Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 197: Star of hope

Xiao Yu didn't know exactly what happened during the more than thirty years when the neutron battle star disappeared. However, Xiao Yu knew that the conflict that occurred during this period must have been extremely fierce, even exceeding his imagination.

It is said that this is under the seventh-level civilization.

One side failed the seventh-level civilization, but it had a Taihao civilization with a semi-four-dimensional structure. The other side was the sweeper civilization who mastered the seventh-level civilization and the neutron war star.

The confrontation between these two powerful civilizations is like the master's tricks described in some martial arts novels. From the outside, you can only see the two masters' palms facing the palms, motionless. At most, there is steam on the head. Bland, but secretly dangerous, only those who have personally participated in the battle will know.

The battle between Taihao and the neutron battle star is such a process. Xiao Yu only saw that the neutron war star had disappeared for more than thirty years, and the Taihao civilization had been quiet for more than thirty years. The rest of Xiao Yu had no idea. Xiao Yu only knew that after more than thirty years, the neutron war star reappeared, and Tai Hao was torn apart.

"Tai Hao is dead." Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu thought sadly.

Xiao Yu's environment at the moment of the open star cluster in war is probably guessable. In this battlefield, there must be full of high-temperature material from bursting stars, and various extremely intense rays are sweeping the entire open star cluster. The environment there must be extremely harsh.

In such an environment, even the most powerful battleship in the hands of Xiao Yu, the Hebei, was not sure that they could survive.

"This level of war is really not something I can touch." Xiao Yu sighed. "It seems that Tai Hao threw me away in advance. The decision not to let me get too close to the battlefield is correct. Otherwise , I died with Tai Hao long ago. "

The death of Tai Hao gave Xiao Yu a short absence. After returning to God, Xiao Yu saw the countless light spots entangled with the sweeper civilization. At the moment of Tai Hao's death, he seemed to be flustered. As soon as the neutron war star appeared, he stormed fiercely into the densest spot of light, so. This bunch of light spots is like a pile of feathers and insects hit by something, and the sound of a loud blast spreads out.

The death of the Taihao civilization represents this war, and the victory and defeat are truly divided.

Among the scattered light spots. The most conspicuous is a light orange dot. This light spot seems to be the most powerful. At the moment when the neutron battle star appeared. It instantly shifted away a few light years away, avoiding the fiercest blow from the neutron battle star, and then suddenly disappeared, disappeared from this open star cluster, and did not know how to escape.

The rest of the light spots were not so lucky. Under the neutron battle star and the rest of the light spot belonging to the sweeper civilization. These light spots cannot even escape, but can only be extinguished by the sweeper civilization one by one.

In the end, none of the light spots escaped.

This huge war. Finally came to an end.

This war gave Xiao Yu a clearer understanding of the strength of the cleaners' civilization.

"I did not expect that the guardian civilization could escape under such circumstances. It seems that in these tens of millions of years, the guardian civilization may have devoted most of its energy to escape and hiding. According to Luca scientists, when the sweeper civilization did not have a neutron war star tens of millions of years ago, the guardian civilization could still be indistinguishable from the sweeper, but now there is such a huge gap in strength ... neutron star, neutron star ... really so powerful ... "

"In this major event, there is no doubt that the sweeper civilization has obtained the greatest benefits. It destroyed the Taihao civilization and hundreds of fourth and fifth-level civilizations. I don't know if this will bring them What are the benefits? I don't know if the luck brought about by the destruction of so many powerful existences will allow them to break through to the level of seventh-level civilization ... "

"I hope not. If they break through to the level seven civilization, then the rest of the galaxies will suffer. But it is also not good, maybe the level seven civilization can break through the limits of the river system and start with millions of light. Years, millions of light-years of distant journeys, and have since lost interest in lower civilizations. "

So far, what Xiao Yu has seen and heard is still all confined to the Milky Way. The Large Magellanic Cloud is just a satellite system of the Milky Way. The relationship between the two is similar to the relationship between the Earth and the Moon. Therefore, the Taihao civilization from the Large Magellanic Cloud still belongs to the Milky Way in a strict sense.

