Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 852: Get technology

Xiao Yu never thought that in the matter of destroying micro civilization and destroying the Magellan galaxy, there were still other forces participating in this matter. Xiao Yu can confirm that this matter is progressing very naturally, and it is entirely driven by himself. If you do n’t hear the saying of micro civilization here, you may never find the mess behind this matter.

From your own standpoint, this matter is not bad for you, but because of being paid as an executor, you also get a little benefit and catch the micro civilization. But the influence of these things is not just superficial, they have deeper meaning behind them.

For example, what is the relationship between the Guardian Civilization, or the civilization that has been renamed the Dark Star Civilization according to the micro civilization, and the Rebel Alliance? Xiao Yu understands the guilt of guilt. At the beginning, they were only a sixth-level civilization. Why can they have such things as causal weapons? Why did the guardian civilization leave, and why did the rebels keep watching themselves, but left very quickly after they arrived?

There were simply too many doubts in Xiao Yu's mind, so much that he couldn't sort out the context between these events.

"This so-called cosmic consciousness, that is, the existence of presiding rules, perfecting cause and effect, and providing me with reward, belongs to the defenders or the rebel alliance? Or is it independent, which is the third party power I have speculated? Guardian Is civilization leaving to avoid me? Perhaps the limitation of using causal weapons lies in this. If you want to break the cause and effect, you will be punished by the consciousness of the universe. I came here and came to the triangle system of the triangle. Eliminate the responsibility of the guardian civilization, and the emergence of the rebels may guide the guardian civilization, so the guardian civilization will rush out of here. "

"At least. The consciousness of the great universe does not belong to the rebel side. Then there are only two possibilities. One. It is the defender. The defender only acts according to the rules. There is no good or evil. There is no personal tendency. What the defender likes. But after I do obedience to the defender, it still pays me and rewards me. Second, the consciousness of the universe is independent, only these two possibilities. "

"The intention of the Great Universe this time may be missed, because of the interference of the Rebel Alliance, the Guardian Civilization has left the triangle system in advance. I don't know where to go."

Xiao Yu is not malicious to the Guardian civilization, but if the mysterious cause and effect interferes, even if Xiao Yu is not malicious, something may happen, which makes Xiao Yu start to hate the Guardian civilization. Eventually shot them to destroy them.

In addition, Xiao Yu also needs to think about another thing, that is, whether the guardian civilization is still malicious to himself. The guardian civilization is inextricably linked to the rebels. At the same time, they have a causal weapon that can destroy the river system, which is a great threat to themselves. If there is a possibility of war with the guardian civilization in the future, I will have to make some preparations in advance.

"Perhaps ... the guardian civilization is a chess piece that the rebels have cultivated against me. The rebels may not have the ability to shoot directly at me, including the time of the river, including the cultivation of the guardian civilization. They can only use this tortuous way Deal with me. In the future, I will likely encounter the guardian civilization and personally face the power of the causal weapon ... "

Xiao Yu thought silently and sighed secretly in his heart.

"The Guardian civilization has gone to the Flying Kite galaxy of the Virgo galaxy group," said the micro civilization. "They have been gone for more than a thousand years. But we don't know their specific routes. Roughly, they have become a seventh-level civilization. After that, they should have gone more than a million light years away. "

Of course, micro-civilization is not the name of the flying kite galaxy. The same river system has another name within the micro civilization. However, there is a principle of communication between civilizations, that is, nouns and quantifiers, as well as some other civilization-specific titles, will be accompanied by corresponding explanations. For example, if the name of the flying kite galaxy is directly translated according to the language of micro civilization, it seems to be the meaning of the Big Bird galaxy. Speaking directly of the Big Bird Galaxy, Xiao Yu naturally does not know which river system the micro-civilization is talking about. However, it is very easy for Xiao Yu to attach information such as location, diameter, mass, element composition, surrounding river systems, etc. Make sure that what microcosm is talking about is what it calls the Flying Kite Galaxy.

In addition to these, other quantifiers, such as meters, kilometers, etc., are the same. When communicating with the rest of civilizations, when speaking the word Mi, Xiao Yu also attached a corresponding explanation. The explanation for meters is the distance traveled by light in one second of 299,792,485 seconds. The explanation for seconds is between the two superfine energy levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom. The transition corresponds to a duration of 9,192,631,770 cycles of radiation.

This is the universal communication rule in the universe. Even if there is a civilization that does not know this rule, after Xiao Yu uses this method to communicate, he will quickly adopt this method.

"Flying kite galaxy?" Xiao Yu froze for a moment.

