Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 145: Battle! Battle! (in)

In the lush primitive jungle, a vast and fierce war is taking place.

In this vast area covering millions of square kilometers, there are insect shadows everywhere, marine robots everywhere, fire lights everywhere, explosions everywhere.

A 10,000-man squad of marine robots has been besieged by a million zerg for two hours. Within two hours of fierce fighting, 7,000 robots on the first front have eliminated more than 100,000 Zerg. These dead Zerg corpses have accumulated a thick layer around the first front. The dark green liquid that they flowed out even accumulated puddles on the ground, making the land muddy.

The stars in this galaxy, Sky Eagle III slowly descended from the horizon, darkness enveloped the earth, and night came.

Planet One has two moons, that is, it has two moons. But tonight seems to be a cloudy day, with dense clouds covering the sky, no moonlight or a star.

Here, darkness is incomparable.

Xiao Yu had long anticipated this situation. All the marine robots were equipped with infrared night vision devices, and the miniature cameras adhered to the trees also had infrared shooting functions, so this darkness can only affect Xiao. Yu caused minimal impact.

In the boundless darkness, the fierce battle never stopped. Countless messy sounds gathered in the sky above this forest, and countless dark shadows shuttled between the trees, like a ghost.

This millions of zerg races, after paying more than 100,000 lives, are still fighting fiercely and refuse to retreat at all. More than 7,000 marine robots on the first front also adhered to the front and refused to step back.

This line where the two armies fought became a real meat grinder, strangling thousands of lives all the time.

"Tense!" With a voice that seemed to be pulled out of a bowstring, a huge Zerg leaped suddenly. He rushed towards a marine robot, and the robot immediately gathered all its information and passed it to Xiao Yu's mind.

"Well ... there are three bugs on the left. This robot has already suffered some damage, and its mobility and attack power have decreased. If you avoid the attack of this bug, it will be affected by two other bugs. Attack. According to comprehensive calculations, the best solution is ... before this bug has come over, first try to destroy the other injured bugs! "

It also took Xiao Yu a very short time to process this information. After receiving Xiao Yu's response, the robot turned his back on the bugs he flew over. All forces erupted, and various weapons were used together, instantly destroying the other three bugs. At the moment when the other three worms died, it was also flung onto the body by the worm, and the worm's sharp forelimbs were severely scratched on it.

The miniature shield on the marine robot flickered and disappeared. Not only that, the bug was after cutting through the protective cover. It left a deep scar on it. Immediately, a slight spark burst out of him.

The detection equipment installed on the robot immediately reported relevant information to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu made a quick decision: "Robot No. 3085, backed up immediately. Robot No. 5218 came to top the gap. No. 783 repaired the robot and immediately came to repair it."

These commands were sent to three different robots. Immediately, the damaged robot launched an attack and forcibly repelled the fierce bug, then rushed towards the rear, beside. Immediately a good robot came out to take its place.

This robot and the maintenance robot met at a predetermined place. The damage of this robot was collected by Xiao Yu long ago, so this maintenance robot has no hesitation, and does not even need to be this damaged marine robot. Check it out and start repairing directly.

The maintenance robot carries many accessories with it, some of which are carried out of the base. Some were obtained by disassembling the non-repairable robot. It quickly replaced the damaged parts of the robot with intact parts. After the completion, it was filled with fusion fuel. The entire repair process. It took less than fifteen minutes to complete it.

The healthy robot No. 3085 immediately stood up and ran to another location, where another damaged robot was replaced, and this maintenance robot quickly rushed to another One direction to start repairs for another robot ...

Under the unified control of Xiao Yu, the cooperation of this 10,000 team can be said to be seamless. The robot will not waste any time between running, fighting and repairing.

