Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 139: Start rescue (below)

"It's great, it's really great." The Yazo stood up in excitement, pacing on the floor, turning around, "I really thank you so much, my people have rescued Now. "

"Tell me your basic situation first, let me make a rescue plan. By the way, can you contact the rest of your clan?" Xiao Yu looked at this big cat like a big cat, which was a little funny Asked.

The Yasui stopped wandering and sat down on the floor again: "I and my people can be connected at any time, and the connection between us will not be discovered by the Zerg. Well ... this is probably the case One day two months ago, a huge meteor shower came to our planet. At that time, we were all very excited because our planet had not experienced a meteor shower for a long time. "

"This time, the size of the meteor shower is larger than all meteor showers we have recorded."

"To this end, we also held a celebration to celebrate such a beautiful visit to our home again. We hope that with this celebration, we can dispel a little sadness of the lost tribe." Speaking of which, this vector animal The tone was a little dark.

Xiao Yu sighed secretly. In his mind, he couldn't help but remember the heroic yao who had fought side by side with himself.

Unable to get rid of the body control of the white dwarf alien beast, they chose to communicate with themselves spiritually, chose to cooperate with themselves, and destroy their bodies.

"There is no doubt that your people are great creatures." Xiao Yu also said sadly.

The vector beast adjusted his emotions and said, "Thank you for your compliment. Well, after the celebration, we soon discovered that this time the meteor shower was not the usual meteor shower. After this meteor shower, we On the planet, tens of millions of bugs suddenly appeared. At that time, we didn't worry much, because the attack power of these bugs was not strong, and it could even be said to be very weak. So at the beginning, we still had some underdog , Did not take this matter to heart. "

"But soon, we found that we were wrong. The attack power of these bugs is indeed not powerful, but the number of them ... too many! Under the endless attack of insect sea, our people began to suffer casualties. In that conflict, my grandfather died in order to protect me ... "

The young vector beast said sadly.

"Unfortunately, my people only dispersed, and they searched for places to hide. We have enough hiding places above our mother star. But for more than a month, as the number of bugs has increased, The more things that my tribe finds often appear ... "

"After we were found, we were basically dead. We didn't dare to fly, because flying would only receive more attacks. If we ran on the ground, there were bugs everywhere, and we had nowhere to run."

Xiao Yu knew this very well. There are too many Zerg.

Xiao Yu asked: "How much is left of your clan?"

"Probably ... well, a little more than 20,000. Within this time, we lost nearly 3,000 people." The Yazo replied.

"That's good." Xiao Yu said, "Contact your people and let them tell you where they are hiding. I will control the spacecraft and rescue them one by one. After all your people are rescued, Then think of a way to destroy all the worms on the planet. "

"Okay, thank you." The vector beast quickly replied, "Well, the tribe closest to us is also in Mount Moore, probably in that direction ..."

Through the porthole, the vector beast pointed with his front paw.

"Understood." Xiao Yu replied, "I will send you to a safe place first, and your clan will naturally have my spaceship to help."

"You ... you are really a hero." The Yazo replied gratefully. After saying this, it seemed to hesitate, as if it had made up its mind, and then continued: "Well ... my name Called Lorna. "

"Well, I see." Xiao Yu answered briefly.

With the help of a dictionary, Xiao Yu was able to understand the language of the Yazos and understand the meaning of their words. But Xiao Yu did n’t know if the name “Lona” had any other meaning. Xiao Yu only transliterated it directly, and used the word “Lona” with close pronunciation as its name.

"So, how do I call you?" Lorna asked.

"Uh?" Xiao Yu froze for a moment, thinking for a while, Xiao Yu asked: "You ... this year, I mean, how long have you been born?"

"Well ... probably, it's been over eight thousand years," Rona replied.

The timing method adopted by the vector animal civilization is not the same as above the earth. After translating the length of Lorna's words into the earth's timekeeping method, it became more than 8,000 years.

"That way, you're a little younger than me." Xiao Yu replied, "Just call me Brother Xiao."

