Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 151: diary

In this incident, several of the biggest problems plagued Xiao Yu.

"At present, it is basically certain that this woman does not belong to the civilization that made this spaceship. She is foreign. This can be inferred from the difference between two languages ​​and two languages. So, suppose This woman is Earth, what is another civilization? "

"Perhaps ... they are what the white dwarf alien beast said, the one who has wounded it and held it on top of the white dwarf."

"One more thing, since this woman maintains a connection with the 90s spacecraft, then, after she was captured by the white dwarf alien beast, why didn't she ask for help from Taihao civilization? Instead, she lived alone in a small rescue capsule. In the end, I chose ... suicide? "

In addition, there are many doubts bothering Xiao Yu. The answers to all these questions hope to find answers in her tightly closed bedroom.

Fortunately, except for the outer shell of the spacecraft, it is not made of that unusually tough material inside the cabin. Even so, it took a lot of time for Xiao Yu to open the door.

Xiao Yu first developed a miniature self-explosive robot. This robot can obtain energy through an electric field, and then convert it into an ultra-miniature energy cannon. The billions of miniature robots continuously blast at a fixed point and finally destroy the door. The closed structure opens it up.

This is a small bedroom of about ten square meters. The whole room is pink. After more than 10,000 years, it is still neat and clean, and there is no trace of dust.

On the side of the door was a single bed lined with pink sheets. A few pairs of shoes were placed under the bed. The size was about 37 yards. A bear-shaped rag doll was placed on the bed. Opposite the bed is a desk. Above the desk, above the wall. With a poster. Xiao Yu recognized the characters on the poster at a glance.

It was a male star above the earth and very hot in the 1990s.

There is nothing extra on the desk and no drawers. On the desktop, there was only an open diary, with a pen beside it.

This is the layout of the room, like the single female youth room above the earth.

In this room, Xiao Yu seemed to pass through.

Xiao Yu steered the robot and walked over. Take that diary.

The first thing that caught the eye of Xiao Yu was three characters, which were still Chinese characters, "Zhang Shengya."

"Is this your name?" Xiao Yu said silently.

The robot's stable hands opened the cover of the diary. Xiao Yu saw the first diary.

Her handwriting is beautiful and neat.

"July 10, 1995."

"It's been fifteen days since I left Earth, and my head still hurts from time to time after thinking. I don't know where they will take me. I don't know how they will treat me. I miss home and miss Daddy, miss mom, miss Xiaohui. Hope mom and dad haven't thrown it away. "

"August 21, 1995."

"I received another inspection today. Around me, weird things are like robots. I have lived with them for two months. I haven't seen them. But fortunately, my freedom is still There is a little guarantee that at least I have a separate room. I just don't know if they monitor me in this room. "

"September 25."

"Today, I was allowed to see what was going on outside. I saw many stars. They were many more than they were on Earth. They were much brighter and more beautiful. I saw a light band crossing the universe, I do n’t know if it ’s the Milky Way. But I ca n’t see the sun, I ca n’t see the earth. I asked them where I was, they did n’t answer me. I asked what they wanted to do, and no one answered me. ”

Looking at this diary, Xiao Yu's thinking. It seems to be linked with the thinking of the woman who wrote this diary ten thousand years ago. Here, Xiao Yu can feel her confusion and her confusion.

Xiao Yu continued to watch.

"I received another indoctrination today. A lot of knowledge entered my head. With my current level of knowledge. Is it not a problem to be an Einstein if I can return to the earth? Haha. It is just an indoctrination. When I do, my head hurts, as if it is going to explode. Also, I do n’t feel good when doing the examination. Many needles are stuck on my head, what do they do, and I do n’t know when I can put I go back. Dad, mom, Xiaohui, I miss you. Whoo, I miss you, I want to go home ... "

Xiao Yu said silently. This kind of loneliness, loneliness, Xiao Yu has experienced deeply. The difference is that when Xiao Yu encountered these emotions, at least he had his own means to change it. But this girl had no other way but to accept it silently.

In Xiao Yu's mind, the word "abduction" popped up.

