Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 135: Brutal collision!

Xiao Yu's technology has developed to the present, and has the ability to destroy a rocky planet or satellite. In fact, before the destruction of the earth, humans on the earth already had this ability.

That is, relying on a huge equivalent of hydrogen bomb to directly blow it up. The atomic bomb has a maximum power, but the hydrogen bomb does not. As long as there is sufficient fusion fuel, the power of hydrogen bombs is almost unlimited. It is just that the larger the hydrogen bomb, the more difficult it is to make it.

Relying on a trillion-ton-equivalent hydrogen bomb, Xiao Yu could directly blow up this satellite.

However, even if he has progressed to such a technological level, Xiao Yu never imagined that there would still be such an amazing method to destroy a planet.

That is, directly swallow a planet.

That's right, after careful observation, Xiao Yu discovered this amazing fact that the Zerg mother worm did not hide inside the planet, but swallowed the entire planet.

The mass of this satellite is about half that of the moon, reaching an astonishing 350 billion tons. No matter where it is placed, it is a behemoth. But now, it has been disqualified from being a planet and has become the food of this zerg mother worm.

How many resources does a planet contain? After these resources are digested by the mother, how many zerg can be produced? Hundreds of billions? How many trillions? Xiao Yu dare not imagine.

The Zerg here is getting bigger and bigger, and their attack power is getting stronger and stronger. Xiao Yu saw that the Zerg with the largest body size almost has the attack power to catch up with his village-level spaceship. Xiao Yu's village-level spaceship has less than 100,000 ships, but how many such bugs?

Endless, countless.

"This is the infinitely proliferating alien beast civilization ?! The magic of the universe's creation is really beyond my imagination." Xiao Yu was shocked, and then Xiao Yu thought of another problem.

"I don't know ... how long has it been here? How are the Yazos now?"

Xiao Yu saw that two rivers of light flowed to oneself and the other to the Sky Eagle Three Inner Galaxy and flowed towards Planet One.

On the first planet, there are only some aging or young vector beasts, they do not have the ability to interstellar navigation.

"Fight fast!" Xiao Yu immediately made up his mind.

Xiao Yu already has a plan in mind. This female is powerful and powerful, but it has a fatal weakness, which is that its mobility is too poor. To deal with such a large and difficult to move target, there is an excellent method that Xiao Yu can use.

That is, the hydrogen bomb.

The technological content of the hydrogen bomb is not high, at least it is much lower than the energy cannon weapon. It also has many shortcomings, such as low kill radius, bulky, slow launch speed, etc. in space battles, but the hydrogen bomb has an advantage that cannot be matched by other weapons.

Its power can be increased infinitely.

Xiao Yu estimates that even after reaching Level IV civilization, mastering the unification theory, and developing various force field weapons, the hydrogen bomb will still have a place in the war and will not exit the stage of history.

This advantage is too practical when facing the star-level fortress.

Within the Hebei, there is just such a huge hydrogen bomb.

It was a huge hydrogen bomb with an equivalent of one trillion tons. This hydrogen bomb will have the ability to directly blow up a planet.

"Come and accept my great gift, abominable bugs." Xiao Yu thought to himself, manipulating his fleet and launching a **** fight with the Zerg.

Xiao Yu must kill a blood path and hit the path for the launch of this hydrogen bomb.

Objectively speaking, Xiao Yu's comprehensive strength is really inferior to this big guy. Without the Hebei, Xiao Yu could run away, but in a frontal war, he would definitely be drowned by the endless sea of ​​insects.

But ... Xiao Yu had a provincial spaceship, the Hebei. The Hebei spacecraft is made of the flesh and blood of a white dwarf.

As long as this spaceship is in town, Xiao Yu is invincible.

Xiao Yu's fleet was only eight million kilometers away from the satellite that was swallowed up by the mother worm. On the eight million kilometers of road, the sky is covered with sun, and all are full of Zerg. Here is the sea of ​​Zerg.

Xiao Yu used all kinds of attack methods, kinetic weapons, laser weapons, energy cannon weapons, particle beam weapons, electromagnetic wave weapons, all kinds, but Xiao Yu still could not kill a **** path.

Xiao Yu's goal was to launch a super-equivalent hydrogen bomb after getting close enough to that satellite, to directly blow it up. But now, Xiao Yu finds that there are too many Zerg. Every distance traveled by a kilometer requires tremendous effort.