"Brother Xiao ...?" Lona repeated, nodded, and asked, "Is Brother Xiao manipulating this spacecraft by remote control? So, where is your body? What do you look like? ? "

"I don't have a body." Xiao Yu replied, "I have combined my soul with a central computer. Well ... my previous body looks like this."

Xiao Yu replied, operating a three-dimensional stereo projector, projecting his own image inside the cabin.

In fact, if it wasn't for Lorna's question, Xiao Yu would have forgotten what he looked like. After spending too much time in this state, Xiao Yu almost has to forget that he once owned a body.

Looking at some strange young men in front of him, Xiao Yu's heart was filled with emotion.

"Brother Xiao, you look really weird." Lorna glanced, and said strangely.

"Strange? I think you look really weird." Xiao Yu said with amusement.

"Our Vector Beast race has the ability to change its appearance at will. Whatever you say looks good, I'll just show it to you." Lorna was lying on the cabin, turning over with some tiredness, and praying glances. Looking at the shadow of Xiao Yu, he said, "Brother Xiao, you must rescue my people."

"Relax." Xiao Yu replied, "I have a complete plan. Your people will be fine."

Regarding the next rescue operation, Xiao Yu has formulated a set of plans.

That is, first transform the city-level spacecraft, Handan into an environment suitable for the Yabes, and then dispatch 10,000 village-level spaceships and 1,000 rural-level spaceships to launch rescue on top of planet one and all of them After being sent to Handan, and after the Zerg in space were completely destroyed, the research and development of landing combat robots was carried out, and millions of tens of millions of robots were manufactured and sent to Planet One, and they were responsible for eliminating one Zerg on planet No.

According to the figure of this vector animal after its change, Handan can fully carry more than 20,000 vector animals. The beasts belong to the alien beast civilization. Even if they have not yet reached adulthood, their physical fitness is extremely strong, and the requirements for the living system are very low. They can survive for several years without food. Handan can be transformed in a short time.

After making up his mind, while launching a sniper attack on the Zerg that is still constantly flowing from the depths of space, Xiao Yu deployed the power of 10,000 villages and townships to launch a large-scale rescue operation.

Having learned the lessons of the first rescue operation, Xiao Yu made a detailed plan for this rescue operation. That is, a village-level spaceship, plus seven to ten village-level spaceships are used as a formation, and each formation must act collectively. After reaching the hiding place of Yaju, first launch an attack to destroy the nearby Zerg. After that, let the vector beast out of the hiding place.

In this way, accidents can be avoided to the greatest extent ~ ~ Lona is only the first beast rescued by Xiao Yu. In the next few days, Xiao Yu's results rose rapidly Xiao Yu was rescued by more than two thousand beasts.

Most of these vector beasts are young ones, and a few are old vector beasts. According to Yazus, at the beginning of the war, in order to save the young Yasa and save the development potential of the race, many old Yasas used their lives in exchange for the survival of the young Yasa.

This phenomenon made Xiao Yu sigh with emotion: "This is a strange beast civilization that knows sacrifice and dedication. No wonder, as a strange beast civilization, they have not grown into a predator civilization. Well ... if they are predator civilizations , Then I can only destroy them. "

Xiao Yu didn't have the slightest impression on predator civilization. You know, the earth is very likely to be destroyed by the predator civilization.

There are more and more rescued Yazos. In contrast, the number of Zerg from the depths of the universe is decreasing. After the rescue operation has continued for four days, the Zerg from the depths of the universe have basically decreased. By one hour it was less than a thousand.

As a result, Xiao Yu made a new power plan. In addition to the tens of thousands of spaceships that need to **** and guard the provincial and municipal spaceships, as well as the spacecraft that constantly walks in space to eliminate the fish that leaked the net, All of the country-class spaceships have joined the search and rescue operation.

On the first planet, Xiao Yu's power rose to a new height.

Here, traces of spaceships can be seen everywhere, tens of thousands of spaceships, and fierce battles with up to ten million zerg.

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