The flying kite galaxy is famous, and Xiao Yu cannot fail to know the name. If the Milky Way galaxy is compared to a county seat and the Andromeda galaxy is compared to a prefecture-level city, then the Flying Kite Galaxy is at least a capital-level international metropolis. Because the flying kite galaxy is the core of the entire Virgo super galaxy cluster.

Our Milky Way galaxy, and even the fairy galactic galaxy group, belong to the unremarkable desert village in the Virgo super galaxy cluster. Fairy-members of the Milky Way Galaxy cluster are not many, and their mass is not great. No matter from which point of view, the fairy galactic galaxy cluster has nothing outstanding. The core of the Virgo supercluster is the Virgo galaxy group, and the core of the Virgo galaxy group is the flying kite galaxy.

Compared to the Milky Way galaxy, the galaxy is one in the sky and one in the ground.

There is no such thing as a river system called the Virgo Galaxy in the universe. The reason why our local super galaxy cluster is called the Virgo super galaxy cluster is that it has such a name because the mass core of this super galaxy cluster is located in the direction of Virgo above the earth. Even if Xiao Yu has become a seventh-level civilization, travel across the river system is only casual, Xiao Yu still uses the name that has been passed down from the ancient earth era.

The flying kite galaxy is very large. The latest detection result of Xiao Yu is that the flying kite galaxy has a diameter of at least one million light years. In contrast, the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years, and the Andromeda galaxy is only 200,000 light. Only years. It is also very heavy, and Xiao Yu estimates that at least two trillion stars are operating inside it. There are only more than 100 billion stars in the Milky Way.

The most prominent point of the Flying Kite Galaxy is that it has a huge black hole inside it. This black hole has a mass of at least 6 billion times the mass of the sun. In contrast, the black hole at the core of the Milky Way is only a few million times the mass of the sun.

The flying kite galaxy originally had another name. In the Earth's era, it was called m87, or the Virgo a galaxy. However, Xiao Yu renamed it, and the Flying Kite Galaxy is its new name.

The flying kite galaxy is about 50 million light-years away from the Milky Way. This distance, even at the speed of Xiao Yu at this moment, will continue to sail for more than 30,000 years. Counting the supply in the middle and other things, if Xiao Yu wants to set off to fly to the kite galaxy, it will definitely not work without 40,000 years.

Even using the star gate that once existed in the galaxy for such a long journey, it would take more than 500 years to reach it. In contrast, the journey from the Milky Way to the Andromeda galaxy only took Xiao Yu more than two years with that gate.

"The Guardian Civilization actually went to the Flying Kite Galaxy ..." Xiao Yu sighed secretly. "The technology of the Guardian Civilization should be a little behind compared to me. It is a thousand and one hundred times the speed of light ... In the sixth civilization At that time, the guardian civilization dared to set off from the Milky Way galaxy to the Triangular galaxy. Now that the seventh-level civilization, the guardian civilization has set off from the Triangular galaxy to the flying kite galaxy ... this civilization is really ... "

Flying kite galaxy is one of the river systems that Xiao Yu has decided to go in the future. This means that Xiao Yu will have a great chance to encounter the guardian civilization who has mastered the causal weapon in the future.

"Tangled with the Rebel Alliance, the Guardian Civilization should also be hostile to me ... maybe in the future, a war between me and the Guardian Civilization will be inevitable. So how to deal with this law of cause and effect Weapons still need to be carefully considered. "

"But this matter is not anxious, I still have a lot of time ..." Xiao Yu thought silently, and said to the micro civilization, "Open your data channel ~ ~ Let me enter your central computer In the process, I got all the information about your civilization. Rest assured, after I get what I want, you can leave, and there will be no relationship between our two civilizations. "

Facing Xiao Yu's request, micro-civilization is very helpless, but there is no way. When civilization's life and death are held in the hands of others, they really have no ability to resist. As a result, the data channel was opened and Xiao Yu's computing power poured in.

Lots of data about micro-civilization were copied by Xiao Yu and stored in Xiao Yu's computing equipment. This scenario lasted for more than a week.


Don't talk about my water ... Some "book-seekers" have been questioning the rainbow, saying that Xiao Yu had just stepped out of the Milky Way and unified the universe's weights and measures and various names, and also said that rainbow is too earth and human Centered, otherwise why no matter what civilization is called light years and kilometers and so on? And I have been entangled all the time, saying that the warship is unreasonable ... No way, in order to let more book friends understand, Rainbow only explained this issue in the chapter.

Eh ... today it will be changed, tomorrow's update will be a little later, but tomorrow will be added less today.

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