"It seems ... this girl was reluctant to leave the earth. She was abducted forcibly by some kind of existence. Isn't it ... the so-called alien abduction incidents on earth are all true?"

"Perhaps at least part of it is true." Xiao Yu thought silently.

Diary, proceed to the next article, the diary of this article has no time.

"I do n’t know what day it is. There are no timing tools that I can understand. My watch is not gone. I do n’t even know what time it is. I do n’t know when to eat or when to sleep. But fortunately, as long as I summoned it, there were some delicious meals delivered by the robot. After the inspection, no one wanted to sleep if I wanted to sleep. Hey, I don't know if I will gain weight if I go on like this. "

"I don't know if I'm the only one abducted. These nasty aliens, I curse them all encountering black holes, one by one, humming. But then again, the black hole thing is quite interesting. Uh, should It ’s saying that astronomy is very interesting. I did n’t know before that there are so many things in the night sky. I always thought that there were only twelve constellations in the night sky. "

After seeing this paragraph, Xiao Yu shook his head in some words: "Another pure girl contaminated by the constellation theory."

There are a total of eighty-eight constellations in the night sky, not just twelve such as Gemini and Scorpio. The twelve constellations are a saying in astrology.

"It's been a long time since I left the earth, and I don't know to what extent the technology on the earth has developed. Has it developed to the degree of mastering the unified theory. It would be great if I could return to the earth. Based on what I have mastered Knowledge, just one formula can cause a sensation. By then, I will become the most prestigious genius beautiful girl scientist on the planet, wow haha, then I will make a lot of money, find a lot of handsome guys, but I When can I go back, when can I go back. When will these abominable aliens let me go, I hate you, I hate you. "

This diary is gone here. Xiao Yu felt a little sad.

In this diary, one key word was seen by Xiao Yu, and that is "the theory of unification."

"It seems that you have mastered the unification theory. Unfortunately, I am still struggling on the road to exploring the unification theory."

Xiao Yu continued to watch.

"I was guided by them and came to another little spaceship. What did they want to do? Did they send me back?"

"I didn't expect them to give me the naming right of this spaceship. Well ... it's the 90's."

"Is this flying at the speed of light? I don't see any stars, and I have a strange sense of dizziness. Saying that the speed of light was originally achieved this way, first transform energy into gravity, and then rely on gravity to change the structure of spacetime. The spaceship is like surfing, propelled by space. But this spaceship does not seem to achieve super-light speed in this way, its method is a bit advanced. Unfortunately, I do n’t know how it works. These **** Guys, don't teach me these technologies. "

"Are you going home? I'm looking forward to it. I hope that after flying away from the speed of light, you can see the sun and the earth at a glance ..."

When he saw this diary, Xiao Yu already knew the answer. Xiao Yu knew that instead of returning to Earth, she came to a white dwarf of the Tianying Nebula ~ ~ and died there alone.

Xiao Yu also realized that this fate was manipulated by others, and he felt like a puppet. This feeling is very bad.

"Finally flying away from the speed of light. Where is this? Where is this? I can't find the sun, I can't find the earth, where is this ?! I want to go home, I want to go home! Whoops ..."

"This spaceship is not under my control. On it, there is an abominable intelligent program. It always pretends to be confused and refuses to tell me everything. What is it? A ... white dwarf? Not good , My spaceship is controlled by its gravity, yeah! The spaceship has entered its orbit! Yeah! What is this? There are monsters! "

A faint smile emerged from Xiao Yu's heart. There is a monster above this white dwarf, indeed there is a monster, or a very large monster.

"I'm sure this spacecraft has the ability to escape the gravitational field of the white dwarf. But it just won't go. And, after entering the orbit, the number of various tests performed on me is increasing. I understand, here This is their proving ground. This big monster, like me, is the experimental body of these **** aliens. "

"The frequency of tests is getting higher and higher, and more and more painful. Hehe, the torture of the 18th National Congress of the Qing Dynasty is just like this." To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (an. Vote for recommendation, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to an. To read.)

ps: the first arrival, I wish you all the Mid-Autumn Festival!

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