Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 174: 4D space

After saying this, this unknown existence was followed by a sentence, "You call me Taihao."

The word Taihao has a special meaning in earth civilization. Taihao, also known as Fuxi, is the ancestor of human beings in Chinese myths and legends.

"It is currently known that space broadcasting has some kind of automatic translation function. It can automatically translate information into the most appropriate vocabulary according to the data in my mind. Since it translates this word into Tahao in my mind, then There must be a reason for it. "

"But, how could it be Taihao civilization, how could it be Taihao civilization!" Xiao Yu was shocked when he heard the word.

"As far as I know, the Taihao civilization has existed in the Milky Way for at least hundreds of thousands of years. Before hundreds of thousands of years, they imprisoned white dwarf alien beasts, and white dwarf alien beasts were among their numbers. The third beast, which shows that there are one and two beasts before it, how many years have they existed, it is even more unpredictable, but this guy, it just came from the Large Magellanic Cloud? How could it be Taihao civilization? "

"It's lying to me? What's the reason for it doing this? And, if it's really lying to me, why bother to call the name" Taohao "? Isn't it more logical to make up a civilization name directly?" Xiao Yu thought quickly.

"You, have you been to the Milky Way Galaxy before?" Xiao Yu asked carefully.

"Oh? Do you have any questions?" Tai Hao asked with interest. "I have just arrived in the Galaxy Galaxy for less than 10,000 years. The galaxy's openness is beyond my imagination. You have been here for 10,000 years. An intelligent being encountered. "

"Empty?" Xiao Yu smiled bitterly. Secretly thinking in my heart, "Where can it be empty? Since I left the earth, I have encountered so many civilizations ... Um? No. Maybe the galaxy is really empty, only because of the result of someone's secret manipulation. To so many civilizations. "

"That's it." Xiao Yu thought for a moment, and said, "I've encountered a powerful strange animal before, and it said that it was Taihao civilization that imprisoned it on the white dwarf."

"This is normal." Tai Hao answered with a smile. "It ’s like a scientific and technological civilization. There is a scientific and technological civilization in the Milky Way galaxy, and a scientific and technological civilization in the Large Magellan galaxy. Is there too a Taihao civilization that can exist in the Large Magellan galaxy, and naturally it will also be in the Milky Way galaxy? presence."

"It turned out to be ..." Xiao Yu said for a moment before he said, "It turns out that the Taihao civilization is the same as a scientific civilization, and is a collective name for a certain civilization."

"Yes," Taihao replied. "But it is also different. According to your description, the Taihao civilization in the mouth of the other beast seems to be a D-type Taihao civilization. I belong to a C-type Taihao civilization. I do n’t know if that D-type Taihao civilization still exists. And if it still exists, I want to fight with it in the past. "

"What kind of civilization is Taihao civilization in the end? How is it different from the civilization of science and technology?" Xiao Yu asked.

After all, I encountered a powerful civilization. And this civilization expressed some kindness to itself, Xiao Yu naturally did not want to miss this opportunity.

During the period of getting along, every piece of information that Xiao Yu got was likely to save his life in the long time to come.

"Taihao civilization. I just tried to evolve into a seventh-level civilization but encountered a failure. My predecessor was a sixth-level alien beast. In the process of trying to evolve into a seventh-level alien beast, when it encounters failure, it changes. It became like this. "The message from Taihao became vicissitudes:" Who can tell clearly the things in the universe. Destruction means rebirth, and then rebirth is destruction, too. The civilization of Taihao is walking through destruction Civilization on the edge is why it ’s called Taihao. "

"I don't quite understand." Xiao Yu said.

"You don't need to understand too much. When you reach this stage, you will understand." Taihao sighed. "Your type of existence is a bit interesting, but you can rest assured that your type of existence has no reference meaning to me. I don't It ’s going to hurt you. Hey, hundreds of millions of years, someone can talk. ”

Xiao Yu thought silently.

"The unknown existence that has been paying close attention to me behind my back is very likely to imprison the white dwarf alien beast and even force the earth girl to commit suicide. But ... since it is too **** civilization, it is impossible It is a seventh-level civilization, and it may not be too much better than the Taihao I encountered now, in other words, it does not have the ability to manipulate the current Taihao. In this way, the explanation of my situation, There are about three. "

"First, it's lying to me for some unknown reason."

