Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 845: Dark Star Civilization

A few decades ago, another huge civilization was quietly developing here in this river system called the triangle, more than three million light years away from Xiao Yu.

"Leaving the galaxy, we no longer need to use the name of the Guardian Civilization. Starting today, we will restore our original name. From now on, we will be the Dark Star civilization ..."

"The superparticle accelerated test has been determined to be successful. We have obtained all the test data we want. The air-energy formula is only one step away from us. Roughly, it has passed since our civilization left the galaxy. For more than ten thousand years ... "

A creature that was extraordinarily tall compared to the other intelligent creatures of the Dark Star civilization was standing in front of the porthole of a huge spaceship, watching the infinitely quiet Xinghe outside the window, muttering to himself here. The scenes of past events passed by its eyes, letting it sink into endless memories.

It is the leader of this entire civilization, and it is the master of the entire triangle of the triangle. Under it, there are trillions of intelligent creatures struggling for this civilization. In addition to these intelligent creatures of this civilization, there are a greater number of dependent ethnic intelligent creatures serving them. Guardian civilization, no, the scale of the Dark Star civilization at this moment is larger than when the Guardian civilization was in its heyday in the Milky Way.

"If we hadn't encountered another advanced civilization during the journey and received their help, I'm afraid we are still slowly moving along the star road at this moment." The leader thought silently, "I don't know what the situation of Shenzhou civilization is at this moment. What happened? The deep space network detection array tells me. In the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, it seems that something extraordinary has happened, and what seems to have happened. I do n’t know that Shenzhou civilization is in this incident. How it was affected. "

"No matter how the Shenzhou civilization develops, they have little hope of becoming a seventh-level civilization. With the help of that advanced civilization, we who have successfully become a seventh-level civilization will have an overwhelming advantage over the Shenzhou civilization. The Shenzhou civilization It has lost the threat to us, it is just a small stumbling block, at this moment. It is no longer qualified to attract my attention. Our Dark Star civilization will step onto a wider stage and have a more brilliant development prospect. The rest Seven-level civilization, and even higher civilizations. It is the object we need to face. Well ... now that we have stepped into the category of seventh-level civilization, then we also have the ability to launch "it."

"It" is the most important and secret existence in the Dark Star civilization. The entire dark star civilization. Among trillions of wisdom. It is only known to its leaders and several of the most critical scientists. It has not left any computer or paper records in the Dark Star civilization, and no records of any meetings about it have been made. Its existence, only through the communication between languages, exists in the minds of these key figures.

"If this kind of security measures were not taken, after the Shenzhou civilization broke through the small universe of our civilization, captured the Glory, and captured the central computer. Its existence will definitely be exposed. As long as it is exposed, the Shenzhou civilization will never let go We. Our civilization may be dead at this moment. "The leader secretly thought," For it, no matter how strict the security measures are, it is not excessive. "

Even the leader of the Dark Star civilization knows little about this intelligent creature standing here patrolling his vast territory at this moment. This is not the reason for the classification, but this thing is too mysterious. Every year, the Dark Star civilization has a lot of resources coming to the hands of those scientists through secret channels for research on this thing, but even so Dark Star civilization still knows very little about it.

The only two points that can be determined are that this thing is extremely powerful and even destroys the power of the river system. The second point is that only after it has become a level seven civilization and masters the transformation between space and energy, can it be launched. ability.

Now, the Dark Star civilization has become a seventh-level civilization. Mastering the formula of air energy and mastering the transformation between space and energy has only become a matter of time. In other words, the Dark Star civilization can already grasp "it" and let it exert its power.

The leader's gaze looked out of the porthole, into the distance of the river. The distance between the river systems is like a tadpole, which constrains all civilizations below level 7 to within the river system, hindering the communication between civilizations. This situation, of course, will cause the existence of different civilizations in different river systems, and the different river systems will basically not affect each other. Before the Guardian civilization arrived, it was the same in the triangle system.

The local forces in the Triangulum galaxy develop quietly and quietly in their own river system. There are also wars and cooperation between them. However, no matter how fierce the war is, it is limited to this river system . The arrival of the guardian civilization changed the situation here.

