moment.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu already had a plan in mind.

"Maybe, I can kill this strange beast with the help of a nova explosion! Compared with a nova explosion, trillions of tons of hydrogen bomb explosions are slags! Gravity bombs are just a joke! This white dwarf star ~ www. ~ is about to reach a tipping point, and it is about to break out! "

"But ... there is still a question. I don't know if the nova burst can kill this strange beast. You know, the nova burst can happen repeatedly. I don't know how long it is trapped on this white dwarf. It is also unknown whether it has experienced a nova explosion. "

Nova bursts are periodic, but their intervals are not constant. It may happen once every ten years, or it may happen once every millions of years. In general, the more massive a white dwarf, the shorter the interval at which a nova explodes.

"Anyway, give it a try. In the process of seducing me, you can clearly detect the irritability of this strange beast. Maybe it has experienced many nova explosions, and each nova explosion gives it It caused a certain amount of damage, and it felt that it couldn't escape this explosion, so it was not so impatient. "

"It's worth trying. If it fails, I'll run away immediately! It will take thousands of years to find another galaxy to develop."

Xiao Yu made up his mind.

After making up his mind, Xiao Yu began to think about another issue.

This white dwarf will take about a thousand years to erupt. Obviously, Xiao Yu was unwilling and could not wait so long.

This means that Xiao Yu must use his own means to cause a nova explosion in advance of this white dwarf.

Xiao Yu glanced at the Tianying One Galaxy and Tianying Two Double Galaxy, and had an idea in her heart.

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