Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 161: Run away

The transformation process of the three C satellites is exactly the same as that of the three B satellites. Xiao Yu first used the weapons of mass destruction to wash the three B satellites once, destroying all the Zergs attached to it, and then transporting a large number of Robots and mechanical equipment continued, and a large-scale construction process was launched on the three C satellites.

By this means, Xiao Yu cannibalize the living space of Zerg mother worms little by little.

Xiao Yu also considered a method of directly pushing a satellite to strike the Zerg mother worm, and using the collision between the planets to destroy it, but after thinking for a while, Xiao Yu abandoned the plan.

Because there are various kinds of worms made by Zerg mother worms. It was this kind of bug that blocked the approach of Hebei. If you push a planet, you can be sure that Zerg mothers will make a large number of such engine bugs, and manipulate tens of billions, billions of swarms to attack the planet. Xiao Yu is not in such a large number of bugs Under the attack, the control of the planetary engine was still protected. After the planet engine is destroyed, the planet will fall into the grasp of the engine bugs. As a result, it will be equivalent to delivering food for the Zerg mother worms.

In addition, manufacturing a planetary engine is also a huge project. It is better to follow the current safe method and push the Zerg mother worm into a desperate situation little by little.

Time slowly passed another two months. During these two months, several small satellites were pushed out of the Samsung Galaxy by Xiao Yu, and the three C satellites were also controlled by Xiao Yu. .

So far, there are twelve large satellites, one is controlled by the Zerg mother and two are controlled by Xiao Yu. In this case, although Xiao Yu was still in a disadvantaged position in the third planetary system, Xiao Yu was not in a hurry.

Xiao Yu ’s power increases by one point every day, but the power of the Zerg mother worm is just so much that it will not change. One day, Xiao Yu will surpass it.

Xiao Yu's plan is advancing step by step, each step is very solid. Xiao Yu is like a spider, facing the Zerg mother worm that is stuck to the spider web, and looks like a fierce prey, spouting the spider silk round and round. When, under the entanglement of spider silk, this fierce prey lost its ability to resist, it was time for Xiao Yu to enjoy a big meal.

During this period of time, there were five large-scale battles involving more than 50 billion Zerg races, each of which ended in a tie and each side suffered damage. However, the draw means that the Zerg mother has failed to stop Xiao Yu's movements, so after careful calculation, the failure is still it.

In this state of undue war, the number of planets in Xiao Yu's hands finally reached seven, more than half of the total of twelve planets. Those 89 small satellites have all been moved out of the Skyhawk Samsung by Xiao Yu. I don't know where they flew away.

The moment the seventh satellite was officially announced to fall into Xiao Yu's hands, Xiao Yu noticed that the Zerg mother worm seemed to be getting impatient. Its body began to tremble and seemed to be in conflict.

"Want to run away?" Xiao Yu keenly noticed his intention, and immediately had a decision in his heart.

Under the current circumstances, the extinction of the Zerg mother has become a foregone conclusion. How did Xiao Yu allow the variables to occur. Even if he escaped, Xiao Yu was sure to defeat it in the war of attrition, but leaving the Skyhawk Samsung Department and leaving many bases to replenish supplies, Xiao Yu would spend much time and energy.

After realizing that the zerg mother ran away, Xiao Yu immediately controlled the Hebei, leading hundreds of millions of miniature spaceships and tens of thousands of large spaceships, blocking her orbit.

It is impossible for such a huge planet to escape the gravitational range of Planet Three, and it is impossible to leave directly. The required power is too huge, and the Zerg mother worm cannot have this ability. The only feasible solution is to slowly accelerate along the running track, slowly accumulate strength, and finally escape in one fell swoop. Even if more than 80 small satellites were to be moved away from Xiao Yu, they had to abide by this law, not to mention a large satellite.

But the arrival of the Hebei broke its plan.

The Hebei spacecraft lay across in front of it. If it continues to accelerate, it will meet Hebei directly. At that time, Xiao Yu didn't mind firing a super huge hydrogen bomb and killing it.

Obviously, Zerg mothers also understand that Hebei is a dangerous thing. So it used its own response. Xiao Yu saw that countless engine bugs were being manufactured, slamming bullets, and sniping hundreds of millions of ultra-miniature spacecraft, and began to try to push away from the Hebei.

These engine bugs can block the approach of Hebei, but it is impossible to push the Hebei spacecraft away from the orbit of the Zerg mother worm.

