Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 180: Xing, 0 surname suffering, death, 0 surname suffering

After receiving this message, Xiao Yu's heart tightened.

This message was undoubtedly broadcast by that Taihao civilization. From this message, Xiao Yu noticed a little anxiety. The tone of Taihao civilization, when no longer getting along with himself, is so light and light, it seems that the entire star universe is generally domineering under its control.

"Is Taihao in danger in the battle with the sweeper?" Xiao Yu was horrified in his heart. "Neither is such a powerful Taihao civilization an opponent of the sweeper civilization?"

From this information, Xiao Yu can infer a lot of information.

"It seems that the Taihao civilization does not know where the guardian civilization is, so it can only inform the guardian civilization through this all-star broadcast method. But ... the battlefield is actually at the tail of the Orion cantilever? Isn't it from me Not far? No, I have to hide a little bit. If the guardian is civilized, no, even if a five-level civilization who sees the bustle finds me, I ca n’t eat it.

Xiao Yu was thinking quickly, manipulating his fleet, and once again approached the red giant by a distance of 1.5 billion kilometers. Now, Xiao Yu is only 500 million kilometers away from this star.

This distance sounds very far away, but compared to the huge size of the red giant star, it is really nothing. The diameter of the sun is about 1.4 million kilometers. The diameter of this star is 60 million kilometers, which is more than forty times the diameter of the sun. If converted according to size, 500 million kilometers from this red giant star is equal to less than 12 million kilometers from the sun, or about one fifth of the radius of Mercury's orbit.

Above this distance. The star Xiao Yu saw was a dozen meters across. Almost occupied Xiao Yu's entire field of vision.

Xiao Yu hopes that the stellar light can conceal his tracks and not be discovered by other civilizations.

In a state of restlessness, Xiao Yu carefully watched the surroundings and waited for the next news.

After a full day, Xiao Yu received a second space broadcast.

This broadcast was sent by the guardian civilization.

"All Guardian Alliance civilizations above level 3. Please immediately abandon the task at hand and come to their respective safe areas. We have opened a temporary transmission channel here. Please join us to the tail of the Orion cantilever to join the civilization of the sweeper. fighting."

"All civilizations in the Galaxy that can receive this message, please immediately import this information into the central computer. Immortal civilization please immediately follow the instructions below to make ultra-distance communication equipment, and then contact us. So that we can determine your location. All civilizations, whether it is a science and technology civilization or a beast civilization, whether it is a predator civilization or a reclusive civilization, please stand up immediately. Participate in the battle against the sweeper civilization. This is the best time to get rid of the sweeper civilization . "

"As we all know, over the past 10 million years, at least thousands of civilizations have been wiped out by the sweepers. We are all civilizations living in the galaxy, and we should have lived together peacefully and developed together. There should be no handle at any time. Our extinct sword hangs over us. Now. On behalf of the entire Guardian Alliance, I ask everyone to stand up bravely, fight bravely, and destroy our common enemy! "

"Alternatively, if you can't believe our Guardian Alliance, if you have a sailing speed of more than 100 times the speed of light, you can also go to the battlefield and participate in the battle yourself. The battlefield coordinates are as follows ..."

"There is already a powerful Taihao civilization from the Large Magellan Galaxy participating in the war against the sweeper civilization. The Guardian Alliance will arrive in three hours. All civilizations living in the galaxy, the last moment has come, As long as the wiper civilization is wiped out, we will usher in precious peace and development time, and no longer have to worry about being hit by extinction at any time. Please follow us and stand up bravely and fight bravely! "

This broadcast of the Guardian League has never been longer. However, Xiao Yu read the message with a sneer.

Xiao Yu already knew the true image of the Guardian Alliance. Sweeper civilization is not a good thing. Similarly, the Guardian Alliance is not a good bird. This is a black and black war. If the sweeper civilization is wiped out, the guardian may not be the second sweeper.

However, Xiao Yu had to admit that the message broadcast by the Guardian League was quite inflammatory. Xiao Yu predicts that there will be many civilizations waiting to see the shots, or they will choose to send forces to watch around the battlefield. Either way, it will inevitably lead to the cantilever tail of the Milky Way Orion, becoming the most lively area in recent times.