Extragalactic galaxies, like the seventh-level civilization, are unknown to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu speculated that perhaps after reaching the seventh-level civilization, he would have the ability to sail the river system.

In speculation, Xiao Yu steered the fleet and began to accelerate again, galloping towards the intended goal.

During the decades of observing this war, the number of Lukas has increased again. At the same time, some breakthroughs have been made in biotechnology. The average life expectancy of Lukas has exceeded the millennium mark. As a result, the number of scientists who can work for Xiao Yu has reached 3,000.

Together with Xiao Yu, these 3,000 scientists are busy carrying out research on science and technology at all times. However, in these decades, Xiao Yu's technology has not made a breakthrough.

"Sure enough, as I imagined, when technology advances to a certain level, it is no longer a genius scientist who can independently promote its progress. My technology must be accumulated slowly over time if we want to progress again "Looking at the brighter star in front, Xiao Yu was so sighed.

In the long journey, Xiao Yu's fleet has shrunk to less than 70,000 ships. Fortunately, at this moment, Xiao Yu is no longer far away from his destination, and probably only has one year's voyage left.

Xiao Yu has transformed several superlight village-level spaceships in advance, carrying some instruments to start the detection of this star system in advance. Xiao Yu was greatly encouraged by the results of the probe.

The data shows that although the star has entered the middle and old age, it is still in a stable stage. It has a huge gaseous planet with a mass four to five times that of Jupiter. Most importantly, this gaseous planet has as many as hundreds of rocky satellites. These satellites will provide Xiao Yu with a steady stream of endless building materials.

Therefore, while still on the road, Xiao Yu began intense preparations.

As for how to transform a stellar system and how to obtain resources to the maximum, Xiao Yu has already become familiar with it. Among the four galaxies in Tianyuan and the Tianying Nebula, Xiao Yu has accumulated a lot of relevant experience. In the ten years after reaching this star, Xiao Yu was confident to rebuild his industrial system.

In the busy preparation work, Xiao Yu arrived around the star one year later. Looking at the place where he would stay for at least a hundred years, Xiao Yu was full of admiration.

"It's a heavenly place." Xiao Yu sighed.

Stable stars, huge gaseous planets, as many as hundreds of satellites, all of them are full of strange temptations for Xiao Yu.

"This star ... it's called the star of your hope. This planet is simply called hope one. The satellites that orbit around hope one are sorted in alphabetical order by size."

After decelerating, Xiao Yu's fleet smoothly entered the orbit around Planet Hope One. After that, the first thing Xiao Yu did was to determine the rules for naming these stars, and to inform the Lucca scientists. In the future, Xiao Yu and Lucca scientists will follow this set of naming rules to communicate.

After confirming this, Xiao Yu began a huge, messy, but well-organized planetary system reconstruction project. Xiao Yu first sent a large number of satellites, and carried out detailed exploration of hundreds of satellites of Planet Hope-1, and determined their elemental composition, size, mass, utilization value and other relevant data ~ ~ With these relevant data, the next step of construction becomes much simpler. On the spacecraft, Xiao Yu had already prepared a huge team of construction robots. According to different functional classifications, the noisy people were sent to different satellites and started their own work.

They first carried out the construction of collection bases. These collection bases will assume the supply of raw materials for Xiao Yu's future construction projects. After the collection base, it is a preliminary forging plant.

These factories will initially process the minerals collected at the collection base for later use.

After the forging plant, it is the construction of a robot casting plant and various parts production plants. Due to spacecraft tonnage and volume restrictions, Xiao Yu's spacecraft cannot carry too many robots, so the construction of a robot casting factory is also very necessary. Parts factories include a variety of precision instrument foundries.

In addition to ground construction projects, Xiao Yu also built thousands of huge space docks in space. These space docks will undertake the construction of new spacecraft and the super-light-speed reconstruction of old spacecraft.

Under the control of Xiao Yu's huge computing power, all complicated things are carried out in an orderly manner.

The robotic foundry factory on the ground base has become the heart of Xiao Yu's entire construction project. These hearts are always exporting a large amount of fresh labor to supplement each organ. The collection base continuously exports nutrients and supplies them to various factories.

The era of vigorous construction has begun once again.

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