Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 294: trap

At this moment, such a situation has formed in the battlefield.

The entire battlefield presents a roughly spherical shape with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers. At its core, there is no doubt that the other beast and the IWC Chaos spaceship bound by it are a large blank area. The rest of Xiao Yu's spacecraft did not dare to get too close to this strange beast, because its attack power was too powerful, and the township and village-level spacecraft could not bear the tentacles of it.

Further out, there are densely packed spaceships. There are spaceships up and down, left and right, and hundreds of thousands of spacecraft are unwilling to stop at the moment to release their anger towards the central part.

A city-level spacecraft equipped with a four-maintenance hood was already approaching the center of the battlefield under the cover of this heavy firepower.

"As a national spaceship, the energy supply of the IWC is the most powerful of all the spacecraft. If it is really destroyed, the four maintenance covers equipped on it will burst and it will release the strongest. Great power, it is estimated that even if it cannot kill this strange beast, it can also cause it to suffer a lot of damage. In this case, I will have the opportunity to directly kill this strange beast ... "

Xiao Yu is silently calculating. But overall, this is still a losing trade. The value of a fourth-level beast is no more than the value of more than 10,000 scientists plus a national spaceship.

"Master, what's the situation now? The situation inside the spaceship IWC is not very good. There have been explosions in many places. Seven scientists have been killed and dozens of scientists have been injured. However, the overall energy supply is stable and multilayer The shroud system hasn't crashed yet ... "

At this time, Xiao Yu received a report from Luca II. As the leader of all scientists in the psychosocial department, Luca II remained calm at this time, in the voice it reported to Xiao Yu. No trembling.

In fact, Xiao Yu knew the situation inside the spacecraft IWC, through the ubiquitous monitors.

"Presumably, Luka II also knows it, but it still chose to report to me ... Do you want to get a little information about the real situation? Sure enough, do you start to be afraid?" Xiao Yu sighed in her heart "Fear of death is a common feature of all intelligent beings. Even the existence of Luca II is unavoidable. This is nothing. In fact, it is enough to prove that you can only contact me until now. The mental quality of Luca II is stronger. "

"Just rest assured, I already have a way to deal with this guy. Just wait for your peace of mind." After thinking a little, Xiao Yu chose to deceive them.

"If you really can't save you. Let you die in hope." Xiao Yu thought for a moment. "The shattering of the four maintenance hoods will release a huge amount of energy in an instant, and it will instantly blow up the entire IWC Chaozhou spaceship into fragments. You will die in an instant without any pain ..."

"The predecessors of the Ghost Tribe taught me at any time. Don't be affected by your emotions because of your emotions. Since nothing can be done, then you must find ways to minimize losses. Just giving up this 10,000-odd name I made a lot The contributing scientist is cruel, but it is inevitable. But ... if I really want to lose the nations to the spaceship. I must get the body of this strange beast in return! "

"The thing of ghost heart must also be returned to my hands!"

Xiao Yu once again made up his mind. At this moment, Xiao Yu had hesitated all hesitations, leaving only cruel reason in his heart.

Under the control of Xiao Yu, the city-level spacecraft was still approaching the target carefully.

At this moment, in the middle of the battlefield, like a giant jellyfish with a tail, it is still struggling with the tentacles of the kingdom of nations to the spaceship Chaoyin. Hundreds of thousands of spaceships formed a strongest large net around. Under the restraint of the power of the spaceship IWC, the strange beast could not escape at all.

Of course, this is only in the case that the spacecraft IWC has not been destroyed. If the spaceship IWC is destroyed, the containment of IWC is lost, and the encirclement is broken, it will not be difficult for this strange animal.

In Xiao Yu's calculations, the odds of losing the IWC to Chaozhou have risen to 91%. But before the last moment, Xiao Yu still did not intend to give up hope. Although, Xiao Yu had long been mentally prepared for the loss of the IWC.

Can I save the nations coming to the DPRK, and grab the ghost heart, then land on this city-level spacecraft ...

Xiao Yu is now fighting firepower with this strange beast. If his firepower is strong enough, the alien beast will think that he will be severely injured before destroying the IWC, and it will naturally give up the IWC. If it thinks it can withstand Xiao Yu's firepower, then the ending need not be said much.

