Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 860: Fairy

Xiao Yu confirmed that he had seen the star before. After entering the various parameters of the star into its own huge database, and comparing them slightly, all the data about the star came out.

"Can I take a look at the third planet near this star?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Of course you can," said the receptionist. "In an accidental situation, we found these poor low-level civilized and intelligent creatures. At that time, they were suffering from cosmic rays, and the epidemic was spreading within the civilization, but they did not. The slightest way. So without moving them, we moved their entire galaxy into the building and repaired their damaged genes with another kind of rays. Now they are healthy. "

Xiao Yu's robot quietly came to the third planet of the star as the receptionist boarded a small spacecraft. The receptionist continued: "According to the laws prevailing within civilizations, we cannot interfere with civilizations below the third level except when necessary. However, since you have requested it, we can naturally meet you. This is a personal dimension This equipment can support your comfortable survival on this planet. If you need to leave, just call us and we will pick you up. "

"Thank you for your help." This robot, under the control of Xiao Yu, took personal support equipment provided by the architectural civilization, left the spacecraft, and quietly came to the surface of the planet.

Xiao Yu turned on the hidden system equipped on the robot, so it was completely hidden from the sun. Xiao Yu manipulated it and walked into the city. My heart is full of sighs.

Everything Xiao Yu here is familiar, including the slightly cluttered streets and turbulent crowds. All sorts of buildings ... people here have the appearance of humans on earth, and they are generally the same in terms of genetic sequences. Because all of them are made by Xiao Yu, based on Zhang Shengya's genes.

"Aya, are you still on this planet? Lina, how about you?" Xiao Yu thought silently.

This star, and the planet, and this many people. Many buildings were built by Zhang Yu for Zhang Shengya.

Xiao Yu at the time. Created such a world for Zhang Shengya, and then left the galaxy. After that, a series of things happened, and the galaxy changed dramatically. All civilized and intelligent creatures have disappeared. Xiao Yu also left the Milky Way, the Fairy Galaxy cluster, and came to this distant Maffei cluster. Xiao Yu never imagined that he would be here and see this star, this planet, and once again see the world he created.

The level of science and technology on this planet has not improved much, they still maintain the level of technology when Xiao Yu built them. Now, tens of thousands of years have passed since then. Except for the human beings who have lived here for generations, there seems to be no change at all.

Xiao Yu didn't know what caused this situation. Perhaps Zhang Shengya limited the development of science and technology here by some means, or because of some other reasons, this civilization took another path, who can tell clearly.

Walking in this bustling city, feeling the rush of traffic and people around, Xiao Yu's heart was full of emotion. It was already dusk, but there was no sign of quietness here, but it was more noisy. Xiao Yu's robot has turned on the hidden system, so no one can see Xiao Yu.

"In the tens of thousands of years, what exactly happened here?" Xiao Yu thought silently. "From the Milky Way to the Maffei Galaxy, the journey is tens of thousands of light years away, and who is it? , Moved this galaxy here? "

It seemed that Xiao Yu was very interested in the planet, and the voice of the receptionist was transmitted to the robot here through communication equipment: "The encounter with this galaxy was only a coincidence. They do not seem to be the indigenous people of the Maffei River system. They seem to come from another river system. As for who carried them here, we don't know. It is because of the change of river system that they came to different environments and were exposed to new rays. So severe an epidemic has spread. If we hadn't found them early, the planet would have become a dead planet. "

"Thank you for your kindness." Xiao Yu said, "The inhabitants on this planet have some relationship with me. Thank you for saving them. Let them live quietly under your shelter, I believe you will They are well taken care of. "

Xiao Yu didn't say much, didn't explain what the source was. The receptionist did not ask again.

Xiao Yu continued to stroll until he reached the center of the city. There is a huge architectural community similar to the ancient palace. Xiao Yu quietly entered it. Perhaps in this palace, there is still a diligent king, a huge harem group, or there are some sad women who are using their ridiculous schemes to fight there, and there may be loyal ministers, There may be treacherous officials, or countless stories of sadness and joy, staged here, but Xiao Yu is not interested in all of this.

Xiao Yu came to the archives of this empire. These are some rooms that exist in the corner of the palace. There are thick books stored here. On this, you can find all the records of this civilization since the beginning of the text.

Through a special technology, Xiao Yu's robot extracted all the information recorded in all the books here in a few seconds, and then transmitted this information back to his own brain. Then in less than one ten thousandth of a second thereafter, the complete history of this civilization has passed through Xiao Yu's mind.

In this, Xiao Yu found traces of Zhang Shengya's existence. It is recorded in the history books that it was a peerless woman who seemed to fall from the sky. She was like a beacon that illuminated the direction of the entire empire. She has an immaculate face and the same ability as a fairy. It is said that she was a fairy in the sky and came to this world.

She has been watching this empire for thousands of years. Generations of kings are born and then grow old. Every king must get her authorization to legally reach the throne. Under her care, the empire is getting healthier and the people live and work in peace ...

It was the brightest millennium in the history of the Empire.

But one day, the other gods in the sky descended, and took a huge flying machine to pick her up with her maid, who also had immature abilities around her. Since then, disaster has landed on this land.

"A huge flying machine ... that could be the Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization. Perhaps, at that time, the Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization had already noticed that the galaxy was about to change, so she took her in advance and gave her protection "Xiao Yu thought silently.

The history book says that one night after she left, all the stars in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the sky often showed the color of blue or blood red, as if the sky was bleeding. This situation lasted for several years. After a few years, the stars reappeared, but they were completely different from before.

What reappeared was a starry sky completely strange. There are only a few stars that are familiar to people-these stars are the rest of the planets in this galaxy, Xiao Yu thought so-the other stars are completely unknown. People rely on the movement of stars to guide farming, which has led to confusion, and it took a few years to barely adapt.

People frown all day, headed by the king, and the entire royal family begins to bow and pray before the palace where she once lived, praying that she can return to the land she once sheltered. It is generally believed that it was because of her disappointment that she departed and no longer sheltered the land.

"With her, the disaster will not dare come to us. When she leaves, the disaster will come." People thought.

In fact, as people think ~ ~ In the decades after the stars reappeared in the night sky, a strange disease began to spread quietly among the crowd and got the disease In humans, cysts can develop from festering and eventually vomiting blood and dying. The Empire's medical system is helpless in the face of this condition. It does not appear to be an infectious disease, and it can occur in any population. As a result, the Empire's population began to decline. There is no way people can get this disease. The only thing they can do is keep praying that she can return.

"This is obviously a disease caused by the exposure to cosmic ray radiation. Obviously, these intelligent creatures born in the Milky Way galaxy cannot adapt to the environment of the Muffin 1 galaxy." Xiao Yu thought silently.

Perhaps it was the effect of prayer, and the disease suddenly disappeared someday. The sick began to regain health, and none of them got the disease. It is a bit worrying that all the stars in the sky have disappeared again, except for the few who are most familiar.

"This is where the architectural civilization discovered them, and moved them together with the entire galaxy into the building." Xiao Yu thought.

There is no valuable record here. The rest is the history of the empire, and Xiao Yu is not interested in these things. (To be continued ...)

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