Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 835: Finding the Ancestor

Xiao Yu once gained two lives from the solar system. Now, Xiao Yu hopes to get a third life from the solar system. This is really important to Xiao Yu. This is a huge mystery, and the key clue to solving the mystery may be hidden in the solar system.

Xiao Yu did not adopt the method of long-distance observation, but controlled his observation fleet to approach the solar system slowly by conventional navigation. First crossed by Xiao Yu was the Oort Cloud of the solar system.

The Orte cloud is as empty and silent as usual, and there is basically no difference between it and the rest of the universe. But through the telescope, Xiao Yu can detect that there are countless asteroids, and broken stones are scattered in this long void. There is no value in observation here, so Xiao Yu directly passed over here and proceeded to the inner solar system.

Xiao Yu only looked at the faint star in the distance using observation instruments equivalent to human naked eyes. Above this distance, the sun is just a star. Although it is a bit brighter, it is not different from the rest of the stars in the celestial sphere. It's just a dot-like structure, and with human vision, it's hard to see any details on it.

Xiao Yu's fleet continued to advance. After more than a year, Xiao Yu reached the first outer planet of the solar system, the Lost Star.

After adjusting the sailing direction, Xiao Yu's detection fleet successfully entered the orbit of the Lost Star, and sent a landing force to the Lost Star for further exploration.

The Lost Star is still quiet, it seems that the endless time has not brought any change to it. There is still hydrogen that has frozen into a solid. Methane, dry ice, water, etc. accumulate on it. A strange light flickered under the illumination of the detection robot's lighting equipment. It's dark and cold here, and all the near-Earth space is filled with an ancient and wild atmosphere.

The near-surface detection robot did not find the above anomaly here. In the orbit, the detection equipment with a wider field of vision found a little anomaly. Xiao Yu noticed that compared with the last time he had not destroyed the civilization of the sweeper, the data on the detection of the lost star had been seen. The meteorite impact crater above the Lost Star was about three percentage points less, and the locations of several giant dry ice glaciers that were slowly moving back slightly.

what does this mean. Xiao Yu knew very well. This is not a good sign. Xiao Yu's mood was a bit heavy again for no reason.

Xiao Yu's fleet continued to advance and entered the Kuiper Belt after crossing the track of the Lost Star. Strictly speaking, Pluto is also a Kuiper Belt object, it is not a real large planet. Because it does not have the ability to clear the remaining celestial bodies in its orbit. Ceres, Marriage, Zina. Stars such as Sedna are in the Kuiper belt.

Xiao Yu's exploration fleet visited these planets one by one, but nothing was gained. The scientific value of these stars is not too great, so even the previous Xiao Yu did not spend much energy on these stars.

After crossing these planets, Xiao Yu's fleet reached the first truly large planet in the solar system, Neptune. Neptune is a huge planetary system with many large and small moons orbiting Neptune. Xiao Yu has a lot more understanding of Neptune. After full exploration of Neptune, Xiao Yu's mood sank again.

The data previously explored by Neptune and Xiao Yu are not very different. In fact, millions of years is really not too long for the evolution of stars. Even though Neptune has also experienced a retrograde time, millions of years are not enough to make Neptune change too much. But a slight change. It was enough for Xiao Yu to notice.

For example, a satellite of Neptune was pulled by Neptune's gravity at all times, and its geological structure has shown some signs of instability, with volcanoes and earthquakes on it, and orogenic movement. The hot underground magma poured out and melted the dry ice and water ice on it, making it look like a fountain.

After the measurement, Xiao Yu confirmed that the geological activity of the satellite was reduced by a few tenths of a percentage point compared to the previous one. This means that the time above it has also produced some backflow. Its degree of instability slowly increases with the progress of time, and now it has become a bit more stable, which naturally means that the time above it has produced a backward flow. The degree of its decrease in geological activity is exactly in line with Xiao Yu's speculation.

In addition to these things, Xiao Yu also found that on the remaining satellites, the number of meteorite impact craters was a little less, and the huge cyclone above Neptune returned to it at a normal speed according to the data he had speculated. Where should it be millions of years ago.

This is also not a good sign.