The Guardian civilization from the Milky Way galaxy has an absolute advantage when facing the indigenous civilization of the Triangulum galaxy. Although the civilizations of the Triangular galaxy have united unprecedentedly when they encounter foreign enemies, the gap in technology is too great. Even after the war with the Shenzhou civilization, the guardian civilization that has suffered severe damage still remains. Not that they can resist. The river alliance was defeated, the stubborn resistance was destroyed, the obedient became slaves, and became a vassal of the guardian civilization.

In this strange river system, the Dark Star civilization relied on its own warships and the cannons on the warships to create a new world here. In this process, I do n’t know how many sad and sorrowful stories or lingering love and hatred happened, but all this is not important. All this is over. People only need to know that the triangle system of the triangle is at the moment. The name is Dark Star Civilization, and that's enough.

At this moment, in front of the leader, there are countless civilizations and countless intelligent creatures, and countless spacecraft are shuttled between them. These spaceships and intelligent creatures are like a hard-working worker ant, relying on their weak power to build this huge empire.

The Dark Star civilization, which has condensed the strength of the entire river system, began to develop in peace without any external enemies and without any pressure. Finally, in the recent period, it successfully carried out the super particle acceleration test and obtained a civilization promotion. All science and technology information needed for level seven.

"I don't know if the rest of the advanced civilizations have sheltered us in secret or what, I always feel that our steps to promote the seventh-level civilization are a little too smooth." The leader thought about this question with anxiety. "This process is just logical. There are no twists and turns. But it should not seem to be the case. From the analysis of a large amount of data, we know that there is still a chance of failure to impact the seventh-level civilization. The loser may be destroyed or it may become a Taihao civilization, and why Is our civilisation progressing so smoothly? "

"I heard that during the accelerated test of super particles, the defenders of this universe will be shocked. The defenders will judge this civilization according to certain rules, but in the process of impacting the seventh-level civilization, we did not feel any A powerful existence noticed us. Is it all a rumor? But if this is a rumor, there have been as many Level 6 civilizations in the galaxy as there have been six river civilizations. Why is there no successful promotion of a Level 6 civilization? Even so Are the powerful Shenzhou civilizations stuck in the category of level 6 civilization? "

At this moment, there are many doubts in the leader's mind. Unfortunately, these doubts are destined to be answered by no one.

Slightly depressing the uneasy thoughts in his heart, the leader continued to think: "Anyway, our civilization has become a seventh-level civilization anyway, so there is no need to worry about so many things. We are about to master the formula of air energy, we are going to have activation "It" ability, then it is the business to continue thinking about the path that should be followed. "

"Scientists have found several ways to deal with neutron war stars based on the theory of level seven civilizations, and are currently conducting feasibility tests. When the results of the tests come out, we will proceed with the manufacture of these weapons. Although Some strange changes have occurred in the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy, but we estimate that the probability of the existence of the Shenzhou civilization and the sweeper civilization is still very large ~ ~ Just wait for us to prepare for a period of time, we Will enter the Milky Way, a shame before the snow ... "

"It would be a bit boring to set the" It "test target as the Milky Way. Let's set the target as the Large Magellan Galaxy, which has also undergone weird changes, and its volume and mass have been greatly reduced ..."

"Leader, the Central Academy of Sciences has just heard the news. The final theoretical calculation results have come out. Our formula has been tested and confirmed to be correct! Yes, leader, our civilization has mastered the air energy formula!"

"Very good," the leader said with relief. "Call these scientists together. I'll call a meeting ... tell them, and say, I plan to destroy the Large Magellanic Cloud ..."

"Just by the destruction of the Large Magellanic Cloud, give the Shenzhou civilization and the Sweeper civilization an early warning, and let them feel the unstoppable strength of our Dark Star civilization ... The destruction of the Large Magellanic Cloud will be the destruction of these two civilizations A precursor to it. "

The leader said lightly, there was an irresistible mystery and excitement in his tone. (To be continued ...)

ps: Today will be five more changes, this is the first change.

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