Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 1065: prophet

After this time Twilight has escaped into the rest of the universe, Xiao Yu will have no way to find the trace of the rebel camp again. Because there are infinitely many meaningless universes, it is possible for the rebel camp to choose any meaningless universe as its residence. It is important to note that this attack by Twilight before its departure has destroyed any traces left by it. This also means that Xiao Yu can no longer find traces of the rebel camp by analyzing the traces, even if Xiao Yu masters the time, it is useless.

Then, the rebel camp cannot be allowed to escape. Xiao Yu flashed this thought in his mind. However, at this moment Xiao Yu has destroyed more than 30 trillion warships, and the surviving warships are also in chaos. It is impossible to organize effective collaboration. It seems that Xiao Yu can only watch Twilight with his eyes open. The city fled and watched as the rebel camp fled.

There is a smooth road from Twilight to that point of nothingness. There is no Xiao Yu's warship in that place. It seems that Xiao Yu has no way to stop the Twilight from leaving. Obviously, the rebel camp thinks so too.

But Xiao Yu didn't panic, Xiao Yu's mind was still calm. Your own warship was destroyed and lost more than thirty trillion ships? It doesn't matter. Twilight is about to reach that predetermined point without any power to stop it? It still doesn't matter.

Because Xiao Yu has the time. So Xiao Yu need not have any worry. Xiao Yu can use time to avoid the attack of logical weapons, and naturally can also use time to prevent the escape of Twilight.

Xiao Yu watched the darkness in front of the twilight tightly. It was unknown to Xiao Yu. Perhaps that place was known before. However, as time goes by, what is known also becomes unknown. unknown. It means that there may be some emergencies there. As it happens, Xiao Yu, who has mastered the time, can master all emergencies.

As a result, at least fifty trillion battleships suddenly appeared on the road ahead of Twilight. These warships are like Xiao Yu's ambush there a long time ago, as if Xiao Yu had anticipated the actions of the rebel camp at this moment.

These fifty trillion warships are like heavenly soldiers descending from the sky, and they quickly disperse. Rapid collaboration, quickly surrounding the twilight city, quickly interrupted the progress of the twilight city. then. Twilight had to stop again.

"What the **** is this! Why is this! Why Xiao Yu can predict the direction of our escape in advance, why Xiao Yu knows in advance that we will launch the ultimate weapon and then escape! Otherwise, why would Xiao Yu ambush here in advance? With so many warships! Is there a traitor in our camp, or is there always a traitor leaking our secrets to Xiao Yu! "In Twilight City was forced to stop his footsteps. After being surrounded by Xiao Yu's warships. The rebel camp's plan to escape was thus bankrupt. And at this time, the rotating chairman who has been calm has also fallen into a frenzy. The defeat of the logical weapon was an accident, and the failure of the escape plan was another accident.

It yelled madly: "What good is this to you! Don't forget, you can't kill Xiao Yu, we're all finished! Are you all idiots, those shameful traitors! Send me orders! All channels of communication between the city and the outside, cut off all connections between Twilight and the outside! Then launch the ultimate weapon once again, and escape again! "

The rotating chairman issues such an order. Naturally, it is to prevent the traitor from leaking his intelligence again. In such an emergency, all information channels are blocked. Disconnecting all connections is a very reasonable response. Therefore, all civilized leaders in the conference hall did not object.

Inside Twilight, all information channels are blocked, and various surveillance equipment is turned on to maximum power. The rotating chairman believes that with such a rigorous response, it is impossible for any traitor to leak his intelligence.

After everything was done, the twilight began to flash again, and the rotating chairman pressed the red button in front of him hard. Infinite amounts of energy emerged again, and this time without any accidents, the more than one hundred trillion battleships surrounding the Twilight City were once again destroyed by more than thirty trillion. Xiao Yu's fleet was once again plunged into chaos, and collaboration was broken again. Twilight begins again.

"This time, we head to point d and prepare to escape!" The rotating chairman issued a new order. The order to flee to point d was a decision made by the rotating chairman immediately before the twilight began to flee. It can be said that even before the presidency started, he did not even know where to go.

