Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 122: springboard

Gravity bombs are worthy of the creation of a fourth-level civilization. Dozens of gravity bombs have caused the death of at least three hundred strange beasts and emptied all the materials within a total of thousands of kilometers.

Countless spacecraft wrecks, sastute beast stumps, and surviving aliens are all attracted by this powerful gravity.

As long as the mass reaches a certain standard, the star will reach hydrostatic equilibrium and form a sphere. The specific reason is that after the star reaches a certain mass, its own gravity will transform the outer shape of the star to reach a spherical shape.

So, the most important thing is gravity. Xiao Yu saw that the gravity within one kilometer of the explosion range of the gravity bomb reached the standard of hydrostatic equilibrium.

Therefore, the numerous wreckage of the spaceship, the limbs of the alien beast, and the body of the alien beast that died instantly, were pressed into a standard sphere at this moment. This spherical shape is even more numerous than the smoothest bearing ball, and its surface is even smoother than white dwarfs.

The extremely smooth surface gives it a powerful reflective ability. On its mirror-like surface, Xiao Yu sees nothingness and darkness in the space. There are stars, warships, and vector beasts ...

When these at least three hundred beasts were oppressed into a ball of flesh and blood by powerful gravity and died instantly, Xiao Yu heard countless sorrows.

"My father! I haven't grown up yet, have you died like this?"

"Dear Alice, on the way to the kingdom of darkness, you will not be lonely. I will be with you soon."

"I hate it! I hate it! I must kill this demon and avenge my friends!"

"Unfamiliar science and technology civilization, ready to attack the area of ​​a156, I will work with my people, with only 10% of the remaining control, try to move closer to this area. Can not be a hero to destroy demons. We would rather die I don't want to be an accomplice to the devil. "

At this moment, Xiao Yu received many messages.

Xiao Yu saw that there were dozens of strange beasts. When they attacked Xiao Yu's spacecraft, they started slowly, but firmly moved closer to the predetermined area. Finally, they gathered together in the a156 area.

Within this area, all the spacecraft belonging to Xiao Yu have all left.

"Hurry up! Control from the demon is on the rise. We can't hold on for too long!"

Xiao Yu looked at the dozens of vector beasts gathered in the predetermined area, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

But Xiao Yu chose to attack. Xiao Yu had no choice.

"Sorry ... guys, all right ..."

"You are really a great civilization. I will definitely avenge you ..." Xiao Yu muttered silently. A launch order was issued.

Another dark bomb dropped from the muzzle. Quickly rushed to the intended area. At the moment when it reached the predetermined area, the gravity bomb exploded suddenly, and powerful gravity broke out. Almost immediately, in the predetermined area, another ball of flesh appeared.

It was the flesh and blood of Yasuke.

These vector beasts. In this way, Xiao Yu once again confirmed his determination to fight against demons.

The fierce battle continues.

There is an hour's flight before the last orbit correction point is reached. Time, although this is not so intense. But slipped away in the fierce battle.

Xiao Yu's overall strength was 5,000 spacecraft. During this period of fighting, more than 2,000 have been destroyed. There are more than 7,000 Yabei, and now there are only more than 3,000.

Although Xiao Yu's spaceship is not as powerful as Yazoo, Yayoi's death rate far exceeds Xiao Yu's spaceship damage rate. Up to this moment, all the doubts in Xiao Yu's heart have been relieved.

Xiao Yu already has an intuitive understanding of the capabilities of these vector beasts. Their mobility is stronger than themselves, their protection is stronger than themselves, and their attack is stronger than themselves. If they really exerted 100% of their power, they would only rely on the more than 4,000 vector beasts that had died, let alone destroy their fleet. It is still possible to break through your own defense circle and destroy the planetary engine.

As long as you destroy the planetary engine, your actions are doomed to failure.

However, in order to fight the demons, they chose to die. Xiao Yu had no way to doubt such a group of creatures.

The battle continues.

In the distance, in the void, a white dwarf and a red dwarf are still holding hands for a weird and beautiful double dance. Under the gaze of these big, small, and two eyes, Satellite One looks like a fire moth, and is ruthless, rushing forward.

The cosmic dust previously accumulated on the No. 1 satellite has not really been integrated into the No. 1 satellite. They pile up loosely on the surface of No.1, causing the surface of No.1 to look like a dusty room floor that has not been cleaned for a long time.