The Hebei spaceship, like a heavy yoke, locked the Zerg mother worm in Planet Three and could not escape.

After realizing this, the Zerg mother wisely gave up the idea of ​​running away. At present, its only way out is to create enough bugs to kill all of Xiao Yu's spacecraft.

Xiao Yu saw that the speed at which Zerg mothers made daughters increased again. There are bugs everywhere in Planet Three, which has seriously hindered Xiao Yu's plan to occupy the next large satellite. At the same time, the seven satellites already occupied by Xiao Yu have also been counterattacked by the Zerg. On several occasions, the bases built by Xiao Yu on those satellites were breached several times. The manufacturing speed of combat robots was not even as fast as their wear and tear. If it was not for the timely support of a large spacecraft formation, I am afraid that these satellites would really be taken away by the Zerg.

After several attempts to repel the Zerg mother worm, the Zerg mother worm seemed to have given up the robbing of the satellites occupied by Xiao Yu, and instead hit the abacus on the other satellites. Xiao Yu saw that a large group of Zerg began to gather to another satellite, and on that satellite, at least billions of bugs gathered.

"It is preparing to do anything." Xiao Yu keenly noticed this information, "what exactly does it want to do?"

This doubt was answered after the Zerg mother worm started another big move.

Xiao Yu saw an amazing scene.

The Three A satellites have been swallowed by the Zerg mother worms, but now, Xiao Yu sees that under the cover of the densely covered and swarming insect swarm, the ugly body of the Z A females begins It gradually rolled up, which led to the appearance of folds on the surface of the three A satellites. Each fold has a drop of several hundred meters between each other, like the surface of a three A satellite, and suddenly there are countless mountains and valleys.

"It wants to spit out the three A satellites!" Xiao Yu was frightened, and immediately set his eyes on another satellite, which was numbered three J by Xiao Yu.

Above this satellite, the Zerg has been densely covered, and a continuous swarm of insects still converges towards this satellite. Not only the surface of the satellite, but also the near-Earth space of this satellite, even within a range of tens of thousands of kilometers, there are zerg everywhere.

"Three A satellites are about to run out of resources?" Xiao Yu immediately understood, and at the same time, he made up his mind immediately: "Be sure to stop it!"

Under the control of Xiao Yu, the huge fleet immediately set off towards the three J satellites, but in the process of progress, Xiao Yu's fleet was subjected to abnormally huge resistance.

The mother worm seemed to understand that this would be a battle related to her own destiny, so she used all her strength. Endless bugs gathered around the three J satellites, doing everything possible to block the progress of Xiao Yu's fleet. At the same time, it is also accelerating the speed of spitting out three A satellites. Xiao Yu saw that the three A satellites that had been swallowed into the mother's stomach by the whole baby finally showed a little trace again.

One side of the Three A satellite was re-exposed to the cosmic space. On the other side, a 10,000-meter-high mountain suddenly appeared. Xiao Yu knew that the mountain peak was the flesh of female worms stacked together.

"If it is devoured by its three J satellites ~ ~ it will take me at least another ten years to eliminate it." Xiao Yu quickly concluded.

This result is absolutely unacceptable to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu, manipulating the fleet, with all his strength, began to attack the swarm's blocked network.

But there are too many bugs! As much as the strength of the Hebei can't rush into the past, as many as endless hydrogen bombs, energy cannonballs are sweeping endlessly!

The Zerg mother worm has already spit out nearly three-fifths of the three A satellites from her stomach.

Xiao Yu was ruthless and took out the few remaining gravity bombs.

During the period of consumption, there were only about 1,000 gravity bombs left. Now, Xiao Yu took out one hundred at a time.

"There is no way but to use these precious gravity bombs. In any case, we must stop it from swallowing the Three J satellites." Xiao Yu made up his mind to place these gravity bombs in a rural spaceship, manipulating it. A township spaceship flew towards the front.

In the rear, a large number of spaceships began to cover the township-level spaceship, but the township-level spacecraft encountered a barrier that could not be broken through after a distance of less than 10,000 kilometers.

"Detonate!" Xiao Yu issued an order to detonate in this densest swarm.

At the moment when these hundred gravity bombs exploded, a breath like a black hole burst out from the interior of this rural spaceship. First and foremost is the hull of this rural spaceship, which was immediately attracted and collapsed, condensed into a small ball, followed by all Zerg within a few thousand kilometers.

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