But what made it almost crazy again. The rotating chairman watched with open eyes. Between twilight and point d, a large number of warships suddenly appeared again, and the number was even more than last time.

That is a huge fleet of more than sixty trillion battleships! The endless battleships suddenly appeared there like locusts, and rushed forward without stopping, encircling the twilight city again.

Twilight's second escape plan failed again.

Going to point d is an interim decision by the rotating chairman. And, at this moment, all information channels in Twilight are blocked. No traitor can pass information. Even if it was passed on, Xiao Yu could not make such an arrangement in such a short time. It can only be explained that Xiao Yu possesses the ability of a certain prophet, and Xiao Yu can know all his actions.

Xiao Yu knew the psychological activities of the leaders of the rebel camp at this moment. This is certainly not because Xiao Yu can be a prophet. The reason is simple, Xiao Yu who masters the time will not be afraid of any conspiracy. The conspiracy succeeds because it is deceptive and unexpected. If the object of the conspiracy knows all the details of the conspiracy and has enough time to prepare, then the so-called conspiracy is a joke. As at this moment, Xiao Yu didn't know where the twilight city would flee, and Xiao Yu didn't make an ambush anywhere. Xiao Yu only began to build a large number of battleships in the past after seeing the Twilight City start to go to a certain point, and then let these battleships from the past to the present, blocking the way forward for Twilight.

This is Xiao Yu's greatest reliance on the rebel camp. Because Xiao Yu mastered the time, Xiao Yu won.

"I don't know how many attacks like this can you use?" Xiao Yu thought lightly. "If I am not mistaken, this kind of attack is powerful, but it will definitely have a great impact on Twilight." Great damage. What do you do when you find that all your hole cards are useless? "

Xiao Yu clearly saw that after each eruption of Twilight City, its light would dim quickly and could not be restored for a long time. Even at this moment, Xiao Yu saw some tiny imperceptible cracks appearing on the huge twilight city. What this means must be clear to the rebel camp.

Xiao Yu still hid in the past, manipulating his own large warship group to launch a siege on the twilight city. After experiencing such a major change, not only did Xiao Yu's number of warships not decrease, but they continued to increase.

The rebel camp's rotating chairman stood silently, motionless. It looked cloudy and uncertain, wondering what it was thinking. There was also silence in the conference hall, where all civilized leaders sat silently thinking about something.

"There are no traitors in our camp, but Xiao Yu has a certain ability ... Is this the ability that he has after mastering time ..." The chairman of the rebel camp seems to be muttering to himself, "The escape plan failed, and we ... can't escape. There seem to be only two roads left before us, killing Xiao Yu, or being killed by Xiao Yu."

"But how can we kill Xiao Yu?" There was a little confusion in the look of the rotating chairman. Zhizhu has always been holding it, and now at last he was puzzled.

"The twilight damage has exceeded 20% ~ ~ We can no longer use the ultimate weapon. Moreover, this ultimate weapon is of no use to us at all. Well, we have only left The last way, the last. "The rotating chairman slowly said, raising his head and staring at the civilization leaders below," Self-destructing twilight, we escape. "

"No! I don't agree! After destroying Twilight, we will no longer have the ability to rebuild Twilight and lose Twilight. Our rebel camp will never have the hope of fighting the defenders. ! "

"This is our only way." The rotating chairman said, "Compared to the ability to master time, I think it is worth self-destructing Twilight. This is our only way out ... relying on self-destructing Twilight The city came to kill Xiao Yu. After killing Xiao Yu, we will have the opportunity to capture Xiao Yu's unlimited computing power and it will be possible to master time. "

"The power of self-destructing the twilight city cannot even be defended by the defenders. At the beginning, we relied on the self-destructing twilight city to escape the pursuit of the defenders! I don't believe Xiao Yu is better than the defenders. It ’s amazing! Even if Xiao Yu has mastered time! We can control the self-destructing twilight city and destroy the time system in this universe! Even the time system is gone, what is the use of the ability to master time ?! "(To be continued ...)

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