"This Guardian Alliance is very sinister." Xiao Yu thought silently, "The Taihao civilization is so powerful. I have initially entered the fourth-level civilization. He can easily kill me, but he is still not cleaning. In this case, even if the third-level and fourth-level civilization rushed into the battlefield, in addition to dying in vain, could it play another role? "

"Perhaps, the Guardian Alliance is trying to destroy all the cleaners, and then all the civilizations arrived? ... It is very likely that it is. Very vicious, too vicious."

Xiao Yu sighed, at the same time, once again moved his orbit towards this star.

Xiao Yuning would rather be burned by this star, and he did not want to take the risk of being discovered by other civilizations.

"This is not something I can intervene in. I still dodged it honestly and waited until the battle situation came to an end."

Xiao Yu made up his mind to pay closer attention to the surrounding situation.

The coordinates of the battlefield have been broadcast by the Guardian Civilization. Through star map conversion, Xiao Yu can know the specific location of the battlefield. That position is about 500 light years away from the star that Xiao Yu hid.

There was a void, and the nearest star was twenty light years away. In addition to the necessary surveillance observation equipment, all of Xiao Yu's observation forces were aimed at that star field. No matter what the frequency of the signal, it can not escape Xiao Yu's observation.

"I can be sure that if the sweeper civilization is eliminated, there will be no need for the Guardian Alliance. The Guardian civilization will definitely reveal its true face. The first thing to suffer is to join the Guardian Alliance. Those weak and small civilizations. By then, its cleaning method is not necessarily more merciful than the cleaners. Hey, after all, strength is king. "Xiao Yu thought for a moment.

"It ’s been more than 300 years since Taihao and I have separated. I do n’t know how long Taihao and the sweepers fought. This is definitely a protracted war. During this time, I am still honest Hiding here, don't do anything well. Anyway, there is a supplement of stellar energy, and basically I don't need to consume the fuel I have stored. "

At this time, Xiao Yu's more than 100,000 spacecraft were all scattered and scattered around the star. These spacecraft are each equipped with observation instruments, or array radio telescopes, or super optical telescopes, which are doing their best to collect information from the surrounding space.

After ruling out the interference of the light behind the stars, in Xiao Yu's vision, the universe became dark and peaceful. But Xiao Yu knew that under this darkness and tranquility, he didn't know how much danger was hidden.

Perhaps there are countless civilizations on the way to the battlefield, and among these civilizations, a large part may be stronger than themselves.

All these dangers are covered by this darkness of the universe. In Xiao Yu's eyes, the universe is as usual. The stars are still so bright, so beautiful, the universe is still so quiet, so dark.

"I don't know who will win the battle between the three ... but whoever wins will not help my situation."

At this time, Xiao Yu remembered an ancient poem on the earth.

"Xing, people suffer, perish, people suffer."

Regardless of the civilization standing at the pinnacle of the Milky Way, guardian or sweeper, or Taihao civilization, the universe remains as dark as ever. These powerful civilizations are like the kings of the ancient Mule Deer in the Central Plains. The dynasty rose and fell. For the people, it is just a question of who is exploiting themselves.

Xiao Yu has put all the spacecrafts into the radio silent mode, and the communication between all the spacecrafts relies on hyper-range communication. At the same time, any tests that may cause significant movement are stopped. Even the elemental decay test was stopped. If an accident occurs in the element decay test, a violent explosion may occur, and this explosion may be detected by some alien civilizations.

Time passed slowly, and Xiao Yu had been hiding here for more than fifty years. In these 50 years, everything is as usual without any accidents or movements.

But Xiao Yu knew that the light that carried the message of this earth-shattering war may still be on its way forward. That battlefield is more than 500 light years away from myself, and I was separated from the Taihao civilization ~ ~ less than 400 years.

In other words, in the fastest way, it only takes more than a hundred years for Xiao Yu to see the information from that battlefield.

Gradually, more than fifty years passed.

Xiao Yu finally noticed a little movement.

This message was still sent through a space broadcast, but it was different from the usual message broadcast. This message seems to be a dedicated fixed-point transmission. Only one can receive it, and others cannot receive it.

"Little guy, I failed."

From this familiar tone, Xiao Yu immediately noticed that this message was sent by the Taihao civilization. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: The third is more ... Sorry, a little later than the scheduled time, mainly because the code word speed is really awkward, hey.

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