At this stage, Xiao Yu ’s most powerful weapon is the huge energy released by falling into three dimensions after the four maintenance photos are broken. So ... Xiao Yu intends to exchange the destruction of a city-level spaceship for the survival of the IWC. Although there is little hope of success.

The municipal ship was still slowly approaching.

Covered by the firepower of many surrounding ships, this quiet city-level ship did not attract much attention from this strange animal.

Gradually, the distance is getting closer and closer.

When the distance was shortened to one thousand kilometers, the city-level spacecraft launched its own attack.

The distance of a thousand kilometers, when viewed with the naked eye, the huge alien beast in the distance and the spaceship IWC are only a vague little point, but this distance is only an instant for Xiao Yu and this alien beast It can span a tiny distance.

The close-range attack of a municipal ship cannot be underestimated. You know, this is a completely combat-type spacecraft. Inside its huge hull, it is full of various weapons and ammunitions. The most important point is that the distance is close enough to close to this. The Beast's action ability is completely capable of annihilating it without bearing too many additional attacks.

Therefore, in Xiao Yu's inference, this strange animal will not give up the opportunity to destroy this city-level large spaceship.

The fact is as expected by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu saw that the huge beast tightly bound the IWC Chaozhou spacecraft. After discovering the city-level spaceship, his body suddenly moved, almost only in a blink of an eye, before he came to the city-level spaceship. Countless tentacles swarmed out, like a spider spewing a large web, entangled tightly towards this municipal ship.

"Hum." Xiao Yu grinned coldly in his heart, and at this moment of brilliance, he controlled the city-level spaceship and made a sudden move.

Since the city-level spacecraft already belongs to the category of large-scale spacecraft, its mobility is not strong, at least not as powerful as that of the township-level and village-level spacecraft. However, the fate of this city-level spaceship has been doomed to be destroyed. In this case, Xiao Yu naturally will no longer care about such a violent movement and will not cause damage to the hull structure of this city-level spaceship.

"Since it is going to die, it is worthwhile to die. It is not my purpose to blow up only a few of your tentacles."

When countless tentacles came over the sky, Xiao Yu maneuvered the city-level spacecraft and flashed suddenly, flashing a distance of tens of kilometers, letting these tentacles catch the air. Came to another location.

This position ... happens to be beside the strange beast's tail.

"Such a huge tail is definitely not white and long. It is estimated that your most powerful means of attack is this tail ... So, do you eat the prey delivered to your door or not?"

Xiao Yu stared closely at the situation on the battlefield, feeling a little nervous.

There is nothing wrong with this move, Xiao Yu deliberately. Xiao Yu deliberately brought the spaceship to the tail of this strange beast ~ ~ The purpose is to seduce this strange beast to use its tail to attack itself.

If everything goes as expected by Xiao Yu, the ending will be wonderful. Under the explosion of the energy of the four maintenance hoods of a city-level spacecraft, Xiao Yu had at least forty percent chance to blow the tail off directly. While robbing the ghost heart, by the way he caused a serious injury to this strange beast.

Time is quietly passing in microseconds. Under Xiao Yu's gaze, all the actions of this strange beast seem to have slowed down. Xiao Yu watched this city-level spaceship happen to hide beside the strange beast's tail. Xiao Yu watched this strange beast raised his huge tail. Xiao Yu looked at the strange beast's tail and looked towards This city-level ship was beaten relentlessly ...

Everything is as Xiao Yu expected.

"Explore the attack!" Xiao Yu issued a new order. In this order, the target of the attack was not the strange beast, but the municipal ship of its own.

Xiao Yu was worried that the beating of this strange beast would not be enough to destroy this city-level spaceship, so he should give it a boost by himself.

Immediately, a part of the spacecraft turned its muzzle and started bombardment in the face of this city-level spaceship. The defense capability of the municipal ship is much worse than that of the provincial ship. Under such a strong fire attack, its protective cover quickly became brighter. Xiao Yu knew that this was a sign that the protective cover was about to break.

Just when the brightness of the protective cover was raised to the extreme, the huge, devastating atmosphere, carrying a tail that was irresistible to a huge attack, had arrived on this municipal ship.

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