Above this distance, the stellar wind from the two red dwarfs of Skyhawk was finally strong enough, and a free cleaner was welcomed by the No. 1 satellite.

The magnetic field of the satellite No.1 is extremely weak, and it is basically resistant to the strong stellar wind. Under the strong stellar wind, the ground piled up loosely on the No. 1 satellite was blown up.

It lost mass at a rate of nearly 500 million tons per second. The 500 million tons of dust formed a long tail, which dragged behind the No. 1 satellite, turning it into a huge comet.

Above the white dwarf, the giant beast has been staring closely here. On his face, there were many wrinkles crisscross, the deepest wrinkle, almost a thousand meters deep.

The surface layer of the body folds up at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a fast old man.

Centered on this white dwarf, inexplicable energies were emitted one after another.

"Forty minutes to reach the final location." Xiao Yu thought silently.

In the Aquila galaxy, Lula III stared closely at the surveillance screen. It has been working continuously for several days, but at the moment, it doesn't look a little exhausted. It stared at the constantly refreshing data on the display screen, without blinking.

"Yaju's offensive has increased."

Within these twenty minutes, Xiao Yu noticed that the beast's attack power had been improving at a slow speed.

"Unfamiliar technological civilization! Our control over ourselves is constantly diminishing! Demons have increased their control over us!" At this time, Xiao Yu received a message full of terror.

"Did you struggle before dying?" Xiao Yu sneered.

"Don't worry, I can deal with it. As long as it lasts for another 40 minutes, the final victory will belong to us." Xiao Yu replied.

Xiao Yu has enough strength to back it up. The number of vector beasts has less than two thousand, Xiao Yu's spacecraft, and more than three thousand.

Under the attack of these two thousand beasts, these spacecraft can support for two hours. As long as he supported forty minutes, Xiao Yu won.

As long as the final orbit correction point is reached and the planetary engine is launched, the satellite No. 1 will hit the white dwarf in an unstoppable way, without any force to stop it.

Xiao Yu couldn't stop it, Yaju could not stop it, and the White Dwarf Demon couldn't stop it.

"Do you think you have the winning ticket? It's too early for you to be happy." At this time, Xiao Yu received a message from the white dwarf through the space broadcast.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Xiao Yu heard a burst of laughter, and then, above the white dwarf, the body of this huge alien beast fell down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its body size continued to decrease.

At the same time, Xiao Yu's spirit appeared for a while.

This trance was shown very clearly by the thousands of spacecraft controlled by Xiao Yu.

At this moment, dozens of spaceships were hit by the long tentacles of the vector beast because they did not dodge in time.

"My friend, you need to be awake!"

"I, I ..." Xiao Yu gritted his teeth, struggling to resist the huge pressure in the spirit, "Hateful guy! I won't let you do it!"

"Useless, useless, your spirit has been occupied by more than half of the battle. In this case, how can you resist my offensive?"

"I'll control you ~ ~ Make a slight adjustment to the orbit of this satellite, it will pass by 100,000 kilometers from the surface of the white dwarf, and will not directly hit the white dwarf. It will use this satellite as a springboard to escape this white dwarf. "

"Do you really think that I want to destroy you with these weak beasts? You are wrong, you are wrong! My purpose is just to use them to hold your spirit and achieve my purpose! "

Xiao Yu heard the crazy laugh of this strange beast.

"Sure enough, it still has a hole card ... It turned out that its real purpose is like this ..." At this moment, Xiao Yu finally understood.

"Your purpose will not be achieved!" Xiao Yu reluctantly controlled his spirit and quickly responded, "After approaching the white dwarf, this satellite will be torn instantly! I don't believe that you can use a pile of debris to As a springboard! "

"In fact, as long as a meteor with a mass of 10 billion tons can help me achieve my goal, what is the mass of this satellite? One trillion tons? One trillion tons? One hundred million tons? My means, what is it? What can you understand as a humble third-level civilization? "

"You don't have a chance, obediently welcome the arrival of destruction! After escaping this white dwarf, I must destroy your fleet, and then go to your mother star to destroy all your civilization!"

"No, this is not enough to vent my anger. I will destroy all civilizations within a hundred light years around your home star! All stars will be destroyed!"

"Welcome to the death!" (To be continued ...)

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