"Second, if what it says is true and the information is correct, does that mean that our encounter this time is really just a coincidence, and the manipulator behind it doesn't actually exist? But the coincidence is okay, So many times, is it a coincidence every time? "

"Third, it's the Tai Hao civilization that imprisoned the white dwarf beast. It dispatched itself to save me and save me from the information storm."

"The second possibility is the greatest. There is insufficient information to continue the analysis. Hey, take a step and look at it." Xiao Yu reached a conclusion.

Xiao Yu asked another question: "Are you a type C Taihao civilization? What does Taihao civilization rely on to classify?"

"This is just a division of scientific and technological civilization. I don't know the specific details." Taihao replied, "How vast is the universe, but in this vast universe, there is no seventh-level civilization, and no one knows. At least In my 200-million-year-long life, I have n’t seen any seventh-level civilization, or even heard of it. After evolving to the peak of sixth-level civilization, I chose space as a breakthrough Orientation, but still failed, so I now exist in a half-three-dimensional and half-four-dimensional state. I am attached to this three-dimensional space and at the same time in the four-dimensional. Well ... how do you say in two-dimensional space and three-dimensional space To make an analogy, it is as if creatures that have not yet evolved flight ability live on the planet's surface. They are attached to the two-dimensional space of the planet's surface, but the body is in three-dimensional space. Anyway, this type of me is being used by those technological civilizations , Called C-type Taihao civilization. "

This passage is very easy to understand, Xiao Yu suddenly understood.

"You ... have a fourth dimension, but you can't move above the fourth dimension?" Xiao Yu asked hesitantly, "It's like it's a creature that hasn't evolved flight ability and can't leave the surface of the planet? "

"Smart, that's it." Tai Hao answered with appreciation, "I can't return to the three-dimensional space, nor can I go completely into the thinking space. The shadow you are in is my four-dimensional body , Projection in three dimensions. "

Four-dimensional space exists only in mathematics. As a three-dimensional creature, it is basically impossible to produce a relatively intuitive understanding of four-dimensional space. But we can explore the mystery of four-dimensional space through the analogy of two-dimensional space and three-dimensional space.

Dimension is just a concept in mathematics. It describes that in a space, it takes several parameters to locate the position of a point. One parameter is one-dimensional space, and three parameters are three-dimensional space.

Suppose a space is a straight line. Obviously, it only needs one parameter to locate a point on it, so it is a one-dimensional space. Two-dimensional space is a plane, because above this plane, two coordinates are needed to locate a point.

Our three-dimensional space requires three coordinates to locate a point. Four-dimensional space requires four coordinates.

"Taihao said that it has a fourth dimension, but it cannot move above the fourth dimension, so you can probably understand it like this ..." Xiao Yu thought, "Like a plane creature, it only has length and width Two dimensions, there is no third dimension of high. Suddenly, it has high, evolved from two-dimensional creatures to three-dimensional creatures ~ ~ However, its evolution is not complete, it cannot leave this plane It ’s high, but it ca n’t jump, it ca n’t crouch and stand up ... its third dimension is fixed and cannot be changed. This situation is similar to Tai Hao ’s situation. "

To put it simply, Tai Hao's current situation is like a car in three-dimensional space. It can turn left and right, but it cannot rise or fall. Although it has the third dimension of height, it still can only move on the two-dimensional space of length and width.

Tai Hao has a fourth dimension, but still can only move in three dimensions.

"Four-dimensional space, what does it look like?" Xiao Yu asked carefully.

"This, I can't describe you in detail. However, I can let you feel it for a while." Taihao replied, "Although the four-dimensional space is wonderful, it has been seen for a long time, and that's what happened."

"Really?" Xiao Yu was excited.

"Our universe, three-dimensional is the mainstream. Matter exists in three-dimensional state. In the four-dimensional space, there is only an open space." Taihao sighed and said, "You already have a four-dimensional perspective and look at it from a four-dimensional perspective. Look at your world again. You only have five minutes, because I don't want to consume too much energy for you. "

At this moment, all the instruments under Xiao Yu's control seemed to be stunned.

Xiao Yu heard what Tai Hao said, but Xiao Yu ignored it. Because, Xiao Yu has been completely shocked by this magical scene.

Presented in front of Xiao Yu is a strange and indescribable world.

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