Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 828: Rules are destroyed

Everything that Xiao Yu sees cannot be explained by common sense. Xiao Yu has observed countless strange phenomena. These strange phenomena are in the three-dimensional universe, and in the course of the 100,000 years of Xiao Yu ’s universe, let ’s not say that he has never heard of it.

After undergoing the process of explosion and reorganization, the volume of this small universe is much smaller than before. It is about one-third the size of the original small universe. All the materials in it have disappeared. There are no planets and stars. There is no visible, macroscopic matter.

No, that's not true. Xiao Yu observed that a huge planet suddenly appeared not far from his own detector, or something similar to the planet. It is not spherical, but irregularly shaped, with numerous bumps and depressions on it, and many things like sharp peaks. It suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Yu, and it appeared without any signs. Xiao Yu did not observe any dust condensing process, nor did he notice any signs of large-scale material flow near him.

Leaving aside this article for a moment, the state of existence of this planet is in no way consistent with Xiao Yu's basic physics theory. This planet is very massive. Xiao Yu made a rough estimation and concluded that it is larger than Jupiter in the solar system, and it is absolutely impossible to form such a huge rocky planet in the universe. This is not the point, the most important thing is, how can a planet with such mass not reach the hydrostatic equilibrium to form a sphere, but still maintain an irregular shape?

In addition to this, there are more incredible phenomena on this planet. such as. Something that is clearly a low-temperature solid gas element is mixing with a large mass of high-temperature magma. However, there seems to be no heat conduction between the two, and high-temperature magma and low-temperature solid gaseous elements are thus harmoniously mixed together.

This violates the second law of thermodynamics.

There is also a large piece of rock-like thing suddenly detached from this irregular star, and it is detaching at a very high speed. But Xiao Yu didn't notice any fierce eruption from this star-let such a huge rock leave the body of the planet. In order to break away from the gravity of the planet itself, a large amount of driving force is needed, and such a huge driving force must be exploded violently enough to do so.

This huge rock just broke away from the planet itself for no reason. Immediately after it left the body of the planet, this huge rock suddenly disappeared from Xiao Yu's eyes. After the rock disappeared, the huge, irregular planet also disappeared, as it did when it appeared, without any sign. There is no reason and no explanation.

The disappearance of this irregular planet is just one of many incredible weird phenomena, although in this piece it has reduced its volume by two-thirds. However, in the still huge universe, Xiao Yu was even more horrified. Any of them can overthrow Xiao Yu's current basic science and technology theory, making Xiao Yu feel only an idiot. Things that know nothing about this universe are everywhere. It's happening everywhere.

For example, the speed of light. In this small universe, the speed of light is not a constant, it is a variable, and it is constantly changing. Xiao Yu has so far tested tens of thousands of times on the most important constant in the universe of light speed, and no two times in these tens of thousands of tests have the same test results. Moreover, there is no regularity of distribution among these test data. It suddenly drops to a slower speed than a snail, and may suddenly rise to a speed that is thousands of times faster than the speed of light in a three-dimensional large universe.

In this little universe. Suddenly there is a burst of strong energy that shows no sign, and then suddenly disappears. The entire small universe may be suddenly filled with intense light, and it may suddenly become extremely dark at the next moment. It may suddenly appear all kinds of weird things and then disappear ... everything, nothing is strange, nothing can Explain with any existing theory.

It is strange that the detector launched by Xiao Yu has not been affected in any way. It still follows the laws of the three-dimensional universe and works smoothly.

Xiao Yu's mind was all attracted here, and even the various scientific research work that was originally ongoing stopped. Xiao Yu keenly realized that he might have created a new world unintentionally, and in this world there are endless wealth waiting to be discovered.

Xiao Yu remembered the scene he encountered while traveling across the river through the star gate. In that meaningless three-dimensional universe, Xiao Yu observed a situation similar to this. The speed of light there will change, and so will the speed of light here. It's just that the anomaly here is more severe.

Xiao Yu watched everything here quietly, without interference, only watching here.

Among the strange and endless changes, Xiao Yu noticed a changing trend. The phenomena here still do not follow any laws of physics, but they are moving closer to the laws of the universe. For example, the speed of light. The speed of light in the universe is approximately 300,000 kilometers per second. The speed of light here changes at any time, it may be extremely fast or very slow, but after using some statistical methods to analyze, Xiao Yu discovered this.

Xiao Yu divides it according to a time interval every five minutes. Among the 50,000 data observed in the previous interval, the closest data to the speed of light in the three-dimensional universe is 220,000 kilometers per second. It was 80,000 kilometers, the largest gap was 13 million kilometers per second, and the gap was 12.7 million kilometers. In this interval, Xiao Yu also observed 50,000 data. Among the 50,000 data observed this time, the data closest to the speed of light became 370,000 kilometers per second. The gap has been shortened from 80,000 kilometers to 70,000 kilometers, and the gap in the fastest speed has also narrowed to some extent.

Not only is the speed of light, the gravitational constants, the four basic forces are completely different here and in the three-dimensional big universe, but after analyzing these data in different time intervals, Xiao Yu found that these constants are also adding data to the big universe. Move closer.

After Xiao Yu's detector entered this small universe, Xiao Yu also noticed that the intensity of the signs of this small universe is getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of recovering the strength of the signs of the quality of this small universe is also accelerating. .

This phenomenon is weird, as if ... it was like the arrival of this detector, which brought the rules of the big universe into this small universe.

"This small universe was previously without rules. It is precisely because there are no rules and no physical laws, so here, no matter how weird things can happen. Alas, no right. This small universe also seems to be gradually evolving. It The anomalous drastic changes are gradually subsiding, it seems to have formed its own set of rules system that is different from the universe. But the arrival of my detector seems to impose a certain image on it, destroying its original formation The rules of the universe are brought here instead. "

"But ... what is driving the formation of rules? Why was the pace at which this small universe originally formed its own rules was interrupted after my detector entered this small universe? Uh ... since this small universe can form My own is different from another theoretical system of the three-dimensional big universe. Is there a similar situation in the rest of the meaningless three-dimensional space or in the small universe? "

Xiao Yu has basically determined this. After he detonated the entire small universe and then recovered, it did not form an ordinary small universe again. Instead, it was like the Big Bang, Pangu opened up the world, and formed its own. A set of rules. The previous rules were destroyed along with the explosion of the universe.

"Maybe, our big universe also experienced such a process at the beginning of its formation. At the beginning of our big universe's formation, there were no rules, no laws of physics ~ ~, just evolved in the long run in the future. In the meantime, our large universe has evolved the current theoretical system? Is it that everything I have studied and all known scientific theories and materials are only unique to this large universe and not universal? "

"Who promoted the formation of this rule? Is it the proctor teacher? No, it should not be him. He should be the guardian of the rules. When the universe was first formed, these rules should be formed spontaneously, and then there was the proctor teacher. Guardians come to guard these rules. "

"The rules in the small universe are gradually moving closer to the rules of the big universe because they are affected by the creations of the big universe. But if it has not been affected by any external influences, what will it eventually develop into? There are ways to change, so how do the rules in the universe change? "

At this moment, Xiao Yu's heart was chaotic. Xiao Yu remembered that the speed of light had been reduced by 521 microns when he carried out a super-accelerated test to impact the seventh-level civilization. This is undoubtedly the phenomenon that the rules of the universe are changed. There is no doubt that the rules of the universe can be changed, but how can we change the rules of the universe now?

There are endless doubts circling in Xiao Yu's mind, Xiao Yu's heart is chaotic, and I don't know how to think about these things. (To be continued ...) ()

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