"It can already be confirmed that time has gone backwards in the Milky Way." Xiao Yu thought silently. The discovery in the solar system completely broke the last luck of Xiao Yu's heart. There is only one thing left for Xiao Yu's hope now, and that is, even if time has really gone backwards, there are primitive apes on the earth. As long as there are primitive ape people, Xiao Yu can prove that he really exists here.

2.5 million years ago, primitive apes have appeared on the earth. According to the geographical division, there are Yuanmou people, Lantian people, Beijing people, Java erect people and so on. It was an era when mammoths and saber-toothed tigers were rampant. But at that time, ancient humans had shown their own special characteristics. They chose to walk upright and mastered fire and simple stone tools.

Primitive apes are not really humans, but they don't differ much from modern human genes. As long as they exist, Xiao Yu can prove what he wants to understand.

With a little anxiety, Xiao Yu's fleet continued to move forward. After crossing Neptune, Uranus orbits. However, at the moment Uranus is on the other side of the sun, Xiao Yu did not explore it, but changed his orbit slightly, moving towards Saturn's orbit.

Saturn's moon, Titan is Xiao Yu's second important exploration target besides Earth. This is almost equal to Xiao Yu's second hometown. Xiao Yu originally took Titan as the pedal and evolved from interplanetary navigation to interstellar navigation.

Xiao Yu's spacecraft successfully entered Titan's orbit and landed on it. Presented in front of Xiao Yu is a slightly dark sea. There is also a tide above Titan, the rushing waves constantly beat the coast, and the sound is transmitted through the dense air above Titan to the sound sensor of the detection robot.

Titan has not changed. Here, Xiao Yu issued the activation key scheduled for the Titan base, but after waiting for a while, Xiao Yu did not receive any response.

As Xiao Yu expected, all the bases he once built on Titan, all buildings disappeared. Xiao Yu reached Titan's Shangdu District, but Shangdu District was just a flat open space, extremely empty. Only a few small lakes made of liquid methane lay there quietly without any trace of anyone involved.

Xiao Yu did not leave willingly, but set his sights on those huge methane lakes and methane oceans. After successfully creating several heat sources, Xiao Yu's expectation appeared.

It was a large swarm of black insects. Endless black bugs crawled out of the methane lake and crawled towards these heat sources regardless of their body.

"This is a black bug ..." After catching some black bugs for detailed analysis, Xiao Yu confirmed this. This is undoubtedly the black bug that I have encountered and arrested and used them to make a spaceship.

This is the first creature in Xiao Yu's memory to be number one. By now, Xiao Yu's spirit was finally invigorated.

There is also an obvious time-lapse on Titan, but the existence of these black worms is obviously not only 2.5 million years. So, even if time has gone back for so long, these black worms still exist.

After leaving some detection instruments on Titan, Xiao Yu's detection fleet continued to reach Jupiter's orbit. Unsurprisingly, Xiao Yu didn't expect that there were any primitive ghosts among Jupiter.

Crossing the Jupiter orbit is the asteroid belt, and crossing the asteroid belt is Mars. There is a little difference between Mars and Mars in Xiao Yu's memory ~ ~ The large and small craters caused by the massive meteorite impact caused by the earth's explosion have all disappeared from Mars because of the wood The stripping of the atmosphere caused by the moon collision also disappeared. Mars now looks like it's back on track, returning to its original appearance.

Crossing Mars is Xiao Yu's hometown, the earth.

Xiao Yu's mood was tense at this moment. The earth is still showing a faint azure color as before, some white is filled between these azure colors, but there is not much green.

Xiao Yu's heart sank slightly. Xiao Yu knew very well that the blue was sea water, and those white were all glaciers.

There is no doubt that the earth has retreated to the ice age.

Although this disappointed Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu was always psychologically prepared, but did not have much psychological fluctuation. After looking at the general condition of the earth, Xiao Yu sent his own landing troops.

"Whether it's Beijing people, Yuanmou people, or Lantian people, Homo erectus doesn't matter, as long as I can find the ancient ancestors of mankind here ..." Xiao Yu prayed silently in his heart. (To be continued ...)

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