There are endless zerg killing with Xiao Yu's spacecraft. In this case, Xiao Yu almost did n’t need to aim. Any random energy cannonball and hydrogen bomb could be fired to kill thousands of zerg. However, if you kill 1,000 and 10,000, you can kill 10,000. 100,000!

Among these zerg, there are melee attack zerg, long-range attack zerg, some use energy cannonballs as weapons, some use hard forelimbs evolved by themselves as weapons, and even Xiao Yu has discovered a At high speed, bugs that directly use their own impact as a means of attack!

There are at least hundreds of different types of insects.

"I don't know how the beasts are now." Xiao Yu was secretly anxious, but he was blocked here, and it was extremely difficult to move forward.

At this time, for the first time in Xiao Yu's fleet, the county-level spacecraft was destroyed. The county-level spacecraft was exploded after being consumed by energy little by little by the endless insects.

"Can't drag any more! If you can't finish it, then don't kill it, I'll just rush over! I don't believe it, but you little worms can stop me from being Hebei!

Xiao Yu's heart was fierce, he simply stopped the weapon system above the Hebei, moved the engine to the maximum power, and ran straight forward.

That's right, this is the most primitive attack method, savagely rushed over!

Hebei now has a total mass of about 80 million tons. With such a high quality, Hebei has the same mobility as the village-level spaceship, and its engine is so powerful that one can imagine.

In fact, there are enough 10,000 main engines above the Hebei. If you include the fine-tuning engines and steering engines, the total number is almost 100,000.

Start with 100,000 engines! With such powerful power, the Hebei was like a mad monster, and slammed forward.

After the Hebei, there are more than 100,000 spaceships of various types. They follow the Hebei and move forward quickly on the road where the Hebei crashed.

At this moment, the Hebei was like a big general who was slain among thousands of troops and mighty horses.

The Hebei in this state is really unstoppable! Xiao Yu saw that there were at least 50 million zerg species of various types rushing together towards the Hebei, and long-range attacks on the zerg released tens of millions of energy cannonballs, and close-range attacks on the zerg jumped directly to the Hebei On the front, he changed the sickle-shaped forelimb and severely cut the shell of the Hebei.

The sickle's forelegs, which attack the Zerg close-up, are extremely powerful, and even the special steel made by Xiao Yu can be cut off in one stroke. However, millions of melee attack zergs cut the shell of the Hebei together without receiving any effect.

Hebei has no protective cover. In Xiao Yu's test, after being charged, the flesh and blood of the strange beast is stronger than the protective cover. I do n’t know how many times. With such a powerful material, using the protective cover is completely wasted. It ’s better to save energy directly for This material is charged.

In addition to the close-range and long-range bugs, Xiao Yu also saw that a new kind of bug appeared here.

This worm is extremely large and moves extremely slowly compared to other worms. This bug slowly approached the Hebei, and after getting close to the Hebei, Xiao Yu realized the role of the bug.

There are millions of these huge bugs. After sticking themselves to the Hebei, they immediately sprayed a bright blue flame at the tail. At the same time, Xiao Yu felt a huge force spread. Come over.

"They are trying to push Hebei aside! This is to stop the progress of Hebei! Humming ~ ~ It is useless. The strength of Hebei is as imaginable as you dirty insects? "

Xiao Yu ignored or even ignored these bugs.

There are as many as 100,000 Hebei engines. These engines are all built from the flesh and blood of strange animals. This means that these engines are basically not in danger of being burned, even if they are running at full load.

Of the 80 million tons of Hebei, at least 15 million tons are fuel.

Sufficient fuel and powerful kinetic energy, Xiao Yu was fearless in the face of these zerg.

Millions of engine bugs added huge thrust to the hull of the Hebei. In Xiao Yu's calculations, this force is comparable to the sum of the power of the two municipal spacecraft.

If Hebei was not made of exotic animal flesh but was made of ordinary materials, Hebei would have been crushed by the engine bug and the two sides of the spacecraft's own engine.

Hebei is still advancing, getting closer and closer to the satellite swallowed by the mother worm.

Billion zerg people, just in front of the Hebei, just have a rest.

Slowly, the distance between Hebei and this satellite was only 10,000 kilometers.

Above this distance, Xiao Yu can even see the body surface details of the female worm in close range.

"It's time to launch a hydrogen bomb attack." Xiao Yu thought, and gave an order.

A special county-level spaceship loaded inside the Hebei launched, and its tail gradually sprayed a bright flame.

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