This is the advantage that huge computing power brings to Xiao Yu. This is why Xiao Yu has been reluctant to develop artificial intelligence programs. In the final analysis, it is Xiao Yu's refusal to let his instruments have too much autonomy. Letting them have autonomy, although it can disperse Xiao Yu's computational pressure, it also means a reduction in cooperative combat capabilities. Imagine if each of these robots had their own independent intelligence, how could they make such a tacit cooperation? Therefore, after measuring the pros and cons, Xiao Yu still decided to focus on developing his own computing power and not to develop artificial intelligence programs for the time being.

With the tacit cooperation of these 10,000 combat robots, the number of Zerg is slowly decreasing ...

Suddenly the dark sky brightened, and a bolt of lightning pierced the sky. After a while, a thunderous thunder rang through the earth.

"It's going to rain." Xiao Yu sighed. "This thunderstorm area covers an area of ​​about 700 square kilometers. In this area, there are 30,000 teams and five bases ..."

"Thunderstorms will have a serious impact on my infrared night vision device. In this case, it is better to use visible light detection. Then, fire a flare." Xiao Yu made a decision.

Ample flares were stored in the base. Following Xiao Yu's order, several robots took out the flares from the warehouse and loaded them into the cannon. Then, a bang, the flares came from inside the muzzle. Shot, it dragged a long red tail flame, rushed to a height of hundreds of meters, and exploded.

This is just the first one. After this, there are second, third ...

A total of more than 50 flares were launched into the sky.

Immediately, at the point where the flare exploded, a bright ball of light appeared. Xiao Yu's flares are powered by nuclear fusion, and a flares can continue to illuminate for about half an hour, and within this half an hour, they will float in the air and will not fall. Even in high winds, heavy rain cannot affect them.

More than fifty high-power flares were like more than fifty small suns, which illuminated the area of ​​700 square kilometers covered by thunderstorms.

Under the bright flares, the forest is full of shadows, and the leaves are everywhere. There was no longer darkness in the forest, and light had been restored.

At this moment, with another thunder and lightning, the pouring rain fell down. But no matter how heavy the rain is, the thick **** smell in this area cannot be diluted.

This ten thousand team has been fighting for more than ten hours. During this period of time, they eliminated nearly half a million Zerg, and the number of this Zerg has dropped by half.

Within the defensive circle, wounded and damaged marine robots are everywhere. However, the maintenance robots do not have enough supplies to repair them. Therefore, the maintenance robots can only obtain intact parts by disassembling the most damaged marine robot to repair the remaining robots.

Up to now, Xiao Yu ’s 10,000-person team has lost nearly 2,000 marine robots. However, 80% of these 2,000 marine robots were dismantled by Xiao Yu himself. In other words, in these ten hours, the fierce fighting that wiped out nearly 50 Zerg races There are only about 400 robots killed by the Zerg.

With twenty times the fighting power and more than a thousand times the results, this result has proved the correctness of Xiao Yu's combat strategy.

"It's time to go back for overhaul, okay, let's break through." Xiao Yu gave an order.

Immediately, these marine robots began to change formations. They changed from a circular defensive circle to a sharp knife formation, like a hot knife cutting a piece of cream, very quickly cutting the boundless sea of ​​insects.

The average combat power of a marine robot is 20 times higher than that of a worm. Therefore, it is not difficult to break out. However, in the process, Xiao Yu still made some sacrifices.

First of all ~ ~ are some broken, non-repairable parts, the broken robot body was abandoned by Xiao Yu, and secondly, 500 maintenance robots were also abandoned by Xiao Yu.

It is not worth Xiao Yu's effort to protect them after using up the spare parts and fuel they carry.

After the 10,000-man squad left, they will soon be torn apart by the angry zerg.

Under the sharp knife formation, less than 8,000 robots left are moving forward quickly. The two-wing robots assume the task of defense. After being damaged, they will be immediately replaced by the inner robots, while the power system is damaged and the incapable robots will be immediately abandoned.

The nearest supply base is only 37 kilometers away from this 10,000-man squad. At their forward speed, it only takes about 40 minutes to return to the base and receive a full repair. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: The first more arrived, the second more at 4:30, here, once again for the next month! Everyone can help me!

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